PoE 2 has lost over 80% of its players in 3 months.

i dont think "listening" to people is a good idea if u ask me
people chase fast gratification in games like this but realize over time its not what they wanted, we need hard and long game we can devote to but without unnescessary overcomplicated things in between, fix loading times (1 frankfurt server? why not 4-5?), fix out of screen deaths, skill visibility (when i am trying to burst bosses i see nothing but my own spells and die because of that), add some diversity so its not getting boring easily, give people some ways to target farm things, nerf builds capable of jumping through maps to the ground, blink with cd of 3-4s should the best best u could do movement wise but for the love on god first fix the game being 30fps when u start getting strong because i want my gameplay to get more smooth over time i invested not a lagfest because i can use too many spells at once (another visibility problem also)
also exp penatly is crucial in decision making if u wanna play like u are immportal at least have some penatly for that

Last edited by Aragorn#0353 on Feb 16, 2025, 1:38:35 AM
A lot of people will say it's because the game is incomplete. Partially true.

They're correct. A lot of people want a finished game. But for most these days...

People are just sick of games like this. Lots of people, especially since covid, have realized just how disrespectful this world is of peoples time. And they're saying no to it now. Shovelling slop in front of players is no longer engaging them in the same way it used to. People say it's because everyone wants instant-gratification now, but that is precisely why games have been falling out of favour. Because games became about gratification, rather than actual enjoyment.

A game that's fun, and gives you a good time with friends, or solo. Is 10x more valuable than one that aims to pad your game time and keep you playing.

I have many games that I've only put 100, 200 hours into over the years, but it's all been with friends, and I've enjoyed them far more than games like WoW, who just keep creating content that keeps players coming back to grind more, whilst ignoring all the casual players that used to play.

PoE is no different. A small portion of the playerbase valued hitting end-game, mindlessly grinding, and engaging with the crafting/economy system. Most other people looking for an ARPG, were just looking for a fun lootsplosion game to enjoy. But the emphasis, and focus on the end-game, and the economy, has stolen the soul of this game, and then when people complain that the loot is bad, or that XP loss on death is unfun, and that they quit over it. GGG, as well as the vocal minority of people on the forums. Tell them the game is perfect as is.

Warrax#2850 wrote:
Complainers talks like this game was released long ago, GGG didn't even released their first big patch yet (0.2), they are CURRENTLY learning from their mistakes.

Nerfs, buffs and new content is coming, just be patient, they took some dev time to make a quick league for PoE1 as they are trying to please both communities, PoE2's turn is next, please be patient.

As for the retention you can blame the marketing for that, it brought a lot of tourists that probably won't come back, PoE2 by itself is doing pretty well.

Path of Exile was released more than 11 years ago.

They had PoE 1 to learn from their mistakes, and they did, then for some reason they made the same mistakes in PoE 2. At this pace it'll take them like 3 years to turn this into a playable game

If the tourists were able to break free of their casual brain chains and gave PoE 1 a chance, they'd never return to PoE 2
"buff grenades"

- Buff Grenades (Buff-Grenades)
Last edited by auspexa#1404 on Feb 16, 2025, 3:44:03 AM
auspexa#1404 wrote:
Warrax#2850 wrote:
Complainers talks like this game was released long ago, GGG didn't even released their first big patch yet (0.2), they are CURRENTLY learning from their mistakes.

Nerfs, buffs and new content is coming, just be patient, they took some dev time to make a quick league for PoE1 as they are trying to please both communities, PoE2's turn is next, please be patient.

As for the retention you can blame the marketing for that, it brought a lot of tourists that probably won't come back, PoE2 by itself is doing pretty well.

Path of Exile was released more than 11 years ago.

They had PoE 1 to learn from their mistakes, and they did, then for some reason they made the same mistakes in PoE 2. At this pace it'll take them like 3 years to turn this into a playable game

If the tourists were able to break free of their casual brain chains and gave PoE 1 a chance, they'd never return to PoE 2

I’d argue that they haven’t made the same mistakes.
They obviously want us to play for a typically longer time (per league once they release the game) than in PoE.
Problem is that in terms of the game engine (annoying bugs aside, understandable in such circumstances) is excellent, in terms of PoE to PoE2 they appear to have left a lot of the best parts behind and replaced them with (currently) imo worse ones.
It feels to me like we need urgently more ‘old league’ systems like delve and heist, which would give us a break from raw mapping. And, also some crafting that does rely on entirely random currency rolls, single mod essence rolls or extortionate omen crafting. Just these two focuses would imo add a great deal to endgame and make the campaign easier due to basic crafting (such as a heavily reduced from Poe one bench) allowing us to fill out low resistances for example.
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
Last edited by Timbo Zero#8289 on Feb 16, 2025, 4:37:12 AM
auspexa#1404 wrote:
Warrax#2850 wrote:
Complainers talks like this game was released long ago, GGG didn't even released their first big patch yet (0.2), they are CURRENTLY learning from their mistakes.

