POE2 / Controller / Keyboard / Co-Op / Movement Feedback

I've played keyboard for years, but definitely a controller enjoyer more these days!

While WASD has been implemented, it is definitely ALOT more key pressing, definitely a lot of finger and wrist pain, I'm sure there are tons of people that can relate.

1. Is there any reason there is no auto run feature implemented?

World Of Warcraft and certain games have this this way, you're always able to run around, strafe forward/backwards and shoot at the same time, this is just basics of making movement feel good.

Having a hard time trying to play Merc and any class especially when monsters are much harder to kill especially on keyboard when strafing is only available in WASD

With Mouse & Keyboard, the moment mobs are on me, I need to back off, but the character would turn around vs strafing while shooting

With WSAD, you have 4 additional buttons to press, it's definitely killer on the fingers and wrist... "Move Only" is not a selectable skill once you change to WSAD

Not sure if there's any solution out there.

Best thing seems to be on controller since the target lock is at a much higher distance

But using the controller for prolong periods also strains the wrist/fingers, so wanting to swap between Controller to Keyboard/Mouse/WASD and vice versa would allow for different muscle groups on hands and wrist to take a breather.

I know this is a bit long winded, but looking for a solution here. Playing 8-10 hours a day, need to be able to switch up have movement and targeting be streamlined in order to play the game...

Are there solutions?

This is not a complaint, but rather looking for solutions to reduce critical damage to Fingers & Wrists out there for skills that require targeting and movement... without having to resort to summoners/skills that ignore targeting like SRS...

2. Additionally, here are some of my findings:
When I am playing with Controller Interface, either it's me or something, but it constantly crashes probably about once every hour, will need to provide screenshots for this next time when there is one. Once in a while a popup comes up. Other it's just the graphics freezes, I can hear sound and movement as if my character is still running around taking action. Less crashing as patching continues, but still happening every now and then, the popup crash doesn't come up anymore, video just freezes and the game exits. Most often for me when going in for a boss the first time, not always..

Solution for me as NVIDIA User:

Fixed by, turned off NVIDIA Reflex, it caused the game to crash like crazy for those running Nvidia Graphics, I've even updated to the latest version and was still crashing like crazy once every 15-30 min. Turned it off and most crashes have gone away

3. For Controller Co-Op play, it would be great when interacting with NPCs, split screen is still available for the person not interacting with NPC, it would be nice to be able to zoom the game out a bit more when the player interacting with the NPC is sitting there much like when each is going to their own inventory, that's a super nice feature already, just needs a bit more.

4. On Controller interface, there is no OSK, so there are still times where I definitely need to type on keyboard, it's probably faster typing on keyboard anyway, but still...

5. It would be amazing if both certain keyboard and controller features can be enabled at the same time such as selection of tab/items, the navigation with controller still seems to be a bit lacking there, great so far.

6. On Co-op, when selecting passive skills with controller, sometimes there's some weird snapping issue when navigating the passive tree and you're send flying across the passive tree and you gotta scroll back with the joystick, seems to be happening a lot during co-op passive selections

There's definitely some a bunch of weird interactions with controller here and there, will document them further here as I come across them.

Hopefully this helps fine tune this amazing game down the road, just want the gameplay to be super smooth both on controller and keyboard! Amazing job so far!

7. Sometimes when you re-enter the same instance, the instance is re-fogged... don't quite remember exactly when it happens, but wasn't a one off, will need to note when it does occur...

8. Map overlay is nu-movable in the Controller UI, vs Keyboard/Mouse to scan the area, you'd otherwise need to walk back to see the map... a bit of a nuisance...

9. When comparing items with right stick on vendors, the cursor then snaps to the bottom of the vendor's list of items, you have to then move the cursor back up to the item you were looking at...

10. Waypoint instances disconnect you even on the first portal, rendering the waypoint useless, happens to both me and others playing as well, even they are the ones opening the waypoint
Happened at least 5x today so far and I've only done maybe 8 maps...

11. No animation canceling/rolling while pulling giant levers even when monsters are attacking you, basically almost guaranteed death. Experienced this once, never again must clear everything around it before pulling the lever lol... I mean if you're pulling on something an a monster is beating your ass, most people would turn around and start hitting back

12. Texture/Image Crashes

For me, fixed by, turned off NVIDIA Reflex, it caused the game to crash like crazy

13. Allow Life Bars above Allies & Enemies WITH MINIONS OR WITHOUT MINIONS

14. Allow for tuning down graphics and explosions of other players, at least to reasonable levels, this would help a lot for party play.... experiencing this when playing with others and we're using abilities that basically make the scene unreadable with all the craziness and then you stack on all the different layers of mods like breach, delirium, etc..., I'm sure it's been brought up.

