POE2 Community, the new players GGG wants, are TOXIC.

Kraythax#2592 wrote:
Wow. I just spent time playing Phrecia and thought I would go try something on the POE2 servers. What an education. Of the people talking in Global chat, seven of them had their names stared out indicating obscenities. Several people were spamming obscenities in the chat. I made an offhand comment that I miss Quicksilver Flasks and movement skills and I got told by 3 people to "go kill yourself" and 2 said variants of "uninstall crybaby."

Yeah, global chat in PoE 2 can be hit or miss. If you're seeing a lot of toxicity, you might just be in the wrong channel. Try /global 1, it's usually more chill.
PoE 2? "It’s not just PoE 1 with better graphics."
i mean you were fragile enough to make a post crying about it, so they have a point.

Just want to set expectations here. You think that its ok to encourage someone to commit suicide in real life over a disagreement with a video game? Wow. That is so fundamentally FUBAR that I dont know where to begin.
Could post screenshot if it's actually happened, sensor bad words if needed to avoid that screenshot being deleted
i mean you were fragile enough to make a post crying about it, so they have a point.

As we can see, such people are no only on PoE 2 global chat, they are all around. But I agree that GGG could do some moderation. In the other hand, it probably would take a lot of resources to moderate in-game chat, not sure if it worth it. I just never used global chat.
You really need a screenshot? Just read global for 20 Minutes.. ^^

Anyway.. I turned off global in PoE years ago, and in PoE 2 from the get go.

I should "turn off" the forums as well... ;)
Every morning I come here and am getting pissed because of all the negativity.

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