From what we've seen so far, do you feel you're going to stay with PoE1 or move to PoE2?

Hornsent#1110 wrote:
Everything about Poe2 so far is anti-hype and anti-excitement, literally Ruthless 2.0, when barely anyone care about Ruthless 1.0

I like the visual design of Poe2, so will play for 1-2 times, but if it stays slow and boring, I'll not grind it as much as I grind Poe1.

You sir ve no idea about ruthless dont you dare compare ruthless to POE2. Thats an insult to ruthless. POE2 has nothing what comes close to ruthless even exp is a cackewalk in poe2. It takes nearly 4 months to achieve lv 100 not like 6 weeks in the downgrade poe2! Maybe play ruthless a bit before you talk about ruthless.
PoE2 is a shadow of PoE1, there's no world where anyone enjoying PoE1 can be long-term happy with the state of PoE2. Chris Wilson said it in an interview a long time back (or was it one of the others? I don't remember) - it would be suicide to release a game ostensibly filling the same niche but ignoring a decade of content behind the first iteration, and low and behold, here we are.

I want PoE2 to be good, but it's not. It's bad. It's really bad. It's ignoring a decade of development mistakes to remake them again bad. I sat through that pony show the first time - it was a fun ride, but I've done it now - I know why things were the way they were, and so should the devs. But, because their egos make them think otherwise, PoE2 was forced to start in a position that PoE1 was in back then, and now will slowly (but so very, very surely) converge on where PoE1 is now, because there are reasons why PoE1 took the track it took.

It's like they took a stone to the top of a hill, rolled it down the hill, saw what happened... then got a bigger stone and struggled to the top of the hill again. It's still a stone, and it's going to roll down the hill exactly the same. It might take a slightly different path, and it might end up a meter left or right here or there, and it might be faster or slower, but the general shape and end result will be the same, because they follow the same basic rules and have the same basic pressures affecting them.
Last edited by Pathological#1188 on Feb 16, 2025, 6:12:18 AM
PoE2 is a shadow of PoE1, there's no world where anyone enjoying PoE1 can be long-term happy with the state of PoE2. Chris Wilson said it in an interview a long time back (or was it one of the others? I don't remember) - it would be suicide to release a game ostensibly filling the same niche but ignoring a decade of content behind the first iteration, and low and behold, here we are.

I want PoE2 to be good, but it's not. It's bad. It's really bad. It's ignoring a decade of development mistakes to remake them again bad. I sat through that pony show the first time - it was a fun ride, but I've done it now - I know why things were the way they were, and so should the devs. But, because their egos make them think otherwise, PoE2 was forced to start in a position that PoE1 was in back then, and now will slowly (but so very, very surely) converge on where PoE1 is now, because there are reasons why PoE1 took the track it took.

It's like they took a stone to the top of a hill, rolled it down the hill, saw what happened... then got a bigger stone and struggled to the top of the hill again. It's still a stone, and it's going to roll down the hill exactly the same. It might take a slightly different path, and it might end up a meter left or right here or there, and it might be faster or slower, but the general shape and end result will be the same, because they follow the same basic rules and have the same basic pressures affecting them.

Hard to argue against this scenario (at least cogently).

I see it the same way.
POE1 for me.

I did the mistake of avoiding all information on POE2 wanting to get it all in when i actually played the game.
My first disappointment was the souls genre mix. I really hate souls games. It through me off really badly.
I still continued to play. My second disappointment came when i realized that the gem system, has been transformed to a lottery style system, like most of the other rng elements of the game. Then i also realized that you can only use support gems once per build. It may be less complicated and fast to change the gems but there is no comparison with POE1 skill system which i think is pretty good and also played a huge role in the games success. Instead of building on that they scrapped it completely and gave us this system that i consider a downgrade.
Then came the biggest disappointment. The ascendancy trials. They took the most unpopular elements from POE1, made them even less likable and build the whole thing around them. Two mechanics that i personally avoid like the plague. I ended up buying the trip. The first time in my POE playing time that i did so and it left me with a weird aftertaste that i still carry when i think of the game.
I did make it to endgame only to find that mess. I tried to play through but i got the same feeling that i got from D4 endgame, that this game is not for me.

