ELE LIGHTNING STRIKE - ALL T16s, Shaper, Uber Atziri, HOGM, Chayula, Elder

Hey Ceryneian, love your guide, just want to let you know that is guide helped me a lot. Not only in building my ranger but also helped me in understanding POE overall.

I have a question about bandit rewards, at some point I read about saying that you changed all bandit rewards to 1 skill point, just want to know if that is still the case for you.

Thanks again for the guide!
So I've been playing this in rampage for a while and it's really good so far, despite my shit self-found levelling gear. I have a question, is it worth it running a spectral throw linked to PCoC? I only really have 35-45% crit chance, and it feels a little inconsistent because I tickle things when I don't crit, and one shot them when I do crit.
Last edited by Ladydamalia on Sep 2, 2014, 1:05:55 PM
update skill tree "EVA/DODGE/BLOCK+MAX SPELL BLOCK" pls
I'm curious, is this viable for shadow? I would like to respec mine into this build
isucksomuch wrote:
I'm curious, is this viable for shadow? I would like to respec mine into this build

It's viable yes. The only difference is 5 points at the beginning of the skill tree

Evasion + Life for Ranger / Phys Damage for Shadow.

The Ranger will have more life, but less damage compared to the Shadow.


Anyway, it's pretty hard to get the 75% All résistanes :X
Last edited by Zhaolin on Sep 2, 2014, 3:22:18 PM
melee splash skill tree pls
Congratz Cery! I was pretty sure you could do it, and you haven't disappointed me ; )

Probably one of the cheapest builds able to do Uber out there, if not the most.

Would be great to see your setup for the fight in the OP.


Thanks man! Same set up as usual, nothing new except I had previously taken out Atziri Step from my character to use some boots with life and resistances - this allowed me to drop Purity of Elements and run Herald of Ash for more damage. I was happy with the results because I had nicely overcapped resistances and much more mana left over since Herald reserves 25% vs. Purity 40%. This was more for general map play - having 75% resistance and 4K life doesn't mean anything against Uber - a flameblast or lightning bolts could still one shot me.

The other change I made was that I took out WED for Life Leech for better survivability, but funnily enough I did not use leech that much in the Uber fight - it was my flasks that saved me - especially the Caution Eternal flask. You can only leech if you are attacking, so if you rely heavily on leech to survive you compromise movement ability since you need to be attacking to regain life. Without WED, I went down from max 225K DPS to about 170K so a big loss in damage but was still pretty good on Uber.

So I have only 30% spell dodge compared to 46% from before, but that is the tradeoff to get better resistances, higher damage, and more mana.

Haha, that is the Kaom's Mask microtransaction xD.

Last edited by Ceryneian on Sep 2, 2014, 11:10:22 PM
feelgod wrote:
small tip for atziri and uber atziri trios:

puncture + inc crit + multistrike + added fire/melee dmg on full life(i prefer this) ; curses to use 20/20 temp chains + ass mark/vuln with lvl 3 enhance.. temp chain is for long bleed duration.

since its easy to chrome BoR, i used to carry some stacks of chrome for uber atziri or keep another bor in my stash(it was so cheap in ambush anyway).

also you could try puncture vs atziri/uber atziri on your 4link in if you have slot for that it has mega free dmg on process.. id keep lightstrike in bor for this part.

as a reminder, with this method alai still will be hard for uber.. you should keep yourself a bit moving to make her move.. other 2 cyclone and dual strike guy is just LOL.. puncture them and watch them die so funny.

ps: whoever use ec + ic setup on trio is lamer player in my eyes.. ofc its a choice but nothing more than cheesing/abusing crap game mechanic. i have no idea why ic max duration isnt fixed to max 4-5sec yet.

Thanks for the tip. I like the idea of Puncture but it takes up gem slots and you can't really use leech if you are relying on puncture.

I will post video of trio later this weekend. As long as I kill A'alai first then I can facetank the other 2 with this build very well. It is very similar to how I played with 2.7K life on the Atziri run I posted.
vrez wrote:
Can you explain how and where would you use Enduring+Spell echo+immortal call? I'm interesting on that (slots, lvl gems, function, etc

Regards, actually starting this char (as second char) on Rampage.

You would need to redo some sockets - right now on my dagger I have Vaal Grace - Inc. Duration - Faster Casting, and on my gloves I have Enfeeble - Faster Casting - Blood Magic - Inc. Duration.

What you would have to do is set up on the dagger: Enduring Cry + Spell Echo + Enhance (for Enduring Cry AOE), and then on the gloves set up Immortal Call + Faster Casting + Inc. Duration + Enfeeble.

You can do Uber trio easily this way: run in, cast Enduring Cry - it will cast twice with spell echo so you can easily get 3 endurance charges quickly. You can then cast Immortal Call immediately and I think you can get about 5s-7s of Immortal Call, then proceed to facetank and attack. When Immortal Call gets to 2s or so you will cast Enduring Cry and then another Immortal Call to refresh it to 5s-7s. And then you just keep repeating this process.

I don't like this because it feels clunky and you don't really need to do this on this build if you have good movement skills. But many builds do this to make Uber trio complete cakewalk.

If you want to see how it would feel to do Uber with this build - I recommend you try doing Atziri normal run on about 2.5K life or so.
Last edited by Ceryneian on Sep 2, 2014, 10:56:11 PM
zanap wrote:
Hey Ceryneian, love your guide, just want to let you know that is guide helped me a lot. Not only in building my ranger but also helped me in understanding POE overall.

I have a question about bandit rewards, at some point I read about saying that you changed all bandit rewards to 1 skill point, just want to know if that is still the case for you.

Thanks again for the guide!

Hi! Thanks for trying the build! I recently changed to Kill All, Help Oak (for 18% phys damage), Kill All. I will add to the guide to prevent confusion.

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