⭕️POE1 Players Are Getting Screwed Over, and It’s Honestly Disgusting⭕️

Even me, whos ''not the real POE playerbase'' understands that ARPG's dont last forever and things are required to change in order for them to evolve and stay relevant.

There may be a point in there somewhere, but...

PoE has "stayed relevant" for more than a decade, and looking at league launch numbers, has even increased all those years, with the latest league having the highest league launch numbers ever.

Now, a lot of us actually struggles real hard to see how PoE 2 is an "evolved" version of PoE 1, which makes your argument fall pretty flat. Sure, it looks better, but that is more or less forgotten in a game after around 50 hours. Gameplay always trumps graphics. Always.

No one is advocating for PoE 1 to be their main priority. Everyone understands that PoE 2 is (and has to be) their main priority. But fore core PoE fans, it's hard to swallow that PoE 1 isn't even "a" priority, especially after all those promises. If you can't see the issue there, you should've gone to Specsavers.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Last edited by Phrazz#3529 on Jan 30, 2025, 11:22:15 AM
No offence, all Im hearing is crying that you spent thousands of hours and thousands of dollars in the game.
What did you expect? The game to last forever? For POE1 to never change or get better? Pretty dystopian if you ask me

Getting mad at a game company for your own poor money management and a decision THAT YOU MADE to sink money into a game KNOWING one day it could just end, thats on you bud LOL.

Even me, whos ''not the real POE playerbase'' understands that ARPG's dont last forever and things are required to change in order for them to evolve and stay relevant.

This isn't the usual story of an aging game slipping into irrelevance and the developers letting it go into maintenance mode.

The last few PoE leagues are the most popular the game has ever been. The game has only managed to grow in population and they're willing to sweep their own legs for a chance to attract an entirely new audience.

You sold a million copies! Good job, well done! How many of them are going to come back every few months and start fresh.

You've already got a rift in the population of your brand new early access title, because a loud segment of the group believes the endgame should be as slow as Act 1.
PoE2 is a great tutorial for PoE1.
Last edited by Lixy#2668 on Jan 30, 2025, 11:28:40 AM
I would be less mad about it if PoE2 had any saving grace, but it just doesn't. They would literally have to scrap and redevelop from zero and it seems they are already too deep into the bad decisions loop.
+1 GGG seems to be going with the Fuck our core supporters path of business management, I see this going very well for them definitely makes me want to buy supporter packs in the future. It'll be interesting to see what's left after the tourists move on and they alienated their core customer base. Like it's a pretty simple business strategy not to fuck with your guaranteed revenue stream for the hope of a new stream opening up in the future.
Totally agree, PoE2 is just shit and i feel betrayed and scammed...
already uninstalled poe2, no further support from me
Vapala#7462 wrote:
PoE II might not be the finished product but it makes PoE look so antiquated, a convoluted, unbalanced mess with a terribly limited game engine.

The future for GGG is PoE II. Join us on an exciting journey or stay stuck in the past with a moribund game.

How I feel exactly. Well said.

The future is POE2.

Whoaaa, calm down buddy, you're speaking too much sense here and we all know these people just want to whine incessantly.
already uninstalled poe2, no further support from me

Bye Felicia!
PoE II might not be the finished product but it makes PoE look so antiquated, a convoluted, unbalanced mess with a terribly limited game engine.

The future for GGG is PoE II. Join us on an exciting journey or stay stuck in the past with a moribund game.

says the guy that according to his character sheet never even played it.
_piekz#3750 wrote:
PoE II might not be the finished product but it makes PoE look so antiquated, a convoluted, unbalanced mess with a terribly limited game engine.

The future for GGG is PoE II. Join us on an exciting journey or stay stuck in the past with a moribund game.

says the guy that according to his character sheet never even played it.

Its always these empty/private accounts, trying to hate and shit on POE1

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