PoE2 is a shadow of PoE1, there's no world where anyone enjoying PoE1 can be long-term happy with the state of PoE2. Chris Wilson said it in an interview a long time back (or was it one of the others? I don't remember) - it would be suicide to release a game ostensibly filling the same niche but ignoring a decade of content behind the first iteration, and low and behold, here we are.

I want PoE2 to be good, but it's not. It's bad. It's really bad. It's ignoring a decade of development mistakes to remake them again bad. I sat through that pony show the first time - it was a fun ride, but I've done it now - I know why things were the way they were, and so should the devs. But, because their egos make them think otherwise, PoE2 was forced to start in a position that PoE1 was in back then, and now will slowly (but so very, very surely) converge on where PoE1 is now, because there are reasons why PoE1 took the track it took.

It's like they took a stone to the top of a hill, rolled it down the hill, saw what happened... then got a bigger stone and struggled to the top of the hill again. It's still a stone, and it's going to roll down the hill exactly the same. It might take a slightly different path, and it might end up a meter left or right here or there, and it might be faster or slower, but the general shape and end result will be the same, because they follow the same basic rules and have the same basic pressures affecting them.

Pretty much how I feel.

To me it's simple; playing a game I don't find fun seems stupid. And I don't find PoE 2 fun. Some of the missing fun does of course come from the fact that PoE 2 isn't finished - at all, and I doubt it will be for a couple of years. Most of the missing fun, comes from a rushed, under-developed, bad endgame, where instead of remaking it, they are throwing rushed band-aids at bad mechanics that should just be removed from the game. And some of the missing fun comes from a rather strict weapon/skill system that sets a rather strict ceiling on what you can do.

PoE 1 is a playground. It's a sandboxy themepark where you have the tools to create whatever you want, both when it comes to your character and when it comes to the content you want to run. Lets boil it down to "player agency" over builds and content. PoE 2 has none of that, which makes it seem really shallow. You are taking part of the adventure Jonathan wants you to have. In PoE 1, you are creating your own adventure.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Nothing I have seen so far has mad me regret my decision NOT to play POE2 until its official launch. I wanted to have a fresh as possible new player experience with the finished product.

I've heard a lot about RNG, poor crafting, terrible map layouts, and slow as molasses gamiplay - it just looks boring and no fun to play to me, and all this talk of it being like Ruthless is really off-putting. I think like many people I like zooming that's gmaeply dopamine for me, not walking slwoly from pack to pack.

So i'm not going to be quitting POE1 any time soon for a clearly inferior and less fun game.
POE2 is the most obvious time-wasting pile ever. The difference between having scouring orbs and not is literally stashing 60 bases of each slot to "craft" / gamble on. It's not going to get better. This is what Tencent wants and it is garbage. The whole act 2 cart moving is literally just adding an extra loading screen. The well, just to waste time. The giant maps and backtracking for rares, just to waste time.

Lazy artificial way to increase league lengths instead of putting creativity and strategy into it. If POE2 is the future, POE died in March of 2024. You hate to see it but it is just too obvious that they are making a game assuming you're too stupid to see what they are doing. It's insulting how they try to intentionally waste your time.
poe2 suppose to be the best arpg game in history (GGG devs).

Its worse than poe.

Dodge roll mechanic
ruthless mode.

chris wilsons vision dont work for these games anymore
the moment i saw the "functionality" of chaos orb, i knew this is going to be a disaster. XD

meanwhile back in poe1 im mad because they took double fracture from recombinator...
I'll play POE if it doesn't get shafted like this all year long. POE2 isn't good because it isn't designed to be. It's never going to be good. It's like they took everything that Tencent was telling them to creep into the game and jammed it in all at once.

No one asked for POE2 and most of us specifically asked that they didn't go this direction. It's their game, they can do whatever they want, but you don't build a small army of financially supportive players with crap like what POE2 is.

Streamers call it "friction" because once the word gets out that they are just artificially trying to bloat league length by flatly wasting your time and boring you to death on the slog to endgame the jig is up.

The only difference between having a scouring orb and not having it is picking up 450 bases instead of 2 or three. It's just time, and oh wait, LOTS of stash tab space... Hmmm... weird...

No one feels good picking up the 300th item with 3 good stats and slamming it only to not get an upgrade for the 300th time.

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