i feel like you ignored the entire post. In what way did i play wrong when i am one shot by something visibly not present? The XP loss as a check also does not make any reasonable sense when you look at the design itself. What is it actually checking? if you die to something like a bug such as an enemy no longer registering damage taken is that checking to see if you made a mistake by playing the game?
Saying every death is the result from personal mistakes and brute force is just plain incorrect. If the game wants you to learn from actual mistakes the player makes then why take everything away from a single death? Realistically if the XP loss needs to stay then the mapping needs to change to follow. If the player is punished with loss of progression why take away every means of allowing that progression as well? Again i am not against the idea of XP loss on death i just think it needs to be revised in some way.
I completely agree with you about the leveling past 96 is just luxury but i disagree whole heartedly about the claim of "you died due to only your mistakes so you deserved to be punished" You see t all the time with map clipping issues where enemies projectiles are either invisible, clipped in terrain, or far too transparent to see.
The brute force situation also does not apply here because they took the multiple life mapping away which was the actual brute force method. Leveling by playing the game as the class demands i don't believe should be perceived as brute force.
I did not ignore what you said.
If you die because of something invisible or a bug... you died to something NOT INTENDED. It was a BUG. Not every single death is the result of a mistake made by the player, but the amount of bugs isn't so severe that they stop you from progressing.
A "10% exp loss" is not "taking away everything", it's only a 10% exp loss. You keep your progress until this point (level/gear/resources).
The multi-try per map wasn't brute forcing, you already lost your exp and could lose exp again if you get killed.
In PoE2 it's simple - if you clear the map successfully you get the loot and exp as a reward, if you don't you don't. That's it.
Furthermore, most games have "punishment mechanics" in various forms. In some, you lose your gear, you lose your base, in others you literally "GAME OVER", and so on.
PoE2 has two punishments, one is the exp (why I already explained) and the map loss. That's it. Not a single other punishment is in place. You don't lose gear, gold, currency, your character (excluding HC) or whatever, only a bit exp and the "dungeon/map/waystone", but that's a loot-related bumper.
i feel like we are focusing on 2 different spots and something is being misinterpreted.
The losing all ways to progress was the map just dissolving all map events on top of the xp. Under no circumstances did i make it seem like losing all gear is progression.
Also that is what i meant by if something kills you that is not intended that means it is not player fault so i do not know why your challenging me on that topic there. we both agreed on that. also if the bugs are quite literally taking hours of progress made away that fundamentally means they are it is severely impacting progress.
In terms of the waystone/events loss on death that is not really just a loot only bumper. Your are in some cases forced to replay a extremely worse version of the map. IF that needs to be then so be it but the fact you cannot remodify those map nodes with towers is just unnecessary. They can lose all on the nodes but you should be able to reforge that node. That is what i meant by taking all means of gaining back that progression. I suppose i am failing to explain my full train of thought so i apologize on the confusion on how i am explaining things
Posted byGIBAS1996#4295on Feb 4, 2025, 5:29:58 PM
The "10% exp loss" is in the game for a reason, it's a "check".
If your power is good for what you do - you will earn exp, level up and get stronger.
If your power is not good for what you do - you will die, lose exp and don't level up.
This is soo easy to disprove:
You can fly through t15s with a death every 2 hours at lvl80 and gain levels. Take the same char at lvl 95 and you don't lvl anymore.
well yes and no. lvl 80 is nothing close to what anything past lvl 92 is. As 92 is the technical "half way point to 100"
Posted byGIBAS1996#4295on Feb 4, 2025, 5:31:30 PM
The "10% exp loss" is in the game for a reason, it's a "check".
If your power is good for what you do - you will earn exp, level up and get stronger.
If your power is not good for what you do - you will die, lose exp and don't level up.
This is soo easy to disprove:
You can fly through t15s with a death every 2 hours at lvl80 and gain levels. Take the same char at lvl 95 and you don't lvl anymore.
That disproves nothing. The deaths on your lvl 80 are just less punishing because your gain outweighs the loss. If you still die that often on your 95 character it clearly shows you don't increased your power level besides gaining levels. So... you die - improve.
The only thing you proved is - levelling gets increasingly slower (with and without deaths) the higher the level.
