This really didn't need its own thread.
Posted byFapmobile#0758on Feb 1, 2025, 1:45:54 PM
See the problem was that the main reason I supported the poe2 early access was because of my respect to GGG's integrity as a company and my love to their first game.
Now both of those things are about to go away and my support however meagre has ceased. Hope you enjoy the game you supported.
Second-class poe gamer
Posted bypr13st#1040on Feb 1, 2025, 2:39:34 PM
You're aware PoE1 vets are the reason PoE2 exists right? Like you gotta be trolling.
and this is the kind of entitlement i'm talking about, poe1 vets are not above poe2 players in any way, supporting a game doesnt give you rights over such game or give you a sit on their table to decide what should they do.
Sry to break your bubble, but you are on the same level as someone who just recently joined their game with 0 money spent on it, not above, not below, the same
Ok so you are a poe2 fan but decided to come here in the poe1 section to shit on everybody and furthermore calling us entitled? WTF dude?
it's completely unhinged behaviour.
No suprise tho coming from the avarage poe2 player.
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Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
Posted byjackof8lades#6863on Feb 1, 2025, 3:20:29 PM
Bottom line, it’s a toxic community filled with entitled nerds. No wonder GGG quit direct engagement with this community years ago. #bringbackbex
"I've played a lot of videogames. It's my primary recreational activity. Best games ever: Elden Ring and Diablo 4."
~Elon Musk, 2023 Last edited by DreadLordAvatar#2783 on Feb 1, 2025, 6:52:48 PM
I bought a supporter pack.
Im still waiting for Wilson to shake his butt up to Canada and shovel my driveway!
Posted byJitter912#4278on Feb 1, 2025, 7:19:16 PM
the reason both games exist is because devs created them. you claiming any credit for that is the same as me worshipping sun because without it it wouldn't happen neither. Better start with the virgin sacrifice when spring comes
Concord was created by devs and its not here any more.
Without players there is NO GAME at all.
Posted byde99ial#0161on Feb 2, 2025, 2:22:17 AM
I'm totally amazed by this community, and not in a good way.
I keep reading threads and i'm just lost, people acting like they own POE1 because they were here from the start, is like saying we own any company/product because we were among the first buyers before it was famous.
I see entitlement everywhere "i dont like poe2, so i expect GGG to drop that game and focus again on POE1 cause i love that game and they owe me cause i supported them from the star" is just hard to believe people actually have this mindset.
No matter how friendly a company is, it is a COMPANY, they dont care if you love a game or not, they dont care if you have no other game to play, they dont care if you have no friends in real life and all your life is their game, if the game is falling behind in the market, they have to move on.
Yeah poe1 has a nice fanbo... i mean player base, but it is a 10 YEAR OLD game, of course it has to move forward and of course there will be a day poe1 will die.
If i blame GGG for something is for being to nice to try to keep poe1 alive instead of just moving forward and let this 1st game die slowly, which honestly is the best choice they can make.
Looks like people sometimes forget how poe1 started, or have no idea what early access means, or they dont even know that a company is there to make money.
GGG has their flaws, like every single person has, they are not perfect, they were overconfident, and yeah, they should have never promised stuff they knew in a way they couldnt deliver.
BUT if you compare GGG with almost every other AAA developers, we should be thankful for how they are being honest and trying their best, instead we have this, this lame loud bunch of people crying for a game they think they own.
wow such a long post only to be wrong about almost everything in every sentence.
the reason both games exist is because devs created them. you claiming any credit for that is the same as me worshipping sun because without it it wouldn't happen neither. Better start with the virgin sacrifice when spring comes
Concord was created by devs and its not here any more.
Without players there is NO GAME at all.
Same goes for the sun. And how many virgins did you sacrifice this year?
Meh your perception is distorted beyond saving or you are only here to incite.
The sun will be here even without worshipers for at least 8 billion more years and no, games cannot exist without fans. Your analogy was really off.
Last edited by Neuri#6944 on Feb 2, 2025, 5:28:56 AM
Posted byNeuri#6944on Feb 2, 2025, 5:28:12 AM
You're aware the sun is the reason fans exists right? Like you gotta be trolling.
I am not doing anything different than you sir.
Why should i, or any fan that gave their money to a service not be allowed to feel "entitled".
I want to tell my opinion and if i feel strongly enough about something, i should be able to express it. Even if by your own standards this makes me entitled, i would say that this is my god damn right.
Posted byNeuri#6944on Feb 2, 2025, 8:03:12 AM
I'm totally amazed by this community, and not in a good way.
I keep reading threads and i'm just lost, people acting like they own POE1 because they were here from the start, is like saying we own any company/product because we were among the first buyers before it was famous.
I see entitlement everywhere "i dont like poe2, so i expect GGG to drop that game and focus again on POE1 cause i love that game and they owe me cause i supported them from the star" is just hard to believe people actually have this mindset.
No matter how friendly a company is, it is a COMPANY, they dont care if you love a game or not, they dont care if you have no other game to play, they dont care if you have no friends in real life and all your life is their game, if the game is falling behind in the market, they have to move on.
Yeah poe1 has a nice fanbo... i mean player base, but it is a 10 YEAR OLD game, of course it has to move forward and of course there will be a day poe1 will die.
If i blame GGG for something is for being to nice to try to keep poe1 alive instead of just moving forward and let this 1st game die slowly, which honestly is the best choice they can make.
Looks like people sometimes forget how poe1 started, or have no idea what early access means, or they dont even know that a company is there to make money.
GGG has their flaws, like every single person has, they are not perfect, they were overconfident, and yeah, they should have never promised stuff they knew in a way they couldnt deliver.
BUT if you compare GGG with almost every other AAA developers, we should be thankful for how they are being honest and trying their best, instead we have this, this lame loud bunch of people crying for a game they think they own.
I'm going to guess that you're new here. May I suggest you unclutch those pearls for a moment and take note of what GGG has done:
-Stated POE1 and POE2 were same game and would get updated together
-Knew this was not the case for quite a while before telling the truth
-Stated that POE1 development would not be impacted by POE2
-Maybe they thought that was the truth, but the trust deficit is large
-Knew that POE1 league would be impacted quite a few times over the last 6 months and waited painfully long to state it was not coming but dangled the possibility out there only to come back and say POE2 gets more attention
All the while collecting support from people that thought POE1 would get attention because that's what they've been saying the whole fucking time.
So, imagine spending money only to have the company do a bait and switch time and time again on the matter. That anger is not only well founded but deserved by GGG.
Thanks for all the fish! Last edited by Nubatron#4333 on Feb 2, 2025, 6:28:58 PM
Posted byNubatron#4333on Feb 2, 2025, 1:41:56 PM