HOT TAKE: Make ALL currency COMMON

divines are very valuable. mirrors are bonkers crazy valuable.

what if, for poe2 everything was simply made.... common.

chaos orbs, annuls, divines are made common. as common as transmutes etc.

mirrors could be rarer but not too rare.

POE has many issues. one of them is that its ALWAYS better to hoard up currency and trade what you want rather than craft your own.

another is that in POE2 we lack "deterministic" crafting.

to me we solve BOTH by making all currencies common.

people bitch about lacking deterministic crafting, but are barking at the symptom.

not the cause.

the cause is lack of currency. as it is, in poe2 the "best way" to craft is to get a level 81 base, trans, aug, regal, exalt slams. if it doesnt have what you want, you could use the reforger to recycle it. but regardless, its all a dice roll.

the reality is, we DONT NEED deterministic crafting, if we have abundance of currency to begin with. GGG wants us to slam exalts. i've been slamming exalts a huge lot on poe2 right now. why? because i can afford to. its more common than in poe1.

if you had enough currency, you could actually farm a huge lot and slam chaos/annuls to make at least decent gear before you graduated to disgusting unethical gears with stupid strong affixes. you wouldnt need "determinisitic" crafting. you would just need MORE crafting orbs.

also with more crafting orbs, players would ACTUALLY USE them if we had them in abundance.

in poe1 for example, whenever a new league starts. players using 2 handed weapons can EASILY find unique 2handers for 1 chaos. why would any one want to use a chaos on their item if you could simply roll a good item yourself.

currently you cant. you're starved.

also on a personal note, i m tired of playing a game forever, when everythings so stingy. you want me to craft but you dont give me enough to craft. i dont like to craft in poe1 but in LE i crafted EVERYTHING. simply for the fact that the crafting currencies are in abundance.

times have changed. instead of being a "teen shut in" who plays godly amount of hours on ONE game. i play a large variety of games. heck sometimes i rather just watch anime or something. i dont have time to farm as much as i did.

i played poe1 for a decade. never dropped a headhunter or a mageblood. the closest that i got to a mirror was a shard which came from harbingers.

mirrors DO NOT EXIST to me. recently i saw a dude post on reddit on how he new but dropped a mirror. he liquidated it and got a buttload of divines.

i m not jealous of him but instead, i just realized. this game is too focused on RNG. on purposely making things scarce.

if you're lucky, you get lucky. if you're not. well bwah bwah.

that said. a lot of issues that poe2 currently has can be solved by making currency more common.

tho i m pretty sure economy is going to go mad if this actually happens.

but in any case, the best time for GGG to test it out is in EA.
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Last bumped on Feb 6, 2025, 5:53:00 AM
People who trade will probably hate your idea. It would make RMT less common though if people felt like they could grind stuff easier.
sounds boring, no ty
Rikku#7536 wrote:
sounds boring, no ty

more boring that just farming currency , to then go browse trade site for 20 mins to find the item u want ?

how can it be boring to have more chances to make your own gear , yet still have trade site option if u need it ?
We don't need more currency drops, we need more currency sinks.

Benchcraft was great at making divines/exalts useful.
I basically played SSF for my first 200 hours on EA , so i did spent ungodly amounts of currencies into crafting . I'm talking about thousands of exalts here ... My take right now is this : give me x10 times more currencies than what i did spent to craft with and i still would not go back to this absolute casino frustration that crafting is . I raged way more at Chaos/Vaal ruining my items than i ever did to any instadeath moment , i'm done .

Right now crafting is only good at putting the finishing touch on these really good items you just farmed and you plan to trade . Crafting is way too random to get you the very specific item you need for your build , go Trading instead .
That's all there is to it .
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Last edited by Ashyev#5110 on Feb 5, 2025, 4:11:26 AM
Actually good idea i played 600h in poe2 and i got only 12 divine drops for two months thats fucking crazy why i want to keep playing a game where im not getting any rewards for playing 8h a day ?
Actually good idea i played 600h in poe2 and i got only 12 divine drops for two months thats fucking crazy why i want to keep playing a game where im not getting any rewards for playing 8h a day ?

Id say its a "you" problem if you only got 12 div in 600 hours, thats what i get in a day of farming breach as raw drop , just need to learn how to juice up maps . And im far from being ultra optimised.
Guntazke#2624 wrote:
Actually good idea i played 600h in poe2 and i got only 12 divine drops for two months thats fucking crazy why i want to keep playing a game where im not getting any rewards for playing 8h a day ?

Id say its a "you" problem if you only got 12 div in 600 hours, thats what i get in a day of farming breach as raw drop , just need to learn how to juice up maps . And im far from being ultra optimised.

so in other words play a meta build or dont play the game at all eh?

thats what i hated about poe1 in the first place.

if thats the direction poe2 is going, its my cue to leave.
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better yet... just add all items in a vendor or add an "item generator" interface where i can input the stats i want and get that item made at little to no cost. But just make me farm 300 maps before i can make that perfect item.

Nah no thanks. This might just not be the game for you. Given the history of PoE, the devs vision and their inspiration from Diablo 2.

Not a chance lol

The truth is that if you put in the play hours and do some research anyone can build lots of currency and make fun builds to play. Even if you aren't using mirror tier items.
Last edited by BuDiu#0138 on Feb 5, 2025, 7:15:53 PM

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