[S]Explosive Arrow Marauder by Slaydemkidz (lvl 96 HC) - For EXPERIENCED Players! (1.2.0)!

It's weird describing it actually.

I hated my damage output in my 70s when I compared it to everyone elses but it did fine for the most part. Now with my gems maxed I feel the build does way more damage then I ever expected it to do. I don't think it'll ever be at the top among other builds when it comes to raw dps but I never thought it would be there in the first place. We can't really scale crazily from gear like some other builds. EA got few mods on items that benefits us much in our scaling. One of the main scaling mods we can get is really dangerous for us since we'd blow ourselves up even harder.

I sort of feel like eleref is heavily unbalanced compared to physref overall. Just recently when I hit 87 and I had just gotten my 6l I jokingly said to my friends that I'd probably die to a single reflect mob. Well, it turned out to be true. 6k hp 77r wasn't enough to mitigate a fully stacked EA explosion on a single mob with reflect debuffed with EW and EE. Good thing I'm on Domination. I can't say I even notice physref on my other char and neither does my phys friends while we run maps. An eleref mod would mean constant danger.

The build does have it's place however since it works wonders as a first character on a new league, it's so easy to gear up. A Quill that you link up with some quality gems and you're done for the most part.

It's precisely that reason that made it ideal for me when the leagues started. It was affordable and I were able to run IIR in a group setting while still doing good damage.

tldr: Build isn't toptier for dps, still serves a purpose, there's other skillgems out there in a far worse position.
i made a lvl96 ranger tree version of Explosive Arrow build,it looks better than yours,compare to yours,pro:more life,unwavering stance,con:less armer,less regen(anyway,there will be half or no regen map)

and my english is not good

What are you thinking of Mind over Matter?
It's only 2 points far away from your build
Mind of Matter is good if you have mana. With Blood Magic Node, you have 0 mana. I do not think there would be any damage mitigation.
I've been playing with the build of this thread for a while now, and i have to say its very tanky, except for the moments when ur surrounded by a group of strong mobs and u have to cast ele weakness. Those are the most dangerous moments for me.
So i included ele weakness in my cwdt gem combo, whilst still keeping a lvl 20 one for when I have enough time to cast it, which works out quite nice actually
Last edited by Stoere_Boy#0164 on Dec 18, 2013, 3:04:49 AM
I really like EA and your build is awsome.i know that the skill scales with the gem levels in the first place, but im level 50 atm and do very little damage when playing with a friend. What can i do in that case? Im using a 4L atm with burn dmg+ignite chance+fire pen. I also use flammability (just have a very high level ele weakness). I specced EE but it just helped a bit. Another question: what would you change if you would play the build in SC? (if you even would change something :P). And a last small one: what build do you play atm and do you have a guide for it too?
Last edited by CptQaoz#6689 on Dec 18, 2013, 3:53:19 AM
CptQaoz wrote:
I really like EA and your build is awsome.i know that the skill scales with the gem levels in the first place, but im level 50 atm and do very little damage when playing with a friend. What can i do in that case? Im using a 4L atm with burn dmg+ignite chance+fire pen. I also use flammability (just have a very high level ele weakness). I specced EE but it just helped a bit. Another question: what would you change if you would play the build in SC? (if you even would change something :P). And a last small one: what build do you play atm and do you have a guide for it too?

He died in hc and is continuing in sc. He had a lot more damage nodes now.

Change burn dmg for concentrated effect and dont forget the 3 burn nodes above templar..
Make sure to get EE up before AND after the explosion.

Im level 91 in nemesis atm but probably taking a break from EA now and making a split arrow scion on HC.
TheAffinity wrote:
CptQaoz wrote:
I really like EA and your build is awsome.i know that the skill scales with the gem levels in the first place, but im level 50 atm and do very little damage when playing with a friend. What can i do in that case? Im using a 4L atm with burn dmg+ignite chance+fire pen. I also use flammability (just have a very high level ele weakness). I specced EE but it just helped a bit. Another question: what would you change if you would play the build in SC? (if you even would change something :P). And a last small one: what build do you play atm and do you have a guide for it too?

He died in hc and is continuing in sc. He had a lot more damage nodes now.

Change burn dmg for concentrated effect and dont forget the 3 burn nodes above templar..
Make sure to get EE up before AND after the explosion.

Im level 91 in nemesis atm but probably taking a break from EA now and making a split arrow scion on HC.

Hey, thanks for the reply! Do you know which nodes he got for damage? Fire or proj damage? ANd do you know why he isnt updating the build anymore? Like all the stuff he said about the burn damage changes etc. are not in the build since he last updated it in october :/.
He did get the new burn damage nodes which are very close to Iron Reflexes. The point of his build is that his passive tree is almost pure tank. The only damages nodes I recall are the Proliferation on the way from Marauder to Templar, the Templar burn nodes, and the Ranger DoT nodes. His passive tree can afford to be pure tank because his 5L/6L gem setup is purely offensive. By the way, for EA the core is EA + Elemental Proliferation + Chance to Ignite + Fire Penetration, you need the Proliferation to clear packs. To be honest, after playing through this build, I would prefer to get some fire damage nodes (such as the one by Blood Magic) or the Duelist projectile damage nodes, but am too scared of reflect.
You dont need the ones near BM, projectile dmg is also not needed.

The DoT nodes near IR are very good (also includes 1% life regen).

Projectile dmg and fire dmg make your explosion stronger which will only result in reflect problems..
Honestly you don't need those to do good dps...

I clear 72-74 maps solo so super easy i don't even need to 5 stack packs.

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