Honor mechanic makes me hate path of exile 2 already.
Fuck the honor system. It means I will never become ascended as a melee tank.
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yeah ditch that stupid honor system, this is a pure fun-killer
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Anyone reading this have success with the trial as a melee character? And you actually played your character like you normally would. Not respeccing into INT and grabbing a staff or something for this one piece of content.
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I couldn't agree more. I was just reallllly starting to get into my character when I first attempted it because I figured it couldn't be TOO challenging. But yeah, ended up failing of course because of honor. So I tried again and got to the boss finally and because I didn't have enough honor I got hit twice and failed. Rage quit after. Then I decided to boot up the game again, and and leveled up a bit, went back to the trial got to boss with almost all my honor by his attacks take off so much honor and I failed when he was below 10% because of trying to dodge the falling spikes, dodge around the stupid volcanos, dodge around his stupid slam attacks and then try to dps him all at the same time. Rage quit just now and might uninstall. Guess the game isn't for me. Which is weird cause I thought this was the game that was supposed to open up the game to me people. And it's a shame that this ONE thing is going to prevent me from enjoying the game. Hope they fix it but I'm not sure if I'll be back because this really killed the game for me. I was extremely enjoying the game then hit this road block and it completely threw me outta the game.
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Just died 2 rooms before the Floor 3 boss on my only lvl 60+ key (required for ascendancy points 5/6). This honor mechanic is pure garbage and locking core character progression behind these super punishing one-shot trials is completely stupid.
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Agree 100% - Sanctum SUCKS - mainly due to idiotic honor system where you can go thru 90% of the challenge (walking on needles the whole way - which I HATE and doesn't suit my play style) then a little unseen trap steals 1/4 your honor or in a survival challenge you get hit a few times and lose half.
This Sanctum/Honor challenge is fine for players who choose to do it for the enhanced rewards, but making it MANDATORY for every player to do just to get their absolutely necessary ascendancy skills is beyond rational. At the very LEAST, players should have the choice of doing Sanctum OR Ultimatum and at the BEST something completely different than Sanctum. GGG could deep-six Sanctum completely and it would make me very happy. I can't describe how much I detest it !!! |
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+1 Sanctum should NEVER have gone core requirement
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yea fuck honour system, devs thinks they put it in so they must fix it. despite everyone telling them they hate it. they dont fucking listen do they.
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So I'm a Sanctum enjoyer in PoE 1, I even leveled from 98 to 100 one league by only spamming lvl83 tomes.
And I think forcing players to do this gimmicky league mechanic is the most unfun thing ever. It's fine as an optional league mechanic, because only certain builds are great in it. Like can you imagine how many people will literally get hard-stuck on it in act 2 and just quit the game because of it? Your ascendancy class is something super important. Gating it behind random af leagues that they copy-pasted over from PoE 1 was not a very thought-out move let's just say that. The honor mechanic is so much unnecessary stress on the player, forcing them to play very carefully, but they can still lose it all in a few hits. Tying honor to hp 1-to-1 was a horrible idea, in PoE 1 the "honor" bar is its own seperate resource and hits from monsters deal a flat predetermined amount of it. You can already see how much worse Sanctum is in PoE 2 compared to PoE 1. Trap rooms suck. Random rares can have modifiers that delete your honor bar. And melee is just completely screwed in there. Ultimatum is just as bad, having "round modifiers" on every room actually makes 0 sense when they're entire rooms and not a 10-second round in a small circle like in PoE 1. Sure they nerfed the mods by like 1/5th but that barely makes a difference lmao. Just remove those, it's bad enough to have to do objectives like "get soul gems and be stuck in a 3-second animation while putting them in as you get more stacks of the degen while targeted by mobs" and so on. If you get unlucky and are forced to take certain modifiers then it can literally brick your boss arena and kill you on round 4/7/10. Not very fun. Like they actually just ctrl+c and ctrl+v'd Ultimatum into the game and called it a day, no testing no nothing. You can't convince me something else happened there. So +1, I think they should disable these trials, just make ascendancy points be gained by level-up at some arbitrary levels until they can figure out an actually good system for this. Or literally bring back lab lol |
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I agree sanctum sucks but the honor system is the one thing that makes me never want to play this game again and for ppl saying just do ultimatum guess what i only ever get key drops for sanctum I HATE SANCTUM there is a difference between hard and unfun/annoying this is a game stop punishing player in pursuit of "difficulty" 90% of the payer base hated sanctum why make it a requirement.
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