From what we've seen so far, do you feel you're going to stay with PoE1 or move to PoE2?

poe 1, i need my zoom zoom.
Last edited by dieddragon#0587 on Jan 26, 2025, 12:03:00 PM
TBH, I really didn't enjoy POE2 almost at all. A good looking game isn't good enough. Ranting wont help anyone so I'll leave it at, I will play POE1 until the community is too small to be effective and then I will be done.
PoE1. Happily playing in a new private league for the next couple of weeks. Still have some hope (cope) for 3.26. PoE2 uninstalled, not enjoyable for me.
I'll be staying with PoE 1. 2 has at least a year of development to keep me interested.
1 for sure. I’ll probably play through 2 once just to do it, but I didn’t enjoy much of it and I can’t imagine they will change the entire game design before launch.
even how looks poe1 now it better then vision of poe2, poe2 is bad

2 has a very very long way to go till it would come close to surpassing 1 for me.
the lack of crafting systems alone is enough to reduce my long term interest to 0 currently
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Neither of them.

I think PoE1 will slowly die due to PoE2, at least the live service 3 month cycled content.

PoE2 is just a disaster and logging in justmakes me sad. GGG using millions of dollars on a dumbed down PoE with Ruthless 2.0 mechanics is an insult to a large part of the PoE1 fanbase supporting their game for 10+ years. Seeing where my supporter pack money went, I don't think I'll support a GGG game any time soon.
Finally, ppl got pr from their eyes off!
I'm definitely mainly staying with PoE1. I don't play Trade anymore and I find PoE2 in the endgame, as an SSF player, is incredibly boring.

Once PoE2 has proper crafting I might revisit it, but until then I'm not touching it anymore.

It's not even remotely about zooming and going fast (Monks in PoE2 play pretty much like a PoE1 meta build), it's about the agency I have as a player to build the character I want through my own efforts, not waiting for Lady Luck to gift me with a perfect instance of RNG so I can slam a good item.

The endgame mapping loop also feels pretty dull. It's more akin to Last Epoch monoliths than PoE1 maps.

PoE2 obviously has potential, but it's a few years off being even close to PoE1 for me.
Last edited by MyzPoE#4175 on Jan 27, 2025, 4:38:27 AM

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