15. Extremely hard to read gear when Quest UI is stacked over the item... Those quests don't seem to even go away... I talk to Doryani all the time...

16. Issue picking up items when they are stacked up in the UI on the Controller Interface. Only way is to manually go to the setting option and uncheck/recheck the Always Highlight

17. Wanted to finish off and try my 4th Ascendancy in the Trial of Chaos
Got to the Soul Core pickup trial, 2nd soul core was unable to get picked up after more than 10 attempts. Monsters kept re spawning and even though picking up the Soul Core with A highlighted, would not allow to be picked up. Eventually the dot and continuously spawning monsters killed me...

Overall picking up items on the controller interface even with the A button is lit up on the item is not really responsive, sometimes you need to press several times for the item to actually get picked up. Then there are times where the Item Name Plate is over 5-8 meters away from where the item actually drops also becomes an issue

With KB/Mouse, at least in POE1 when you click the nameplate even though the item is out of the way, the character walks to the item. However, with the controller, the character does not walk up to the item to pick it up when you've pressed A, ensuring this happens would address item pickup. Also somehow when enemies are around it is hard to interact with items, that also need a good fix.

18. Quest UI Should not take precedence over items... OR better yet allow us to Toggle Quest UI on/off

19. Quality of Life In Controller Inventory Manage is badly needed!!!
Some stash tabs in various areas like in Trials and parts of the campaign, you cannot get actually stash anything with the Y button, they just drop to the ground

20. Afflictions/Boons do not show what they do when you hover over them with mouse on Controller UI

21, Please allow you to Equip Gems You ALREADY HAVE IN YOUR STASH by providing a menu of them on your skill when you select the OPEN Socket. Would be huge QOL Improvement for Controller without having to exit out of the socket, go into the stash, look for the gem then equipping it

22. Some skills like Orb Of Storms, Fire Wall is cast behind you on controller even when the monsters are in front of you, it feels really weird and bad...
The character turns around for whatever reason, then casts the spells behind when the enemy is in front of you... Fire Wall wasn't doing it before the patch, it is now doing it along with Orb Of Storm, could be others as well, the character turns around for a moment. It's like target locking is lost... momentarily when you are back-peddling casting...

23. Right stick on Controller no longer shows Quality...

Fine on KB/Mouse

24. Trigger/Meta skills does not work for Skills ABOVE The Trigger/Meta skill gem, BUT it still allows you to socket it and enable/disable the spirit, it doesn't USE the spirit and it doesn't activate nor does it give any visible error
You're thinking everything is dandy, but it doesn't work.
You need to make sure Skill used in Trigger/Meta <= Trigger/Meta Skill
Please don't allow skill gems > Trigger/Meta to be socketable or at least give some warning that it won't work or something!!!

Here is what happens:
COC = 18

Lightning Conduit = 19

End Result, no visible errors, but allows you to take the action of activating Aura, doesn't reserve spirt and no active aura on your character

Edit: This is my mistake, I figured out that I had locked one of the skill gems to only on weapon set 2, I had to take it out, re-enable for both weapon set 1 and 2, then was able to utilize the spirit.

HOWEVER On Controller UI, there is NO ERROR of any indication
KEYBOARD/Mouse UI at least indicates an ERROR when helped me troubleshoot my aura situation

Super confusing to figure out, but it comes with the complexities of weapon sets and locking of skills

24. Just killed a map boss, but the arena invisible barrier doesn't clear after boss died... had to relog and use portal to get back in... bit annoying not game breaking or anything, not sure if worth a screenshot =D
P.S. whenever there is time please don't use invisible barriers with bosses
It would be nice to have some bosses in maps where it's not like a confined Arena where the whole map they can beat on you or you can beat on them, some players will find terrain to cheese some bosses I get it, but I'm sure you guys can design around it, I believe!

25. Rare monster spawns outside map boundaries, can't complete map... AOE doesn't work...

26: Since the latest patch: 0.1.1c there are many cases where portals cannot be access either I can't access my party member's portals or they can't access mine.

I didn't screenshot that, may ppl in public parties also complain about it.
Anyone have a screenshot?

