New daily stream - shadow progress

Death's oath build too expensive atm.

10/17/14 Starting Shadow summoner and Ele hit bow marauder. More dumb ideas next week. Stream starting at 3pm (gmt +2).

Stream will consist in:

*4 times a week 20-24h playthrough

*death/trash/brutal tunes



*when the time comes and boredom kicks in, I will have "normal dif. out of this class builds", first one TBA: Shadow summoner, animate guardian, srs, animate weapon.

*on ocasion pre recorded tutorials on crafting, farming, bosses, lvling and more, i'll try to keep these short and to a minimum, as there are already hundreds of the same tutorials on the web.

Soon, microphone will be added to the setup, until then enjoy the music.
Last edited by LastMagus#7432 on Oct 17, 2014, 5:07:25 AM
live with shadow sum. lvling low life/ci/ all depending on gear drops.

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