XP loss on death kills my motivation.
" Loot filter would like a word with you. It is a loot pinata simulator. And a wallstreet simulator. And a gacha simulator. And it's far from being finished. So you can't actually call that a game. Also get that sick mindset of stick and carrot being a good way to teach people. That's a toxic narrow minded thinking. |
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" Stick and carrot works just fine in many aspects, [Removed by Support]. Last edited by Nichelle_GGG#0000 on Feb 25, 2025, 6:17:25 PM
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Thank you for your replies and opinions. I think I understand that having some meaningful impact after a death does make the achievement of progressing more valuable overall.
I think I still prefer the concept of slowing down subsequent XP gain following a death opposed to losing a heap of XP. Especially seen as I think even should I fix issues such as health pool, resists and approach to engaging the mobs, I am still a melee character and regularly get attacked and killed by off screen threats. My fear with the XP loss on death is that if it is currently taking me a couple of hours to recover from a death at level 77. So around a 5/6 million loss of XP, then at level 87 it may be taking me 4 hours to recover for the XP loss, but as the requirement for each conscutive level is progressvely higher, the chance of reaching the next level without death, is reduced significantly. I can't see this as a good mechanic, I think a lot of people will walk away from the game simply out of frustration from the poor implementation of this mechanic, rahter than them feeling like they got enough out of the game or bored with the available content. |
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use amys omen, reduced xp loss and theyre like 40-50 ex only
makes it more endurable |
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Sht like xp loss on death is so the no-life/job sweats can have a trophy. It's not good game design, doesn't teach any lessons that improve the player. Because there's no combat log, it's often impossible to know exactly WHY you died. So how can I "fix" my mistake? Over capped on res, 7k hp/ES, and I'm insta clapped by white mobs? How?
"gIt gUd"said the guy who's entire self-worth hinges on a video game accolade |
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they are trying to make you spend more time on this game. this is why they remove exp when a player character dies.
just ignore ggg and this game, get out of it. there are plenty of other games to play. |
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It's always a let down when you die and you lose the map mods as well as progress.
I am level 91 on my Warrior, but after the disappointment has passed I find motivated to try harder and learn more. I think a big problem with the game is not the XP loss but it's the game fails to teach you how to get better. Today for example I got pretty much one shot AFTER killing a rare. It didnt have volatiles or anything, my Warrior has 3.5K HP, 78% resists. I think for many builds you just have to swallow your pride and accept you cant run a bunch of mods. On my Warrior pretty much any "Extra XYZ Damage" is highly risky, and "Damage Penetrate Resistances" is a death sentence. So for me the frustration is not the XP loss, it is how to sustain maps and make experience. I only get 3% of XP per XV map that is irradiated. I have to throw away a bunch of maps that have deadly mods. The problem with the XP loss atm, without a way to recover the XP, is it kills experimentation. I am ~50% into level 91, there is no incentive for me to try a risky map, and hence it is much less fun, because I'll likely die within 3 maps and stop progressing. I have to run easy maps and grind it to 92, once I levelled 92 I can start doing a bunch of risky maps. So the XP loss mechanic is flawed in that regard. There should be a chance to recover part or all of the XP in subsequent runs, so that you can experiment more. |
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" I don't know how you do your math, at level 77 XP comes really easy. Stop running risky maps, do MAGIC maps with just prefix/suffix. At level 91 I get 3% experience from a basic XV map, so I need 3-4 maps to recover XP loss. That definitely doesn't take 4 hours. Maybe half an hour. At level 91 I get 5% experience from a map that is both Corrupted and Irradiated (so level 79+1+1). If the XP loss feels punishing when you are not even level 80 chances are you die way too often. Slow down. Surviving actually ends up netting you more experience. Focus on completing maps, swallow your pride and stop running dangerous maps. Be selective with what maps you run. When you start mapping a big mistake is to try to rank up too fast. You get PLENTY of experience even if you are 5 levels above so keep doing low level maps as long as you get XP and only move up in map tier when the XP gain is too slow. I think if you are level 77 that means you most definitely shouldnt run tier XIII maps (ilevel 77) and run tier X for example. This will greatly improve your results, everything becomes easier when you are above enemies level. XP loss becomes really an issue at level 90+ because now you HAVE to run XV maps that ALSO have Irradiated Corrupted and ideally a boss, because a plain tier XV maps stop giving you noticeable experience. NOW you are in trouble, because you actually need to sustain maps - and to sustain maps you need to survive and kill the boss. |
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"What are you talking about? Even at lv 90 a single death will put you back maybe one map. Depending on how juiced your map is, you need around 10 maps to get a level. At your level, I was getting half of my bar each map, getting a level in 1-3 maps depending on how juiced it was. Dying was basically inconsequential. And this was a melee titan. The atlas tree is very imbalanced right now. Here's a pretty good atlas build: https://gamerant.com/path-of-exile-2-best-atlas-skill-tree-setup-poe2/ This way you can quickly get to lv15 maps and stay there, which should be your priority, because monster level determines XP and doing low lv maps is not efficient. Don't be afraid to run empty lv15 maps too if you don't have the gear to survive the juice. You get better drops from rares since they are atlas juiced and you can use the exalts and chaos orbs to trade for some rarity/resist gear and move on from there. For early mapping use Hammer of the Gods with bleed chance/bleed magnitude/2x cooldown to delete rares and use currency trade (Alva) to quickly get 5 links with quality. As a melee the only viable way to play currently is Giant's Blood with +X levels to melee skills 2H and (high block chance) shield. |
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" Lmao. Yeah that's why playing without a loot filter is nigh impossible, because it is not a loot pinata. Nah, man, difficulty is very different from punishment. That is why the soulsgames find such universal appraisal. They are hard but fair as the saying goes, without needless punishment. PoE is the exact opposite. It's mind-boggingly easy, meta builds are pressing LMB essentially, yet it is insanely punishing. Skill diff in game design I fear. |
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