PoE 2 has lost over 80% of its players in 3 months.


PoE 2 has lost over 80% of its players in 3 months

In 2 months. 3 will be in three weeks. Prolly will be smth around 50k players steam (90% players gone).

POE1 did better (after three months it lost only 60%).
After all devs talk about making poe2 a separate title people expected something new. For now poe2 is poe1 plus dodge roll minus content and map sustain. Not surprising it can only retain same audience as poe1 for long. New level design and bosses are pretty to look at, but don't contribute to retention.
ima quote my self here:

im playing for currency to test new builds & find bugs. as a main support the declining player base and overload of bot trades / currency bot manipulation sorts me out to quit the game until new content arrives.

poe2 has a huge balancing issue i think thats the biggest reason most people just leave. either play that one stupid annoying shitty build a known streamer posted once or you cant compete in any way. you cut out of the market so you basically play ssf. theres little to no multiplayer but 5 leechers and that one stupid build or the other stupid build. its like 2 classes all use the same items / skills bs. im talking about 300 hours of main support with one single build as carry in any public game or with friends. the annoying shitty one that disturbes you from moving or the other that gives you eye crabs. the one that clears 3-5 screens in 1 second fun god mode cheat code build. i started playing support as i figured my totem build takes longer to set up one totem in the time a map is cleared by the god mode carries & basically stopped as i noticed that at no point any of those hardcore one shot the game professionals even need a support to carry 6 people. it went so far that i had to rechoice basically 50% of my items to move speed and respec 20 skill points+ to move speed + throw away my 1 divine each jewels for 2% movespeed jewels + adorned & blink on cooldown swap to be able to keep up while heavily breathing. i hope ggg fixes those issues or the game is doomed as a bot irl $$$ market place.

tltr thats what im playing for:
No wonder. Beside better graphic and maybe a better campaign it is worse than poe1. And for an EA title you would expect constant changes or at least fixes. Actually it feels like that the devs have abandoned their own game.
Last edited by Treeneous#1847 on Feb 16, 2025, 8:04:52 AM
theres little to no multiplayer but 5 leechers and that one stupid build or the other stupid build.

Always been that way in POE1. Since core game design is the same, it is bad in POE2 as well. And will be bad unless they make POE2 a distinct new game.
Also, idk if GGG realize this, but they totally killed crafting for a lot of casual noobs like me. In poe1 low-skill crafting was tolerable to perform, as in farm currency and spam it on 1 item.

Now I absolutely not going to fiddle with 100+ item bases requiring manual loot filter edit for every item, occupying several stash tabs, and dragging them back and forth to vendor during crafting. No crafting bench too.

This leaves trade only way to upgrade your gear, and poe2 per-league price inflation now skyrockets even faster than poe1 exactly because currency sinks are gone, and only whales actually slam currency in great amounts.

Which means another retention killer for players thinking similar to me. Once trade prices leapfrog you, you are playing SSF but with worse droprates than SSF. Who is going to bother staying in that position for long?
According to steam charts:


Many players had high hopes for Path of Exile 2, but for many, those hopes have been shattered.

I want PoE2 to succeed, and I had hoped that GGG had learned from past mistakes. But they remain the same company, clinging to the same rigid "vision." Unfortunately, this unwillingness to adapt may ultimately be their downfall.

Rather than engaging with the community and addressing feedback, they remain silent. This lack of communication leaves players feeling ignored, frustrated and undervalued.

There will likely be temporary player surges when major patches drop, and a wave of non-paying players when the full release arrives. But at this rate, PoE2 risks becoming just another forgettable ARPG in an already crowded genre.

I believe this issue can only be solved with more content. I wish there were 8 more pinnacle bosses like Xesht and the Audience, and 8 more mechanics like Breach to choose from. I also wish some endgame maps didn’t have invisible terrain blocks. It would be great to have 3 hidden uber-pinnacle bosses, and for players to fight the Arbiter, Audience, and Xesht more, with drop rate tweaks.

The immediate solution besides bringing new content which can instantly make the game fun is to nerf the resistance penalty by substantial rebalancing.

Last edited by Sunrakukun#6343 on Feb 17, 2025, 3:47:10 AM
lol.. it's a EARLY ACCESS.. or closed beta.. call it as you want.. it's pretty normal.. for a unfinished game.. and they are not listening to the community?? they are still completing the game i...t..

You know, the more people talk about the game being early access the more I think Early access mean Demo...

It should be in a better shape with only having few thing to polish. Not giving us a 1/4 of the game.
lol.. it's a EARLY ACCESS.. or closed beta.. call it as you want.. it's pretty normal.. for a unfinished game.. and they are not listening to the community?? they are still completing the game i...t..

If only... they are not treading the waters with a new game, they are repeating all the decisions present in poe1 for 10-15 years. They knew what they were doing and knew community reception. So all those controversial things are here to stay, we already know how "finished game" will look like.

Poe2 won't get new audience, it will take on same audience poe1 had. Which was never 500k CCU. Maybe 250k momentarily when new league drops, then it will gradually decrease.

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