Nerfs, buffs and new content is coming, just be patient, they took some dev time to make a quick league for PoE1 as they are trying to please both communities, PoE2's turn is next, please be patient.

As for the retention you can blame the marketing for that, it brought a lot of tourists that probably won't come back, PoE2 by itself is doing pretty well.

Path of Exile was released more than 11 years ago.

They had PoE 1 to learn from their mistakes, and they did, then for some reason they made the same mistakes in PoE 2. At this pace it'll take them like 3 years to turn this into a playable game

If the tourists were able to break free of their casual brain chains and gave PoE 1 a chance, they'd never return to PoE 2

I’d argue that they haven’t made the same mistakes.
They obviously want us to play for a typically longer time (per league once they release the game) than in PoE.
Problem is that in terms of the game engine (annoying bugs aside, understandable in such circumstances) is excellent, in terms of PoE to PoE2 they appear to have left a lot of the best parts behind and replaced them with (currently) imo worse ones.
It feels to me like we need urgently more ‘old league’ systems like delve and heist, which would give us a break from raw mapping. And, also some crafting that does rely on entirely random currency rolls, single mod essence rolls or extortionate omen crafting. Just these two focuses would imo add a great deal to endgame and make the campaign easier due to basic crafting (such as a heavily reduced from Poe one bench) allowing us to fill out low resistances for example.

This is the issue. Instead of GGG innovating. They've just resorted to adding in mechanics from the old game.

The answer isn't to add delve or heists to give you something to do. You can just go play PoE 1 if that's what you want to do.

They need to come up with something that's different, and enjoyable for players. Otherwise, what is the point of making another similar game? Just to add a fresh layer of paint on something?

So many game companies are falling apart because all they did for years, was push slop like Assassin's creed to players, just packaged up in a slightly different way. Gamers are sick of it.

POE 2 being so similar to POE 1 is the main reason so many people are upset. Old players want another carbon copy of the mechanics they liked from PoE 1, and tons of players wanting a different experience are upset that things are largely the same. And the community is entirely toxic towards those saying hey, maybe try doing something differently this time.
Last edited by Akedomo#3573 on Feb 16, 2025, 4:44:14 AM
auspexa#1404 wrote:
If the tourists were able to break free of their casual brain chains and gave PoE 1 a chance, they'd never return to PoE 2

Man, PoE 1 is a cookie-clicker game, most people don't want to play it because it is boring as hell. Even Jonathan can't enjoy it anymore. Ofc, cookie-clickers have some fans too, but for the most people it is way too primitive gameplay. This is why so many new people are interested in PoE 2 and still hope that it will deliver something different, something like early acts gameplay.
Last edited by Suchka_777#4336 on Feb 16, 2025, 5:36:55 AM
auspexa#1404 wrote:
Warrax#2850 wrote:
Complainers talks like this game was released long ago, GGG didn't even released their first big patch yet (0.2), they are CURRENTLY learning from their mistakes.

Nerfs, buffs and new content is coming, just be patient, they took some dev time to make a quick league for PoE1 as they are trying to please both communities, PoE2's turn is next, please be patient.

As for the retention you can blame the marketing for that, it brought a lot of tourists that probably won't come back, PoE2 by itself is doing pretty well.

Path of Exile was released more than 11 years ago.

They had PoE 1 to learn from their mistakes, and they did, then for some reason they made the same mistakes in PoE 2. At this pace it'll take them like 3 years to turn this into a playable game

If the tourists were able to break free of their casual brain chains and gave PoE 1 a chance, they'd never return to PoE 2

I’d argue that they haven’t made the same mistakes.
They obviously want us to play for a typically longer time (per league once they release the game) than in PoE.
Problem is that in terms of the game engine (annoying bugs aside, understandable in such circumstances) is excellent, in terms of PoE to PoE2 they appear to have left a lot of the best parts behind and replaced them with (currently) imo worse ones.
It feels to me like we need urgently more ‘old league’ systems like delve and heist, which would give us a break from raw mapping. And, also some crafting that does rely on entirely random currency rolls, single mod essence rolls or extortionate omen crafting. Just these two focuses would imo add a great deal to endgame and make the campaign easier due to basic crafting (such as a heavily reduced from Poe one bench) allowing us to fill out low resistances for example.

