I hope GGG sticks to their vision of a slower PoE 2

Death140495 wrote:
PoE Good D4 bad, That is all!
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Death140495 wrote:
PoE Good D4 bad, That is all!


While I agree, I still hope Diablo 4 improves though
"For we are not now that strength, which in old days moved Earth and Heaven. That which we are, we are; one equal strength of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate, but strong in will: to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield." - Ulysses, Tennyson
I would be careful with that monkey's paw, I don't think GGG says slower meaning the game is less zoomy, I'm pretty sure they mean time to level 100
I hope it will be less zoomy, where also high-level character must interact with game mechanics beyond "enter map" and "leave map". When I look at some of the videos from streamers zooming across the map with graphical effects flying off in every direction, it looks like a recipe for getting a brain seizure or something.

Anyway, what I liked with my little visit in Diablo 4 during a server slam, was that things were slower and we had to actually fight packs instead of just run through them while everything auto-died. I hope POE 2 will be slower and that game resources are much better balanced. That way we won't have the "rate war" between mana, healing, damage etc, so that it would be possible to REACT to damage without dying. Right now in POE, you can die so fast the brain can't even register it before the respawn window pops up. One frame you're fine and at full health, next frame you're dead. "We" have gotten kinda used to the absurdity from playing the game for years, but it's not a great game design nor balance, which makes it hard for new players to get into the game.

TOTA has taken it to even more extremes, where everything that moves can and will oneshot you.
They will change their mind as soon the sales will go down.
PoE 2 sounds lik something that everyone would jump on to test it out since its new and shiny and be back to PoE after they get bored after two weeks-month (to never come back to PoE 2)
Last edited by Aynix#7757 on Oct 11, 2023, 5:20:56 PM
WickedSausage wrote:
Path of Exile 2 looks amazing and I really hope they dare to make it different from PoE 1, especially toning down the super-zoomy late game.

With that said, this doesnt mean I want snails-pace gameplay. I get that the video footage of PoE 2 is from early acts and that it will increase.
I just hope they keep the rate at a moderate level.

Atleast personally I get really bored with super zoomy characters, and this league I by mistake went there.
But at the same time there is no denying the game rewards Zoomy playstyles.
Problem is that I think the game actually becomes more mindless the further you get, not to mention there is no visual clarity of what is happening.
Everything just starts feeling the same.

Rituals - I pop potions and barely see whats happening. If shit goes badly its usually over in an instant.

Immortal Syndicate - I do the same thing, I know they do moves and shit buuuut once again I can barley see them and might aswell just blast away.

Incursion - Once again all about speed and blasting things. I barely pay attention to what the architects are doing.

Delv - Same thing.

There are so many advantages of toning things down for PoE 2.

-Deeper combat gameplay

-More timing on flasks/abilities

-More visual clarity

-Easier to balance.

-More time to react to threats and less unexpected insta-deaths

-less zoomy speed, means you dont spend as much time sorting stash between maps.

-Easier to play Hardcore

-Easier to play Co-op with friends (Its a nightmare currently)

(And yes I know Ruthless exist as a option, but its too extreme, maybe 5 years ago it would have been an option. But not really now when I got a family and a full time job)

Anyway can't wait for PoE 2 and I hope they stick to their vision. PoE 1 can always exist for those who want that super-fast gameplay option.

Yeah, I agree.

Good post 👍
They got the winning formula with PoE 1 already; start out slow, gradually increase speed, damage, screen vomit etc. with each update and the masses will gobble it up every time. When the game becomes an unfixable mess, it's time for PoE 3.

If you're capable of repeating the success, why wouldn't you?
Anonymous1749704 wrote:
They got the winning formula with PoE 1 already; start out slow, gradually increase speed, damage, screen vomit etc. with each update and the masses will gobble it up every time. When the game becomes an unfixable mess, it's time for PoE 3.

If you're capable of repeating the success, why wouldn't you?

Diablo 3
Diablo 4
valarias wrote:
Anonymous1749704 wrote:
They got the winning formula with PoE 1 already; start out slow, gradually increase speed, damage, screen vomit etc. with each update and the masses will gobble it up every time. When the game becomes an unfixable mess, it's time for PoE 3.

If you're capable of repeating the success, why wouldn't you?

Diablo 3
Diablo 4

As much as this community hate it, those game are success. Financial success that is.

If creating new Diablo with less work on each make more money they have no reason to not do it.
Why am I still here
poe 2 will be trash if it's much slower than poe 1

if I wanted to play a slow arpg I'd already be playing grim dawn, which won't be beaten by any game any time soon
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