POE2 / Controller / Keyboard / Co-Op / Movement Feedback

Yea... I've never played Last Epoc myself so I can't say much about it, I'm sure certain features would be wonderful to add

But the below is BADLY NEEDED!!!

19. Quality of Life In Controller Inventory Manage is badly needed!!!
Some stash tabs in various areas like in Trials and parts of the campaign, you cannot get actually stash anything with the Y button, they just drop to the ground
20. Afflictions/Boons do not show what they do when you hover over them with mouse on Controller UI
21. Please allow you to Equip Gems You ALREADY HAVE IN YOUR STASH by providing a menu of them on your skill when you select the OPEN Socket. Would be huge QOL Improvement for Controller without having to exit out of the socket, go into the stash, look for the gem then equipping it

Last edited by NuclearWeeb#7190 on Jan 15, 2025, 9:02:20 PM
22. Some skills like Orb Of Storms, Fire Wall is cast behind you on controller even when the monsters are in front of you, it feels really weird and bad...
The character turns around for whatever reason, then casts the spells behind when the enemy is in front of you... Fire Wall wasn't doing it before the patch, it is now doing it along with Orb Of Storm, could be others as well, the character turns around for a moment. It's like target locking is lost... momentarily when you are back-peddling casting...
23. Right stick on Controller no longer shows Quality...

Fine on KB/Mouse
Last edited by NuclearWeeb#7190 on Jan 19, 2025, 9:38:08 AM
24. Trigger/Meta skills does not work for Skills ABOVE The Trigger/Meta skill gem, BUT it still allows you to socket it and enable/disable the spirit, it doesn't USE the spirit and it doesn't activate nor does it give any visible error
You're thinking everything is dandy, but it doesn't work.
You need to make sure Skill used in Trigger/Meta <= Trigger/Meta Skill
Please don't allow skill gems > Trigger/Meta to be socketable or at least give some warning that it won't work or something!!!

Here is what happens:
COC = 18

Lightning Conduit = 19

End Result, no visible errors, but allows you to take the action of activating Aura, doesn't reserve spirt and no active aura on your character

Edit: This is my mistake, I figured out that I had locked one of the skill gems to only on weapon set 2, I had to take it out, re-enable for both weapon set 1 and 2, then was able to utilize the spirit.

HOWEVER On Controller UI, there is NO ERROR of any indication
KEYBOARD/Mouse UI at least indicates an ERROR when helped me troubleshoot my aura situation

Super confusing to figure out, but it comes with the complexities of weapon sets and locking of skills
Last edited by NuclearWeeb#7190 on Feb 1, 2025, 10:32:21 PM
25. Rare monster spawns outside map boundaries, can't complete map... AOE doesn't work...
26: Since the latest patch: 0.1.1c there are many cases where portals cannot be access either I can't access my party member's portals or they can't access mine.

I didn't screenshot that, may ppl in public parties also complain about it.
Anyone have a screenshot?
27. The Edit Hideout is excessively large overlay over the UI, if it can be moved somewhere and not as intrusive to the Main UI would be great
Last edited by NuclearWeeb#7190 on Feb 27, 2025, 10:01:25 AM
28. GGG, please do not make us press Right Stick TWICE to toggle Advanced Info... I am pressing right stick to see everything when I'm comparing, I always want to see the Item Tiers when I'm pressing Right Stick. Don't make us have to press it twice to see it, once is enough, lol
Last edited by NuclearWeeb#7190 on Feb 27, 2025, 10:02:17 AM

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