Kripp got very good points here. PoE2 is very messy and not cooked yet.
The problem isn't that this game is hard to handle. It's that it has become simplistic, like Mario. Compared to the complexity of PoE 1, this feels like a slap in the face to all the old fans. The newcomers brought in by streamers simply aren't capable of realizing this.

Reduction of complexity and bloat was one of main reasons to make new game. You are the one not realizing that this game was never intended for poe1 players. Why would they even make such stupid decision to compete with themselves? Old fans have old game, this one is intended to be different.

Honestly we were told for months that poe2 is hard game and you act suprised? You were shown that this game is different year ago and you are suprised? Dont be silly.
Last edited by kuciol#0426 on Dec 12, 2024, 7:53:16 AM
Elua#0230 wrote:

Kripp got very good points here. PoE2 is very messy and not cooked yet.
Lol, since when did this person become an expert on PoE? I always thought they were a Hearthstone player; I’ve never heard of them being deeply involved in PoE.
I’ve never heard of them being deeply involved in PoE.

You are embarrassing yourself bro. Kripp is alpha PoE1 player and legend of PoE overall.
Elua#0230 wrote:
I’ve never heard of them being deeply involved in PoE.

You are embarrassing yourself bro. Kripp is alpha PoE1 player and legend of PoE overall.
And what exactly is the embarrassing here, may I ask? That I don't consume the byproducts of YouTubers and streamers? Seems to me that's something to be proud of.
Tourists, tourists everywhere.
Elua#0230 wrote:

Kripp got very good points here. PoE2 is very messy and not cooked yet.

Good video the problem with all these narcissistic posts about getting good is ironically nearly 100% of them are not at end game. Some of them are so ridiculous that they post get gud after beating ACT 1. You just have to laugh at these people cause they're just not self aware.

Like if OP wants to puff his chest and pretend he's good.

He can just type /deaths and show us how far he's gotten in mapping. That would shut everyone up and if he's not good he won't post it. He'll just immediately shut up.

Talk is cheap which is why he won't post screenshots cause backing it up is different. Not a SINGLE one of these get good people EVER post this information not once and this guy will be not be different cause he'll feel embarrassed.
Last edited by Volomon#1961 on Dec 12, 2024, 2:21:59 PM
kuciol#0426 wrote:
The problem isn't that this game is hard to handle. It's that it has become simplistic, like Mario. Compared to the complexity of PoE 1, this feels like a slap in the face to all the old fans. The newcomers brought in by streamers simply aren't capable of realizing this.

Reduction of complexity and bloat was one of main reasons to make new game. You are the one not realizing that this game was never intended for poe1 players. Why would they even make such stupid decision to compete with themselves? Old fans have old game, this one is intended to be different.

Honestly we were told for months that poe2 is hard game and you act suprised? You were shown that this game is different year ago and you are suprised? Dont be silly.

It was never intended to make the new game, this was supposed to be a patch at the beginning to refresh the poe1 engine, it was not supposed to be poe2.
I’m tired of people complaining about people complaining. How’s that? You think, for some ignorant reason, your opinion and complaint is more valid than someone else’s? How’s this, don’t click that post. Scroll past it ya hypocrite.
How dare people post their opinions and feedback in a feedback forum. The nerve.
Last edited by luciddream00#7381 on Dec 12, 2024, 8:00:00 PM

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