[S]Explosive Arrow Marauder by Slaydemkidz (lvl 96 HC) - For EXPERIENCED Players! (1.2.0)!


I had 3 +6 projectile damage nodes above Sentinel (Scion) that I dropped as well as 1 +30 dex node and 1 life node from the wheel to pick up the bottom circle of DoT nodes.

This was slightly more efficient because the 2 +10 dex nodes aren't wasted with me dropping the +30. However, the true benefit is being less vulnerable to reflect so it was worth the move imo.

Granted I went from +18 to +36 but the increase is very noticeable.
Like this Build.

Just wondering if i could tweak my current build a bit more.

Id appreciate any help i get!

Current Build


I am using increase burn at the moment, but i got fire pen leveling on second set.
Will use when needed, unless anyone has a reason why it would be better?

IGN Lyrko
I posted Two new builds in the original Thread :). Optimized for HC and SC. Check them out. Currently playing the SC one in SC as I ripped :P

and to the guy above me: try to get a 5L with 3 blue 1 red 1 green and then use Conc effect and fire pen (swap out increased burning dmg for that one) in addition to the other gems if you feel that your dmg is weak.

You also picked up a ridiculous amount of dps nodes from which only half of them are very efficient. It's not worth picking up 10% burning dmg nodes or 10% elemental dmg (or even lower) if you need to spend so many points to get there. You should respec the points in the templar tree imo. Only dmg node that is very efficient there is Amplify. Rather pick up life, armor and life regen in the templar tree. You will get a lot of points from respeccing that which will allow you to get closer to more important points in the tree.
Last edited by Xantaria#3019 on Dec 11, 2013, 4:18:24 PM
Xantaria I just had a thought. Would CWDT+Immortal Call+Enduring Cry have saved you from your RIP?
I am currently running EA on Nemesis. Something I was thinking about trying was using the 6th link for a BM gem (replacing Inc Burning). This would let my spec out of BM and run multiple auras (extra points from respeccing out of BM would go straight towards IR for Grace). Alpha's Howl could potentially be worked in as well, and I could try and setup Grace + Purity + Something. The lost damage of the 6th DPS gem could possibly be compensated for w/ more damage nodes, as running multiple auras is already adding additional survivability. Actually being able to provide Auras in groups is always a plus. BM gems would obviously be needed on SA and anything else I am casting as well.

Has anyone tried a setup using BM gems instead of the talent? Does anyone have any thoughts on this, and whether or not it is worth trying? Not worth "wasting" the 6th link?

Here is my current setup at 87 (w/ BM node still).

Last edited by delvur#0439 on Dec 11, 2013, 10:07:04 PM
Not worth it imo. Solo u dont really need it cause u can kite and melt everything down, and facetank most with split arrow.

In my map group all the people are already running most auras. And theres only a few we benefit from anyway.

Edit :
They're looking to buff several fire gems and dmg support gems for 1.0.4 (probably 22nd of december)... Could it be that we're buffed :O
Last edited by Affinity#3941 on Dec 12, 2013, 2:12:46 AM
Definitely valid points, just something I was tossing around in my head :)

And I hope so!
I was looking to do something similar earlier since I needed the resist and defenses due to IIR gear but the loss of a 6l from kaom's prevents me from doing it. Ended up having to just spec tons of resists instead. EA works wonders for running IIR for your group while still doing very respectable damage due to the nature of how EA works. Since you're already using splitchain on a quill you get a large majority of the culls even on whites. Piety and Dom runs both take around 2-3min. It feels like the actual looting and selling part takes up half the time I spend on farming.

I do have my worries for when my group reaches 75+ maps. Is ~6k hp, 5k ( ! :( ) armor preauras, 77all res and 5 enduring charges viable? Or do I have to drop some IIR/IIQ for some more defenses? It'd mainly be goldwyrm that'd be replaced first I think (15 total move speed sucks balls). I do play on domination so a death wouldn't be devastating but I always played my characters as if I was playing on hc/nem. I hate deaths.

Any feedback on how I could optimize my gear and build is greatly appreciated. The only upgrades I can see myself is better quiver/belt so I can buy a higher IIR amulet.

How I do my EA IIR guy, currently at 325/30:


group maps

Got a blender with BoR so I don't have to use blind while grouping.

solo farming

Swapping in blind on my main splitchain in helm and use another pair of auresize's with a split+cull+lgoh+IIR link. Gotta use that leapslam swap while farming due to the horrible 15movespeed.

Last edited by Lysithea#1224 on Dec 12, 2013, 5:39:25 AM
Hey, loving this build!

Ive made a few very minor tweaks but overall following this build pretty closely. I'm level 78 on nemesis and absolutely flying through everything. So easymode and fun! :D

Probably one of the most handy tweaks I've made to this build is replacing one of the Brightbeaks with Rise of the Phoenix shield for when I see a reflect pack. Basically 5 stack the reflect pack, swap to Rise of the Phoenix shield + use a ruby flask and I'm at 95% fire resist. Pretty hard to die to reflect with that haha.
first of all, to make immortal call effective you would need to run a cwdt lvl 20 + immortal call in addition to your lvl 1 cwdt + lvl 5 enduring cry. And No it would not have saved me as those chargers dealt added lightning dmg. Even without their physical part their dmg was ridiculous.

And if we get buffed I'm going to die to reflect all day long :D ... my dmg on SC right now is insane , if it's going to get buffed I'm going to RIP :>

And BM gem is bad because all the strength of this build is coming from the combination of 6 DPS gems.
Last edited by Xantaria#3019 on Dec 12, 2013, 11:37:27 PM

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