XP loss on death kills my motivation.

Summoner#7705 wrote:
What are you talking about? Even at lv 90 a single death will put you back maybe one map. Depending on how juiced your map is, you need around 10 maps to get a level. At your level, I was getting half of my bar each map, getting a level in 1-3 maps depending on how juiced it was. Dying was basically inconsequential. And this was a melee titan.

You have to be grossly exxagerating those numbers?

On average I don't think you can level in less than 10 maps.

And you don't run 10 "juiced" maps in a row, you have to spend time setting them up, so you end up doing way more.
Thank you for your replies and opinions. I think I understand that having some meaningful impact after a death does make the achievement of progressing more valuable overall.

I think I still prefer the concept of slowing down subsequent XP gain following a death opposed to losing a heap of XP. Especially seen as I think even should I fix issues such as health pool, resists and approach to engaging the mobs, I am still a melee character and regularly get attacked and killed by off screen threats.

My fear with the XP loss on death is that if it is currently taking me a couple of hours to recover from a death at level 77. So around a 5/6 million loss of XP, then at level 87 it may be taking me 4 hours to recover for the XP loss, but as the requirement for each conscutive level is progressvely higher, the chance of reaching the next level without death, is reduced significantly.

I can't see this as a good mechanic, I think a lot of people will walk away from the game simply out of frustration from the poor implementation of this mechanic, rahter than them feeling like they got enough out of the game or bored with the available content.

In D2, which is supposed idol of poe and has exp penalty, damage variance of every monster type was constrained within narrow limits. After a while player develops a gut feeling of how dangerous every hit is for this specific character, and can preventively retreat or switch from braindead rush to cautious play when first seeing enemy pack size and composition.

This is as close as you get to making arpg with "demanding player skill", and exp penalty makes sense on those conditions.

In poe when you see a mob, you have no idea about how dangerous it is, even if you saw it 1000 times before and did 500 copies of this same map. Because you have to vaal/tablet every map with so much different random shit, trying to memorize all combinations is pointless. Only course of action is to attack mob with your 1 button and learn about its power the hard way.

If mob turns out to be unusually strong, you only realize it when lying dead and eating "deserved" penalty. And even afterwards, you still don't know why it was so powerful (no floating numbers and death log). Next map it will all reroll anyway, who cares. Respawn and 1-button further.

This has nothing to do with player skill, it is RNG casino where you aren't supposed to win by design.
posted my view in other thread but here it is

games are entertainment and the penalties are overly punishing.

to me the xp loss (most obnoxious) only creates the kill of be killed playstlye and playing safe maps to avoid possible hours of invested playtime being lost.

thats time (reward) from content i have already completed..!! how is that in any way reasonable?

they gatekeep using the excuse "do easier content" but visual clarity, poor clues, invisible shit make one shots a certainty at some point.

But why are you taking away my reward from previous successful completed content?

Its a sick mindset that thinks that is ok, hell why not also remove all the items i earned playing during that time along with the xp, map, tablets etc. its the same logic

Punish me but only do it for the content (map) I am in, it has the same outcome..lost playtime progress stalled...time i try safer content

I bailed after getting 2 characters to 80+ because of this ridiculous mechanic.

I get it, it's your game do as you will but its also my time and money, if you want it them be more reasonable i urge the devs to rethink or there will be many more who think like i do
Last edited by tarloch#1873 on Feb 27, 2025, 3:32:39 AM
xp loss yeah not good lol if i did not lose my xp when i played the game i would be lvl 98 not lvl 93 :D you die you lose xp you die you lose your map LOL we're not playing HARd core we're playing softcore
However we are putting effort into maximum possible defense, life/es we would be killed, one-shot from somewhere and that is bad. Not being killed from several hits that we can avoid by moving away, using dodge roll, but murdered badly without the chance to react to it. This is bad in general and getting XP penalty and loosing the Map on top of it, feeling not good at all.

At bosses should be a practise mode, we have no idea how good enough our hero is for certain tier fight. However we are trying to prepare for it, not the same actually doing it.
DeF46#3887 wrote:
You have to be grossly exxagerating those numbers?
After I wrote that comment I played on my lv 78 alt and got 2 levels in 2 towers with no affix lv 15 waystones. Not even regular maps. I was actually underestimating how huge the XP gain is.
Mine too.

Either it or the one portal limitation needs to go, otherwise i doubt i'm gonna spend much time playing a game that gives you a gut punch for every little mistake or random one shot coming out of nowhere.

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