PoE 2 has lost over 80% of its players in 3 months.

This entirely thread is 80%+ negativity and no constructive input what so ever, honestly it should just be locked for some of the just plain arguing between some people.
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
PoE 2 has lost over 80% of its players in 3 months because of balance issues. The game is initially appealing until you start seeing the cracks in the crevasses. It's starts losing it's charm. The Developers are going to get called out for this.
wonder what they'll make to this game
PoE 2 has lost over 80% of its players in 3 months because of balance issues. The game is initially appealing until you start seeing the cracks in the crevasses. It's starts losing it's charm. The Developers are going to get called out for this.

A lot of players will either have been PoE1 vets who got bored after completing most of the current content (this in endgame especially needs attention) and also completely new players to PoE franchise (as the PoE1 advertising was less than useless) due to a large scale press coverage of the PoE2 game, they will have come to the game expecting for example a D4 like or Souls-like experience (why souls like was even mentioned by Jonathan I don’t know) and found it to be neither of those things. Dungeon crawlers (I hate the arpg moniker) is a very popular genre of game and has been since Gauntlet was an arcade machine back in 1985, people will look for one that suits them and leave the ones that don’t.
Additionally, even a new player that stuck with the game until the atlas and did well there will have gotten as bored as PoE1 vets by now, just taken a little longer to do so.
A decline in player base for a beta with limited activities (which is a far bigger issue than balance) is perfectly natural.
I mentioned activities vs balance, please don’t assume I am happy with the balance. It most definitely needs some outliers (both too powerful and not powerful enough) to get some minor treatment , but to go all in on balance now would just be a waste of manhours. Once all the classes and ascendancies are in a major balance parse would be productive, and once all the acts and endgame activities a final balance parse again before release would be productive. Until then it would be foolish to think there would be no outliers in a new game and dealing with the extreme ones would be good but a full parse a waste.

Edit: as an example of an outlier I will call out the one I played which is the Ice Spear Invoker monk. It is my opinion that for the campaign and mapping it’s near to the level most classes/ascendancies should be. However, it can bypass boss mechanics and that is flat out wrong. Does this mean it should be nerfed? Again in my opinion no, but bosses should have higher thresholds to things like freeze (making them more difficult to freeze in the first place) and also have a cooldown during which that ailment can’t freeze them (to use my build as an example) again. This would maintain the (imo) comfortable experience of the build but stop it from being exploitative on bosses.

There are other issues with the game that I won’t get into here and now, I’ll be patient and wait till 0.2.0 and see what they do with that. But again even if it’s really good I’ll be playing for a month and gone until next major patch, rinse and repeat.
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
Last edited by Timbo Zero#8289 on Feb 22, 2025, 12:18:18 PM
Yup. It's really bad. And yes we still have lemmings that support GGG at all costs. I don't understand these types of people.

I mean Diablo 4 still has over 150k active players, and this game was supposedly the "Diablo killer". So far, it's looking like it's going to be the other way around.

The 2 main problems IMO are 1) difficulty curve and 2) ridiculous trading system.

1) They can fix the difficulty but making it EASY at the start, and then more difficult as you move towards tier 15 maps. As it stands, the game is insanely hard to start fresh, with Viper Bitch in act 3 causing probably 100k+ players to quit. Yet if you endure and make it to the endgame, the game actually gets too easy once you are geared. This is incompetent game development.

2) The trade system sucks and the devs need to be forced to implement an auction house. This can be done with the website. Simply add an option to the website to force buyout, requiring a linked account which will be mailed the item. Currency is withdrawn from your currency tab (required), and the purchased item will be mailed to a mailbox. This prevents price fixing and scams.
92ranger#4205 wrote:
Yup. It's really bad. And yes we still have lemmings that support GGG at all costs. I don't understand these types of people.

I mean Diablo 4 still has over 150k active players, and this game was supposedly the "Diablo killer". So far, it's looking like it's going to be the other way around.

The 2 main problems IMO are 1) difficulty curve and 2) ridiculous trading system.

1) They can fix the difficulty but making it EASY at the start, and then more difficult as you move towards tier 15 maps. As it stands, the game is insanely hard to start fresh, with Viper Bitch in act 3 causing probably 100k+ players to quit. Yet if you endure and make it to the endgame, the game actually gets too easy once you are geared. This is incompetent game development.

2) The trade system sucks and the devs need to be forced to implement an auction house. This can be done with the website. Simply add an option to the website to force buyout, requiring a linked account which will be mailed the item. Currency is withdrawn from your currency tab (required), and the purchased item will be mailed to a mailbox. This prevents price fixing and scams.

To be Honest, i think the MAIN Problem is not the Balance, poor Trading System or non Communication... the real Main Problem is, i´ts not Satisfying, no Dopamin Push, no "Fuck yeah" when something drops etc.. i think you know what i mean.
Ex, Div, uniques, rares.. 99% of it is trash, 0,9% is for trade and 0,1% is sth you want to use....

I want to Play the Game, but it won´t let me have Fun with it. And yes i know how to juice maps.
I want to Play the Game, but it won´t let me have Fun with it.

Do you realize that fun is different for everyone?
If you think the the problem for most people is just the loot drop - you delude yourself.
I want to Play the Game, but it won´t let me have Fun with it.

Do you realize that fun is different for everyone?
If you think the the problem for most people is just the loot drop - you delude yourself.

Most of it can be summarized in bad loot drops, crafting rng, too much rng with maps or towers and it being a chore, bad exp with ascendencies, and xp/map/loot penalty on death. Thats like 90% of all the complaints.
I want to Play the Game, but it won´t let me have Fun with it.

Do you realize that fun is different for everyone?
If you think the the problem for most people is just the loot drop - you delude yourself.

Let me tell you this.
Guarantee is not killing 1.000.000+ monsters just for fun.
This is primary considered a loot game and thus loot is Top 3 priority.
As how it stands, it sucks very badly.

Items do roll, and they do roll in different combination.
Problem is that 80% of the combination available do suck at this point.
Life? Sell. Reduce Requirement? Sell. Life leech? Sell.
Armor? Sell

On top of that, tier roll is crap. Playing thousands of T15 maps and for the most part collecting low ilvl affix is pure insanity
Most of it can be summarized in bad loot drops, crafting rng, too much rng with maps or towers and it being a chore, bad exp with ascendencies, and xp/map/loot penalty on death. Thats like 90% of all the complaints.

I'm following feedback closely. Only last 2 are often complaints. But these are minor and easy to fix. Problem is much deeper and lies in core game design that resembles POE1.

Items do roll, and they do roll in different combination.
Problem is that 80% of the combination available do suck at this point.
Life? Sell. Reduce Requirement? Sell. Life leech? Sell.
Armor? Sell

On top of that, tier roll is crap. Playing thousands of T15 maps and for the most part collecting low ilvl affix is pure insanity

So basically you are saying you want best gear in 3 days of grind. And what after that? Nothing. You will quit the game, unless you are RMT trader. The essense of ARPG is not getting loot fast - but getting it slow, because this prolongs the game. If you want it fast - there is D3/D4. Absolutely terrible games in itemization aspect.

Last edited by Azimuthus#1135 on Feb 22, 2025, 5:15:25 PM

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