26. The Edit Hideout is excessively large overlay over the UI, if it can be moved somewhere and not as intrusive to the Main UI would be great

27. Alva Currency Exchange Huge bug!!! it's flipping the ratio to the fields, resulting in what could be auto scamming you... HUGE BUG, market is unusable, you don't even get a chance to acknowledge it.

28. GGG, please do not make us press Right Stick TWICE to toggle Advanced Info... I am pressing right stick to see everything when I'm comparing, I always want to see the Item Tiers when I'm pressing Right Stick. Don't make us have to press it twice to see it, once is enough, lol
Last edited by NuclearWeeb#7190 on Feb 27, 2025, 10:02:31 AM
Last bumped on Feb 27, 2025, 10:01:50 AM
Placeholder for additional feedback
Last edited by NuclearWeeb#7190 on Dec 18, 2024, 9:48:12 PM
Bind your flasks to back and forward on your mouse.
Use controller.

I've got hand problems... I could play POE 1 with one hand, POE is not and should not be a 2 hand game imo lol

With my hand issues I can almost only play builds (even in POE 1) that aim for me. Don't fuck up your hands :)
Last edited by Rakie1337#5746 on Dec 8, 2024, 10:00:17 PM
Yea seems like the only options to play Merc would be Controller or WASD for now...

Basically asking GGG if some kind of Auto Move feature can be implemented, so you don't need to constantly hold a button down to move and you only need to control the direction and/or strafing

No one would be gaining an advantage if everyone can use it, just frees up having to hold down a button so we can focus on direction aim and using skills, less damage to hands and fingers and wrists.

Looking to swap between controllers and keyboard while being able to play and enjoy some active classes without constantly holding move down in some way...

AHK Script can do it, but only with Keyboard/Mouse, but you can only run forward and shoot, when you run back you also shoot back, which feels bad instead of back stepping and shooting

Maybe they can also implement Back Step as a movement with KB and Mouse and enable Auro Move ticker for both Move Forward, Move Back, Back Step
Last edited by NuclearWeeb#7190 on Dec 9, 2024, 8:33:19 AM
Adding additional findings/feedback!

When I am playing with Controller Interface, either it's me or something, but it constantly crashes probably about once every hour, will need to provide screenshots for this next time when there is one. Once in a while a popup comes up. Other it's just the graphics freezes, I can hear sound and movement as if my character is still running around taking action. It just happened so I took a few minutes to provide further feedback on game/controller/co-op play.

For Controller Co-Op play, it would be great when interacting with NPCs, split screen is still available for the person not interacting with NPC, it would be nice to be able to zoom the game out a bit more when the player interacting with the NPC is sitting there much like when each is going to their own inventory, that's a super nice feature already, just needs a bit more.

On Controller interface, there is no OSK, so there are still times where I definitely need to type on keyboard, it's probably faster typing on keyboard anyway, but still...

It would be amazing if both certain keyboard and controller features can be enabled at the same time such as selection of tab/items, the navigation with controller still seems to be a bit lacking there, great so far.

On Co-op, when selecting passive skills with controller, sometimes there's some weird snapping issue when navigating the passive tree and you're send flying across the passive tree and you gotta scroll back with the joystick, seems to be happening a lot during co-op passive selections

There's definitely some a bunch of weird interactions with controller here and there, will document them further here as I come across them.

Hopefully this helps fine tune this amazing game down the road, just want the gameplay to be super smooth both on controller and keyboard! Amazing job so far!
Updated Topic/Subject

Sometimes when you re-enter the same instance, the instance is re-fogged... don't quite remember exactly when it happens, but wasn't a one off, will need to note when it does occur...

Also... Map overlay is nu-movable in the Controller UI, vs Keyboard/Mouse to scan the area, you'd otherwise need to walk back to see the map... a bit of a nuisance...
Map portal often disconnect and can not even enter... please fix!

Oswald needs to be moved into the Ziggurat Refuge, creates situation where you can't get to the past zone without running through the swamp zone to return those treasures for cash money
Last edited by NuclearWeeb#7190 on Dec 17, 2024, 3:42:02 PM
I didn't read all that but I'll just add please, please, please allow us to switch to mouse and keyboard when using controller for UI stuff. The UI is just plain painful with controller. D4 and LE both do this flawlessly.
Every other portal... lol, happened 5x today... running out of waystones...

Last edited by NuclearWeeb#7190 on Dec 17, 2024, 4:02:55 PM

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