POE2 Community, the new players GGG wants, are TOXIC.

Wow. I just spent time playing Phrecia and thought I would go try something on the POE2 servers. What an education. Of the people talking in Global chat, seven of them had their names stared out indicating obscenities. Several people were spamming obscenities in the chat. I made an offhand comment that I miss Quicksilver Flasks and movement skills and I got told by 3 people to "go kill yourself" and 2 said variants of "uninstall crybaby."

WOW! These are the players GGG wants to replace the old POE player with?

Meanwhile in POE1 the conversation is about the game, not certain body parts.

I need to remember when I play next time to turn off global. Clearly GGG doesn't care about the state of that chat. 90% of the conversation in the POE2 global chat would get you muted from chat for 24h or longer in POE1.
Last bumped on Feb 27, 2025, 6:30:35 AM
Compared how it was at the start, before Steam launch even, the POE1 community has went downhill too, specifically on Reddit is has become a toxic hivemind with zero creativity and humour.

Global chat is cancer in almost every big game, I really don't understand why it exsists in the first place or why people would have it turned on.
Last edited by Kasparov13#2702 on Feb 26, 2025, 6:37:46 AM
*Goes online*
*Baits people with a well known polarized discussion*
*People get baited and reply rudely*

"Wow, this community is so toxic'
In my opinion there are not enough obscenities and chat is excessively moderated.
Yeah POE 2 players are a mix of the most toxic morons from diablo, and wholesome dorks.. I've met a ton of both.

Most the people i've met through the years in POE 1 are quite nice, but a different type of toxic.

POE 2 is to easy, the diablo kids can hang now, and it lets the low IQ boys in. They were previously kept out because poe 1 was too hard for them. But POE 2 is frankly way too easy.

Once they make the game hard/challenging, these people will stop playing. Those are always the people who are mids.
Yeah POE 2 players are a mix of the most toxic morons from diablo, and wholesome dorks.. I've met a ton of both.

Most the people i've met through the years in POE 1 are quite nice, but a different type of toxic.

POE 2 is to easy, the diablo kids can hang now, and it lets the low IQ boys in. They were previously kept out because poe 1 was too hard for them. But POE 2 is frankly way too easy.

Once they make the game hard/challenging, these people will stop playing. Those are always the people who are mids.

I am pretty sure these are the players TenCent wants. Since CW left the company, obviously GGG is not calling the shots anymore.
I actually noticed this change as well, and it was quite noticeable over a couple of days' timeframe. It just increased in toxicity. And it's gone beyond toxicity at this point, It was like an entire community or a group of people just decided to behave in a sickly manner. I wonder if it's on purpose, to be honest, to bring a bad name to the game, perhaps through artificial disruption since it happened so quick, and with so many people at the same time. Maybe there has been some moderation changes. But who really knows, and it's only a tin foil hat speculation. Something did happen "over night" tho.
Last edited by TheUnevenGooses#1996 on Feb 26, 2025, 10:59:15 PM
Report them and be happy that they went too far i.e. fucked up.

E: Btw, PoE1 probably does this very same thing to D4 refuges that say similar weird things. Nothing special here.
Last edited by Immoteph#2974 on Feb 27, 2025, 12:23:03 AM
i mean you were fragile enough to make a post crying about it, so they have a point.
Both PoEs have a segment of players that are trying to pit the games against each other, wanting all/most of the resources applied to their preferred one and jack all to the other. Whichever game they prefer, they're equally toxic.

The whole "Let's rush in an end-game into PoE2 and use PoE1 staff to do it" was a big mistake all around, with no real positive results. It hurt PoE1, it gave us a badly designed end game, it meant way too many ideas were brought in from PoE1 as that was the quickest and most obvious solution for devs stuck in PoE1 ways of thinking (which is fine for PoE1, but not fine when the goal is to have PoE2 not go down the same path), all while also making a bunch of players think of PoE2 as a mostly complete game, rather than an EA.

Anyway, hopefully they give PoE1 their devs back, and start treating PoE2 like an actual EA, caring more about quality and evolving the game.
Last edited by Axterix13#5693 on Feb 27, 2025, 12:55:50 AM

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