I'm amazed

I'm totally amazed by this community, and not in a good way.

I keep reading threads and i'm just lost, people acting like they own POE1 because they were here from the start, is like saying we own any company/product because we were among the first buyers before it was famous.

I see entitlement everywhere "i dont like poe2, so i expect GGG to drop that game and focus again on POE1 cause i love that game and they owe me cause i supported them from the star" is just hard to believe people actually have this mindset.

No matter how friendly a company is, it is a COMPANY, they dont care if you love a game or not, they dont care if you have no other game to play, they dont care if you have no friends in real life and all your life is their game, if the game is falling behind in the market, they have to move on.

Yeah poe1 has a nice fanbo... i mean player base, but it is a 10 YEAR OLD game, of course it has to move forward and of course there will be a day poe1 will die.

If i blame GGG for something is for being to nice to try to keep poe1 alive instead of just moving forward and let this 1st game die slowly, which honestly is the best choice they can make.

Looks like people sometimes forget how poe1 started, or have no idea what early access means, or they dont even know that a company is there to make money.

GGG has their flaws, like every single person has, they are not perfect, they were overconfident, and yeah, they should have never promised stuff they knew in a way they couldnt deliver.

BUT if you compare GGG with almost every other AAA developers, we should be thankful for how they are being honest and trying their best, instead we have this, this lame loud bunch of people crying for a game they think they own.

Last bumped on Feb 3, 2025, 3:13:23 AM
that escalated quick
Yeah poe1 has a nice fanbo... i mean player base, but it is a 10 YEAR OLD game, of course it has to move forward and of course there will be a day poe1 will die.

Corpo will kill it when it becomes unprofitable. Now riddle me this, was PoE1 at the point of being unprofitable, or clearly becoming unprofitable within an estimated time?

You brainlet.
10 years will do this. However nobody believes they owe them anything. Its the lies people are upset about, and the seemingly endless back-tracking.

Nice rage bait post though, keep it up.
Yeah poe1 has a nice fanbo... i mean player base, but it is a 10 YEAR OLD game, of course it has to move forward and of course there will be a day poe1 will die.

Corpo will kill it when it becomes unprofitable. Now riddle me this, was PoE1 at the point of being unprofitable, or clearly becoming unprofitable within an estimated time?

You brainlet.

no bro dont u understand ur house is over 10 years old tear it down and build a new one and live in your car in the meantime
Yeah poe1 has a nice fanbo... i mean player base, but it is a 10 YEAR OLD game, of course it has to move forward and of course there will be a day poe1 will die.

Corpo will kill it when it becomes unprofitable. Now riddle me this, was PoE1 at the point of being unprofitable, or clearly becoming unprofitable within an estimated time?

You brainlet.

yeah my bad for thinking 100k+ players are worth more than 9-10k players, i'm sorry for my stupidity, my mistake.
Last edited by ciclops788#5826 on Jan 31, 2025, 5:37:25 PM
Yeah poe1 has a nice fanbo... i mean player base, but it is a 10 YEAR OLD game, of course it has to move forward and of course there will be a day poe1 will die.

Corpo will kill it when it becomes unprofitable. Now riddle me this, was PoE1 at the point of being unprofitable, or clearly becoming unprofitable within an estimated time?

You brainlet.

yeah my bad for thinking 100k+ players are worth more than 9-10k players, i'm sorry for my stupidity, my mistake.

who said it was a zero sum game? what a bad way to think.

peel off a couple of people to keep poe1 going.
They just like the drama. They're following the herd like sheep. Crying fake tears. If they actually believe what they say, then I can only feel sympathy for them.
Yeah poe1 has a nice fanbo... i mean player base, but it is a 10 YEAR OLD game, of course it has to move forward and of course there will be a day poe1 will die.

Corpo will kill it when it becomes unprofitable. Now riddle me this, was PoE1 at the point of being unprofitable, or clearly becoming unprofitable within an estimated time?

You brainlet.

yeah my bad for thinking 100k+ players are worth more than 9-10k players, i'm sorry for my stupidity, my mistake.

You're aware PoE1 vets are the reason PoE2 exists right? Like you gotta be trolling.
stabitha#5521 wrote:
Lick that boot

[Removed by Support] but this is a goddamn gaming company. They aren't some evil despot or American politicians, they're video game nerds making a video game. I , for one, completely agree with OP. You guys are [Removed by Support] and don't deserve GGG.
Last edited by Vinky_GGG#0000 on Jan 31, 2025, 5:44:44 PM

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