POE 2 Key Regional Pricing on steam change

Terspet#0706 wrote:
Terspet#0706 wrote:
may i just ask why it is so important to some of you to get regional prices? why do i have to pay atleast 30$ for early acces, and you guys start drama because you cant nolonger get it for 15$?
and dont give me this bs excuse that you live in a third world country, you have a decent enough pc to play poe AND internet, if it is to expensive for you right now, save up some money and buy it later or wait untill the game is released because its f2p then

You don't offer something for a cheaper price and then take it away on the verge of pay day without reason, its in poor taste number one.

Secondly, I am from a third world nation, and I work two jobs and probably do it better than most people in first world nations doing the same, while having no benefits or protection from labour abuse, and it is rampant, and all that while working longer hours and earning 1/6 what some one in a first world nations earns just working one of my jobs.

So it is as a matter of fucking fact, a big deal.

so by that logic as you are such a harder worker, you just buy as many early acces keys for 15$ and then resell them for 25$ , so you can make a profit, i see i see, make yourself look pity online for sadness points and then get greedy once it works, i wounder though, how have you time to play games with 2 jobs? why dont you just get visa in another, lets say first world country, if you are so sure you do a better job , i seriously wounder

You completely ignore people's circumstances with this opinion, even going so far as to say someone is doing something shady, how can we be sure its not you?

May we need to remind you that there is still countries that does have regional pricing, like Russia, which makes no sense if you can also just do this in those places, they go for up to 50% less.

I'll repeat it. Resources are limited. Bandwidth and energy do not have regional pricing. They are going to have huge server issues and login queues in the EA. Why should you add to these troubles when you didn't even pay the same prices? Not even bringing up the other moral issues with charging people differently for the same product.

If that was a problem, they shouldn't be making a free game.
To people that is having this issue with GGG removing regional pricing, everyone should try to contact streamers and influencers in anyway possible so that this can be made known by people with say and create pressure to address this.
wait, u guys got regional pricing? man, Mexico always gets ignored... it like yes were next to the usa but c'on, our currency is worse, dont dick us...

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