Last edited by JakkerONAIR#4902 on Feb 4, 2025, 5:36:56 PM
Posted byJakkerONAIR#4902on Feb 4, 2025, 5:32:40 PMOn Probation
In terms of the waystone/events loss on death that is not really just a loot only bumper. Your are in some cases forced to replay a extremely worse version of the map. IF that needs to be then so be it but the fact you cannot remodify those map nodes with towers is just unnecessary. They can lose all on the nodes but you should be able to reforge that node. That is what i meant by taking all means of gaining back that progression. I suppose i am failing to explain my full train of thought so i apologize on the confusion on how i am explaining things
I put a solution to that problem already in my last "feedback post", in short, besides other token with various uses we would get a token that allows us to skip a node. In case you "failed" (bug or skill issue doesn't matter) you would progress without the need to run an empty map.
Posted byJakkerONAIR#4902on Feb 4, 2025, 5:36:07 PMOn Probation
The "10% exp loss" is in the game for a reason, it's a "check".
This prevents you from brute forcing things.
what does it check if you already beat all the content in the game and you almost never die unless the game bugs? also its a completely unnecessary check when gear is basically the only requirement to progressing.
and with that said you wont brute force anything with out good gear, a few levels will make zero difference. so no exp loss does not prevent players from brute forcing the game, which is why during the campaign players buy/farm better gear instead of grinding levels.
Posted byYoakar#8952on Feb 4, 2025, 5:37:55 PM
The "10% exp loss" is in the game for a reason, it's a "check".
This prevents you from brute forcing things.
what does it check if you already beat all the content in the game and you almost never die unless the game bugs? also its a completely unnecessary check when gear is basically the only requirement to progressing.
and with that said you wont brute force anything with out good gear, a few levels will make zero difference. so no exp loss does not prevent players from brute forcing the game, which is why during the campaign players buy/farm better gear instead of grinding levels.
It's a combination of both, like it or not. Ppl staying in safer content to farm better gear and grind more levels before pushing higher is a thing.
Well, not for everybody because not everybody cares and pushes anyway, but these ppl normally know the risk and don't complain when they paid for it.
Posted byJakkerONAIR#4902on Feb 4, 2025, 5:41:02 PMOn Probation
Yes I know i know this topic triggers a lot of you but hear me out. In the games current state XP loss adds no value to the game.
This, along with the one portal per map (which they unfortunately started to revert) is the last line of defense against more difficulty and one shot mechanics being introduced to every league. That's value enough for me.
Posted byLaiTash#6276on Feb 4, 2025, 5:42:20 PM
In terms of the waystone/events loss on death that is not really just a loot only bumper. Your are in some cases forced to replay a extremely worse version of the map. IF that needs to be then so be it but the fact you cannot remodify those map nodes with towers is just unnecessary. They can lose all on the nodes but you should be able to reforge that node. That is what i meant by taking all means of gaining back that progression. I suppose i am failing to explain my full train of thought so i apologize on the confusion on how i am explaining things
I put a solution to that problem already in my last "feedback post", in short, besides other token with various uses we would get a token that allows us to skip a node. In case you "failed" (bug or skill issue doesn't matter) you would progress without the need to run an empty map.
Could that not be abused by just taking a lower level character and just failing bad maps in order to progress to better ones or even just path a way to citadels?
Posted byGIBAS1996#4295on Feb 4, 2025, 5:42:28 PM
Tho I think the loss XP on death is a bit high 10% would prefer 5% if they don't have one all players would get to level 100 easily and have nothing to work to i am level 91 would be around 96 to 98 if I had not died all the dam time
sorry to say I like the XP loss makes me try to get better and not die as much tho as I said would want 5% tho as 2 bars (10%) is annoying to lose
but that is just my two cents
Posted byMrSidious#1498on Feb 4, 2025, 5:43:59 PM
I started playing hardcore POE2 and it made me realize how stupid the extreme exp loss penalty is for softcore. If an exp penalty makes you approach the softcore version of the game as if its hardcore, it needs to be removed or tuned. Hardcore and softcore shouldn't require the same approach. If you were to take the exp loss crap out, then I would still be playing on my level 90 softcore and learning new systems. shit, i'd rather the game just be forced to permanent hardcore with a full delete upon death than play the softcore endgame in its current state. Make softcore fun again ggg
Posted byfinalhatdeed#0459on Feb 4, 2025, 5:45:29 PM