POE 2 Key Regional Pricing on steam change

I think people abuse the regional pricing, VPN and stuff.

this is the reason while it cucks over some people its better in the long run and make sense
Last edited by Deviant#8289 on Nov 24, 2024, 5:40:02 AM
kyobusa#3514 wrote:
Said in another thread but

its either worth it to you or not, purchase it or not.

Shouldve purchased it earlier if you wanted the prior price.

You are an absolute clown. Its baffling how someone can hold this viewpoint unironically. Not a modicum of critical thinking skills in sight.
I think people abuse the regional pricing, VPN and stuff.

You cannot. When You buy something STEAM knows where you ARE. If you buy a game in South america you can ONLY start it in south america. Steam has measures against that for years already. So you can do that only if you create a new steam account and ALWAYS Access it trough VPN. All the time.
Literally doubled the previous price in my region, its now way too expensive for our region (ID). Just about to buy the game man, what a disappointment.
Very shameful to see this addon jump up almost 100% the original price in my region of Colombia. Was very hyped up to support this devs at a reasonable price but I guess they just want to milk your first world players. I guess yachts and private jets are quite expensive for this suits. Not buying crap anymore
Dang bro, I thought I was tripping when i checkout on Steam last night, it become 100% increase on payment page. Till this morning I check on SteamDB and it all change to some regions. Glad found this thread, hopefully GGG and Steam can solve this issues.

You know what, there is a lower price change on some regions, the lowest is up to -20%, and somes remain the same price.

Please GGG and Steam what happen with this? why there is price increase and decrease?
My issue with this price change is GGG already supports Regional Pricing here on the website but only for limited countries. Changing your region here on the website to Brazil, Russia, or Thailand for example, changes the Supporter Pack prices to their respective localized prices.

So why not support Regional Pricing for all regions/countries through Steam? Just doesn't make sense right now. I hope they address this.
Today i thought of buy poe 2 supporter pack with all of my friends and saw price went double in morning its just sad.
I actually added the pack to my cart. then I want to check out the site, to see the other pack since the steam page the details of each pack havent show up, clicking them go back to store page.

After i finish check out all the pack, decided i wanted to get the highest 1 at the steam, i remove the 1 added in cart, then to added the highest 1. Then i saw the pricing... and i was damn sad. I kept refreshing the page, it does still show the regional pricing, but the item when want to add show error. until i gave up.

Hope it was just setting issue, and regional pricing should be back in a day or not. but still nope, i felt being cheated and not being treated fairly. Is like price label on product, and price scanned at counter before payment is 2x the price, is like false advertisement.
I had to do a sanity check. Same thing happened in my region. This thread and SteamDB confirms it.

More than a 100% above Steam's suggested pricing.
Unfortunate, but I'll hold out for a bit.

It makes sense. They would have "lost" about 67 USD with my purchase through Steam. (made 32 USD on their 100 USD pack)

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