If this new PoE 1 event doesn't capture a lot of players

Since we are just throwing out random shit. Does this mean PoE2 is dead?

Twitch viewers
PoE = 11k
PoE2 = 2k
D4 = 2k

Actually im in the 99th percentile

im 9.5.

Ohhh that was players ... there are 100k poe2 right now
9k poe1 only 10x

few weeks ago it was 50x but most poe2 players quit at the trials and end game.
I prefer to think of it like......

PoE2 lost 2X more players in a month than PoE1 has ever had.
not hard to see where priorities should be.
Last edited by Jitter912#4278 on Feb 18, 2025, 1:34:13 PM

You get a free armour set. That would probably be like $80 if you bought it from their store xd

You do? I must have missed it, i'll look

You get a free armour set. That would probably be like $80 if you bought it from their store xd

You do? I must have missed it, i'll look

It looks decent, not over the top like a bunch of the recent stuff. You get the full set by lvl 80, so easy to do in a weekend.

You get a free armour set. That would probably be like $80 if you bought it from their store xd

Goddammit, it works in POE 2 also.

well shit I guess I have a reason to play now :/

PoE2 lost 2X more players in a month than PoE1 has ever had.
not hard to see where priorities should be.

We will have Blizzard 2.0 in no time if GGG hires you.
You need to get it out of your head that someone wanting to play an event in POE 1 is automatically opposed to POE 2. Stop being cringe.
The more More you have, the less Less matters
Climet#7103 wrote:

PoE2 lost 2X more players in a month than PoE1 has ever had.
not hard to see where priorities should be.

We will have Blizzard 2.0 in no time if GGG hires you.

It aint personal, its business

Have you ever looked at Blizzard revenue ?
its in the Billions....
GGG is their catering budget.. or lawsuit budget ... whatever
Ive been on the GGG website ...
I have looked at NZ as a place to live ...
If they want to hire me ... id probably go ... Canada is cold!
I just shoveled a driveway with snow up to my waist .... total BS

Think of me as .... BLIZZARD NORTH
Last edited by Jitter912#4278 on Feb 18, 2025, 2:51:37 PM
The viewers stats is actually genius because it gauges interest in a game.

You can't believe steam stats because they are only a part of the player base.
Wow... Poe fanboys are easy to dish out but apparently cannot take it... Dont worry, in a few years you will have the pleasure of POE Resurrected for those stuck in the past

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