XP loss needs to go (566 hours play time)

There is a omen in rituals that give 75% reduced xp loss. Just bring a couple of those? There is a way to prevent it so i really dont know what the complaint is? Have you tried all you can before you complain? Clearly not
The "10% exp loss" is in the game for a reason, it's a "check".

If your power is good for what you do - you will earn exp, level up and get stronger.

If your power is not good for what you do - you will die, lose exp and don't level up.

So, should you die so often that you lose more exp than you gain - you need to change what you are doing and/or improve your character/skills/passives/etc. or do content you can safely grind until your power level is high enough.

This prevents you from brute forcing things.

If they remove the "exp loss" you would gain power (level up) when you should NOT gain that power. You would overcome/ignore a flaw of your character with progress you should not have.

Two notes; going past lvl 96 is with 99% of the builds not needed, nearly all builds are done at this level or even before that. Only a few rare cases really need the last points.
The other point is if it is "too hard to farm" or "too much time to get lvl 100" I am sorry to break it to you, BUT...

Grinding Gear Games

you are wrong, you dont even know what you are talking about.....

you are wrong, you dont even know what you are talking about.....

Darling, if you want to prove someone wrong saying "you wrong" isn't enough.

Common, tell me where I am wrong. You know better, teach me.
Last edited by JakkerONAIR#4902 on Feb 5, 2025, 8:01:24 AM
have you ever tried juicing your maps for experience gains ?
just to say i agree with this 100%. XP Loss is the worst thing in this game.
XP Loss is a time waster and a cheap mechanic to stretch out gameplay. People have been complaining about this since PoE released in early access back in 2013.

They only thing it 'checks' is you patience for BS and how much you want to keep going despite losing hours of progress.
I get that people don't like XP loss and I'm all for getting rid of it...but why is this the focus of any discussion when it comes to penalties for death? Literally every other punishment is far worse than XP loss. Especially when it can't actually lower your level.

Losing the map, the juiced node, all the time that went into getting that node setup...At 94 it still takes less time to get 10% XP than it does to get a juiced node.

Not saying we ignore XP loss, but why is that the thing that is rubbing people the wrong way? It just takes away your time. The other stuff takes away your ability to grow stronger, which means your ability to level faster. And it takes more of your time.
I love poe2, but i have stopped playing since 1-2 weeks now.
the Xp loss on death is 1 of the reasons but if that's was only it i would still be playing hard, bellows are the + and - i have at this moment, and i will play again, keeping a close eye on every patch notes coming out upcoming months ;)

+ Campaign is diverse, in boss mechanics, and mob types.
++ Campaign bosses are allot harder then poe1, once you manage to defeat them it feels rewarding that you managed.
+++ Talents points can be changed all the time with in game currency and not just every few months on updates,
++ Skill gems Link count can be permanent upgraded and is not gear bound.

- 10% xp loss on death, on endgame, 1 death can set you back having to grind 3-50 maps again depending on your level.
-- Citadel bosses, having 1 try, if you die from being 1 shot, you have to spend many hours again to find a new citadel.
--- Skill visual effect, to much visual clutter with no option to disable it, keeps me from dying at bosses cause i cant see when and what attacks the boss's are doing, when i am attacking the boss.

The combination of the top 3 negatives, let me to stop playing for now as the punishment for dying is to high for me to keep enjoying the endgame content for now. as i don't enjoy having to grind over and over again for a single attempt at a boss to die, cause not being able to see the boss attacks.

I will keep a close eye on game updates, and i hope these points will improve over time, in the form of more visual settings, or multiple attempts on for example citadels.

I have really enjoyed the game for 75% of the time, just the endgame killed it for me. and since its early access, the game has allot of time to improve still.

- 10% xp loss on death, on endgame, 1 death can set you back having to grind 3-50 maps again depending on your level.

this is an absolute disgrace and whoever defends this is good is just dishonest.

Its a complete waste of time, completely frustrating and one of the reasons it makes me stop playing around this levels.

This is POE 2, not 1, doesnt need the same bad things POE1 had.
Last edited by b3si#7304 on Feb 11, 2025, 1:06:18 PM
As a long time POE player the 10% xp loss doesn't even register as I plan builds to be more or less done by about 90-95.

This doesn't mean I agree with arbitrary XP loss just because "reasons". I don't agree with it because the monumental XP requirement from 95-100 is utterly ridiculous, insane in fact. 10% XP loss at level 97-100 is a devastating punishment in POE and far worse in POE 2.

Now in POE people charge for lvl 100 carries which is another kick in the BB's to newer players. Players should be able to find/craft their own gear and grind their own levels without some 3rd party charging them all their hard earned currency. If you are paying for levels you are not upgrading your gear etc. etc.

GGG needs to change POE 2 by removing all the crap EVERYONE bar their whales and 3rd party currency traders hated. This includes trials, awfully corrupt trading system and XP loss. Replace it with IDK only allowing one portal maybe? lol

POE 2 since EA release has not only doubled down on the worst mechanics and systems from POE but effectively made them worse. 3rd party currency sellers advertise though google, Microsoft and Apple SE's SPONSORED! and as the owner of the IP GGG could end this tomorrow and permanently, they don't and I want to know why? Pretty sure I already know the answer to this one like everyone else who read this far.

I would pay $15 no problem per season (I get FP2 systems) IF GGG removed all the back door BS they are up to and just made a game to suit the players. The trading system needs GONE first. The XP loss can stay but lower the XP requirements from 90-100 by lots. If the third party in game currency traders don't get shytcanned, steam have just updated their terms of service to developers and POE maybe removed from steam.

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