HOT TAKE: Make ALL currency COMMON

come on now
People who trade will probably hate your idea. It would make RMT less common though if people felt like they could grind stuff easier.

theres a conspiracy theory that GGG is in cahoots with some of them. but we'll probably never know.

6_din_49#4066 wrote:
We don't need more currency drops, we need more currency sinks.

Benchcraft was great at making divines/exalts useful.

for the purpose of making usable gear, that can work too.

just that it wont solve the issue of players ultimately just relying on trade.

as it is players are highly incentivized to NOT use their valuable currency.

Ashyev#5110 wrote:
I basically played SSF for my first 200 hours on EA , so i did spent ungodly amounts of currencies into crafting . I'm talking about thousands of exalts here ... My take right now is this : give me x10 times more currencies than what i did spent to craft with and i still would not go back to this absolute casino frustration that crafting is . I raged way more at Chaos/Vaal ruining my items than i ever did to any instadeath moment , i'm done .

Right now crafting is only good at putting the finishing touch on these really good items you just farmed and you plan to trade . Crafting is way too random to get you the very specific item you need for your build , go Trading instead .
That's all there is to it .

poe2 is based on diablo2's mindset where players are expected to get 2-3 good mods. the rest are just additional bonuses.

currently for the average player getting even 2 good mods is a challenge by itself.

if you're going by poe1's 6 mod and even add corruption in. you definitely are not going to enjoy poe2.

i would also add that if deterministic crafting was made easier, ggg would then have to make the content harder in response.

it will be back to how we got to poe1 where players need to be hyper efficient with their build and gear or else they cant do content. the gap between weak and strong players will widen.
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what some people consider mirror tier is silly on top of just ok rare prices right now.

ok buddy your 50div quarterstaff is nice, but its less than a 10% overall dps upgrade from my Mid 5div one. your getting kinda greedy.

70% ring bonus belt 15 div
80% a mirror. do you know how small of a difference 10% is gonna make on your ring stats?

thats not mirror worthy brother, mabye lay of the drugs.
The whole point of different currencies is different values.

Divines are valuable because they are rare and useful. Same for mirrors.

Things like exalts and chaos are basic trade currency because they are common yet still needed.

If we did what you thought we'd all be trading thousands of exalts for anything decent.

Games always prefer perfection and perfection will come at a high price.
The whole point of different currencies is different values.

Divines are valuable because they are rare and useful. Same for mirrors.

Things like exalts and chaos are basic trade currency because they are common yet still needed.

If we did what you thought we'd all be trading thousands of exalts for anything decent.

Games always prefer perfection and perfection will come at a high price.

i understand that, but after having played poe1 for 10 years. i also understand that i dont have the time to play that long.

when do normies get to have fun? are we all expected to just keep grinding and hope we win the lottery?

for sure rng is rng, but one guy dropping a mirror out of pure dumb luck invalidates all the hard work and effort some other dude could have spent grinding days just to get a portion of a mirrors value.

it goes back to players not using their currency and just simply using trade to get upgrades.

even when not talking about perfection, in last epoch, players can get a "70%" mirror tier gear just by regular crafting and with zero trade involved. players actually use their currency as its common enough.

poe? the best advice for newer players is to keep all their orbs and simply buy their upgrades.
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exsea#1724 wrote:
Guntazke#2624 wrote:
Actually good idea i played 600h in poe2 and i got only 12 divine drops for two months thats fucking crazy why i want to keep playing a game where im not getting any rewards for playing 8h a day ?

Id say its a "you" problem if you only got 12 div in 600 hours, thats what i get in a day of farming breach as raw drop , just need to learn how to juice up maps . And im far from being ultra optimised.

so in other words play a meta build or dont play the game at all eh?

thats what i hated about poe1 in the first place.

if thats the direction poe2 is going, its my cue to leave.

["you" problem] reasoning implies that "meta", "build" or "meta build" have each specific process.
For someone to be able to reject specificity but not be rejected by the system (discussion in this case), there must be the "standard" in the system.
As long as a player accepts this "standard/optimization", the system can be interactive.
It doesn't matter what this "standard/optimization" stands for.

This is an example of "set less dumb requirement" approach.

Guntazke#2624 had accepted "his" standard so that's good for him. We don't really need to "specify" the reason.

If one of your goal is to develop "de-optimizer", you might have to stop relying on the concept of "standard" or "optimal".

Deduction, Induction and Abduction

Reason -> Process -> Result
In this system to finalize the result, "Reason" must be consumed. If not, the result must be unfinished.
In the "make all currency common" system, the result must be unfinished.

It's actually "HOT TAKE". I love this. :D

I totally forgot the "reason had already been consumed" case. I didn't really but in my case, I simply disposed "predictable result" by going SSF like many others did. Because it tends to be "Results must match predictions" ("reason had already been consumed by predictions" case or the reason of "you" problem reasoning).
Especially in terms of personal pleasure, "share everything" doesn't go well.

I remember the narrow path where packs of spiders awaits in the Weaver's Chambers in Open Beta of PoE1. It was on 150~200ms latency from my region to US server and before "sync" patch. I think I was one of the most knowledgeable person including GGG Staff about "how evil poison leap spiders with lags can be". I fought them 3 days as "no pants with magic sceptre and shield" in HC league and finally, I could just skip all of them in one of hundreds of instance reset :P I didn't even know the speed penalty on armours.
It was no problem like at all because I didn't even know why I was doing that lol


I guess they worked really hard to make things "work as intended" so that I enjoyed ALOT more than they intended.
Everything I do should be wrong so please correct me if I do it right <3

Stop Bombing
Moment Joon 【Passport & Garcon】
MonoNeon 【Put On Earth For You】
Last edited by finisterre#5659 on Feb 6, 2025, 12:56:03 PM
Here's your revised forum post with grammar corrections and improved readability while preserving your main ideas and tone:

Here's why I think that we shouldn't get more of the same old items just to encourage some dated mechanics that feel like endless chores, leading to gambling to find a needle in a haystack.

I think currency should have fixed rates like stock markets do, and those rates should be set by GGG based on real-time relevant indicators. Players shouldn't be allowed to manipulate prices and drain resources through the currency vendor, so the market should be regulated somehow. More casual players should be able to exchange other resources into Divines at more stable rates than those imposed by RMT and hardcore players who consume the content at an unreal pace for casuals, dragging the market with them.

Another idea would be to provide more ways for players to obtain currency, such as rewards based on performance and progress, for example:

Complete 5 Tier 13 Vaal Factories without dying, and you get a Divine. OR

Finished the campaign? Here's 100ex, you've earned it!

Anyway, I could write a lot more about how these outdated systems are bad for the overall experience of an otherwise amazing game. It's a pity if this new engine would be forced to work around a 12-year-old interface. Crafting, inventory management, currency, and trading need some simple yet impactful quality of life improvements. For example:

An item trading vendor similar to the currency exchange one

Two extra modifier keys besides ctrl+click that would help you stack items you move horizontally, or the ability to select a starting point where you can start stacking a certain batch of items (like if you want to move all maps to the right side of a quad tab, or on the bottom...stuff like that)

- custom affinities based on item type (like moving all trial tokens and catalysts to a tab based on the same affinity)

- more diverse and valuable rewards for disenchanting

- better swapping of skill gems and their associated support ones

- bulk slamming orbs on the same type of item

- better looting of currency drops

Last year, GGG devs said they watched Last Ep**h closely...that game did somme really good things related to the features I mentioned ..

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