if you don't like it, PLAY SOMETHING ELSE,

Oh I hear ya! That's exactly what I'm doing. I was going to buy a supporter pack but decided to spend the money on Metaphor: ReFantazio.

After all, they don't care that I don't like it, they only need 100k players to stay afloat ( C Wilson even said this), have it your way, you aint getting my money. Much better things to play than this anti fun, masochistic slog.
Personally I think the big problem with poe2 so far vs poe1 is it’s just not as fun, and if it’s not fun people go away.
It is weird GGG is ok with making harder games but not ok with easier games.

Technically they could have both. They don't want to rather than they couldn't.
It is weird GGG is ok with making harder games but not ok with easier games.

Technically they could have both. They don't want to rather than they couldn't.

But they do, PoE1 is the easy one. You just follow a guide and game plays itself. PoE2 is the more action combat oriented where build is not everything but by playing good you may overcome a lot of gear/build problems. Two vastly different approaches, both equaly good.
kuciol#0426 wrote:
It is weird GGG is ok with making harder games but not ok with easier games.

Technically they could have both. They don't want to rather than they couldn't.

But they do, PoE1 is the easy one. You just follow a guide and game plays itself. PoE2 is the more action combat oriented where build is not everything but by playing good you may overcome a lot of gear/build problems. Two vastly different approaches, both equaly good.

THE Order of things. POE 1 came first, POE 2 came second. They made a harder game.

THE Order of things. POE 1 came first, POE 2 came second. They made a harder game.

Why should they make another easy one? Order doesnt matter. Why compete with yourself or even D4? Its better to aim for different audience.
kuciol#0426 wrote:

THE Order of things. POE 1 came first, POE 2 came second. They made a harder game.

Why should they make another easy one? Order doesnt matter. Why compete with yourself or even D4? Its better to aim for different audience.

What are we arguing about anyway?

GGG made 2 game; POE 1 and POE 2. I stated that they didn't make an easier game; the sequent matter. They don't want to make an easier game. Both statement are accurate and correct.
This game is not yet finished, it's early access for a reason? They are done with beta testing and going through fine tuning, so stop whining and expecting they'll change difficulty.

Obviously the fact this is early access also means some of the difficulty is overturned. Recognize that fact as well.
Doctahg#8591 wrote:
Personally I think the big problem with poe2 so far vs poe1 is it’s just not as fun, and if it’s not fun people go away.

They definitely need to make sure it's still fun. I like hard games but some of this is not very fun.
But it's not hard, it's just dull and boring. PoE1 was like driving a Ferrari while PoE2 is like driving moms station wagon. The core gameplay is the same, it's just slower, less complex, and most importantly, less exciting.

No movement speed skills

Any deaths result in repeating sections of the map which a random rare you didn't mouse over to read text might kill you meaning I gotta scan every pack. Idk why we removed the outlines and many of the rare mob enhancements are not visually indicated

Limited skill interactions compared to PoE1 and limited even further by them constantly nerfing builds from orbit

Campaign maps are oversized and annoying to navigate, mitigated now by a bit being able to TP to check points but really only in the event of back tracking

larger HP pools on mobs and bosses making it take longer to clear with bosses having more AOE spam to try to keep you dodge rolling vs attacking

Loot is laughably bad with almost nothing to get excited about

Nothing is hard when all it does is extend the time it takes to complete a task by 2x. Any boss difficulty is mitigated by dodge rolling in circles, where in PoE1, it was using movement skills, in circles.
Last edited by Necrotekk#4404 on Dec 13, 2024, 1:18:25 PM

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