Unfair Monetary Advantages to all platforms except PSN

Bleu42#4018 wrote:

How do you go from "no one knows..." to making up your entire argument and leaning on it?

Dude I put like multiple caveats throughout what are you on about

Nah your scenario was just designed to enforce your last opinion:

I like and respect GGG, but this forum really has a problem with never wanting to even entertain the idea that GGG is now profit first and therefore might take actions we don't like.

Also, are there companies which don't have profit as their first goal? I mean even well-fare organizations need to balance their income to be able to provide their services in the future and like to increase either the customers they can serve or the level of services.
Current Build: Penance Brand
God build?! https://pobb.in/bO32dZtLjji5
Last edited by tsunamikun#0433 on Nov 21, 2024, 5:57:52 AM
OP don't be one of the crabs in a barrel, it isn't an improvement.
Vash_GGG wrote:
Hi everyone,

Please keep in mind the forums are for civil, constructive discussions, and avoid personally attacking, or antagonising one another as it breaches our rules.

This post is LITERALLY trying to antagonize everyone else lol

On topic: extremely selfish OP. It wouldn't hurt me too much because...well, I have money. But don't lash out at the community just because Sony is serving you a plate of garbage and you're at the next restaurant over blaming them for it
“Hey Zana, we finally found it! This one you reaaaally need to ask if him are still sane…”
ogr3#1868 wrote:
Just logged in for the first time in months just to say if space allows my next character is going to be named UnfairMonetaryAdvantage.

Seriously, what does this phrase even mean in the context of Path of Exile? You make it sound like these MTX give character power (they don't!)

Maybe Sony meets you half-way. You get the same $ value in MTX, but its all the singing goblins. And you can't deactivate them.

to be fair, no aura effect mtx, flask mtx effect that show the visual way bigger do have advantage
This is the start of forum signature: I am not a GGG employee. About the username: Did you know Kowloon Gundam is made in Neo Hong Kong?

quote from the first page: "Please post one thread per issue, and check the forum for similar posts first"

This is the end of forum signature
The stash tab issue between PC and PS5 is a very real problem. A player should not have their inventory locked up and unusable between platforms in a game that promotes crossplay.

The error is in the underlying assumption from OP that this is all Grinding Gear's fault directly and their personal malice is to blame.

I am hopeful GGG will be able to do something to work out the stash issues with PS5/Sony, even if cosmetic MTXes don't get to apply. Though this issue has shown that stash MTXes are honestly not a great idea in the first place. Lack of gaudy ridiculous skins won't stop progress, but this WILL, and that means the MTXes are not "cosmetic only". It sucks, and hopefully it's a learning experience for Grinding Gear while they work to fix it.
1453R#7804 wrote:
The stash tab issue between PC and PS5 is a very real problem. A player should not have their inventory locked up and unusable between platforms in a game that promotes crossplay.

The error is in the underlying assumption from OP that this is all Grinding Gear's fault directly and their personal malice is to blame.

I am hopeful GGG will be able to do something to work out the stash issues with PS5/Sony, even if cosmetic MTXes don't get to apply. Though this issue has shown that stash MTXes are honestly not a great idea in the first place. Lack of gaudy ridiculous skins won't stop progress, but this WILL, and that means the MTXes are not "cosmetic only". It sucks, and hopefully it's a learning experience for Grinding Gear while they work to fix it.

Is it official that when PSN account login in a PC client, the stash tab is not useable? Who said that and where is the url?
This is the start of forum signature: I am not a GGG employee. About the username: Did you know Kowloon Gundam is made in Neo Hong Kong?

quote from the first page: "Please post one thread per issue, and check the forum for similar posts first"

This is the end of forum signature
Yeah, another reason that I sold my Ps5

Sony sucks.

Is it official that when PSN account login in a PC client, the stash tab is not useable? Who said that and where is the url?

Official? No. But the worries appeared instantly when Grinding Gear made the announcement and as best I can tell GGG have said nothing since. We do not know whether the stash will be locked between platforms, but given our current knowledge it's not an unreasonable assumption. It would be excellent if Grinding Gear would clarify, but until they do we have no reason to dismiss the concern out of hand. We have no real reason to freak out and pitch forks either, but the PS5 users expressing this concern have every right to do so.
You not spending any money isn't going to change anything. Grow up

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