This is the issue. Instead of GGG innovating. They've just resorted to adding in mechanics from the old game.

The answer isn't to add delve or heists to give you something to do. You can just go play PoE 1 if that's what you want to do.

They need to come up with something that's different, and enjoyable for players. Otherwise, what is the point of making another similar game? Just to add a fresh layer of paint on something?

So many game companies are falling apart because all they did for years, was push slop like Assassin's creed to players, just packaged up in a slightly different way. Gamers are sick of it.

POE 2 being so similar to POE 1 is the main reason so many people are upset. Old players want another carbon copy of the mechanics they liked from PoE 1, and tons of players wanting a different experience are upset that things are largely the same. And the community is entirely toxic towards those saying hey, maybe try doing something differently this time.

This is exactly what makes me upset.

PoE 2 is just a layer of new fresh paint of PoE 2 with a new re-skin graphic and some minor improvements. PoE 1 vets were able to crack the code and make certain builds act like PoE 1 zoom zoom fest and we are at square 1 with 2 semi-identical products. It makes you really wonder what in the world they have done for the last 6 years [And in this case the only praise goes towards the designers that re-skinned the game in very stunning way].

Where is PoE 2? Where is the slow and methodical gameplay that was promised?

I read a player comment a possible foreseen future which in a way would be scary. PoE 2 will become the new vessel and everything inside PoE 1 will eventually transfer to PoE 2 making PoE 1 obsolete and shutting down those servers. And by the looks of it, his theory may not be so much fetched. Just think for a moment. Same events[Delirium, Breach, Ritual], many similar uniques, gameplay being close to identical with certain builds...

And if this was the plan all along, they should have just told us so and be frank with their vision.
This is exactly what makes me upset.

PoE 2 is just a layer of new fresh paint of PoE 2 with a new re-skin graphic and some minor improvements. PoE 1 vets were able to crack the code and make certain builds act like PoE 1 zoom zoom fest and we are at square 1 with 2 semi-identical products. It makes you really wonder what in the world they have done for the last 6 years [And in this case the only praise goes towards the designers that re-skinned the game in very stunning way].

Where is PoE 2? Where is the slow and methodical gameplay that was promised?

I read a player comment a possible foreseen future which in a way would be scary. PoE 2 will become the new vessel and everything inside PoE 1 will eventually transfer to PoE 2 making PoE 1 obsolete and shutting down those servers. And by the looks of it, his theory may not be so much fetched. Just think for a moment. Same events[Delirium, Breach, Ritual], many similar uniques, gameplay being close to identical with certain builds...

And if this was the plan all along, they should have just told us so and be frank with their vision.

Yup. I simply wouldn't have bought the game if I knew the intentions were to create an incredibly similar game as PoE 1. There is a ton of stuff I didn't like about PoE 1, and it's clear due to the lack of player retention past like, act 4-5 in PoE 1 That a lot of people similarly didn't find many aspects of the game enjoyable.

I fully expected a different game, and the fact that they were separated pointed to this fact. But now, all it feels like is that we're getting PoE 1, version 2.0.

All of the worst mechanics from the first game. Like the forced economy, and crafting. The endless end-game, all present in PoE 2. Co-op is an even WORSE experience, and many of the mechanics that made PoE 1 enjoyable, for me. Like the unique builds and the passive tree, have been straight butchered in this version.

I really don't understand it, at all. They might recoup their money by feeding off the addicts and whales, and that's fine if that's what they wanted to do, but they really did advertise a better game. Just feels like their idea of 'better' is entirely disconnected from the majority of players. Given exactly how many people are on the forums complaining and offering suggestions that seem to be ignored. Even some old players are asking what the point of all this was.
It feels like some builds are incredibly punished for daring to exist, while others have a trivial time clearing the same content.

I don't expect all builds to act equally, nor do I want them, but each class should be relevant. The ranger should not feel early on like she's got 1/4th the power of another class.

I logged into POE1 on my ranger that's the same level, and she literally deletes screen after screen.

idk man.
I honestly think it might not be a problem.
So people who have a lot fo time did everything they could and got bored and switched to other games.
Poeple with little time like me still play (i have just started endgame).

The important thing is imho if they had good experience or not, if they will mostly come back once a major update hits or not. I would wager they will.

IF poeple who have lots of time play the full game (which should have more then 2 time the contant) for 2-3 months, and then come back for leagues/updates, i think its a good result, which will result in good microtransantions/monetary support for the game
Last edited by FireStorm1010#8675 on Feb 16, 2025, 7:02:39 AM

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