New comer to LLD PvP, my opinions
Okay, first off if you are biased then fuck off. Otherwise this is just MY persepctive.
Patch comes, okay lets try it out. I have a reasonable amount of exalts in stash so i'll invest a bit in it. So, like 75ex or so later i create a decent build. Hit rank 4 on NA ladder at one point, and yea whatever. I'm half way to leo level 5, so while i might not have insane long term experience in PvP i have played my fair share in 1.3. Opinions. LLD is the most one sided battles i have ever seen. It's not even fun at this point. You almost always beat X build, and almost always lose to Y build. Then the whole ranking system is a classification of who has the best gear, from most expensive 1000 exalt gear to 5c gear at the very bottom. OP skills. Fuck flicker, fuck trappers and fuck whirling blades. Desync is sooooooooooooooooo bad in PvP it's fucking retarded. Fuck all SEA players, fuck all Australian players and fuck all New Zealand players. 300 ping is the way to go!!! There have been too many battles where as melee, i'm just attacking thin air. For the most part i have 50% block penetration, 20% dodge pen and RT. There's not many other ways to not get HIT. /oos doesn't do anything either cooldown and the PvP system is just fucked. Skill? Ah yes indeed. Skill wins games in LLD PvP (HLD too probs), the person who is the most skilled (at trading) can acquire the best gear and thus shit on everyone else. Matchmaking. Aids. Complete aids. Firstly, not enough people because people don't give a shit about PvP. Secondly, those who try it out get fucked by experienced players. Having SOOOO much fun PvPing dying instantly every round. And fucking finally, the match making will match you against someone you just lost against right after.... again....and again.......and again. Yea match making. Keep matching us against the guy we've lost 4 times in a row just then. This is what i got off my head, probs a lot more but after these initial first days it's waht ive found. I am sending you this message to let you know that I have removed your signature as it is designed to mislead others. Please refrain from using similar signatures in the future. - Rob_GGG
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i can quote that, i did well with a build i made from cheap ass uniques i had in my stash but from time to time theres a dude with lots of ex spent which one shots all the time. I believe the most insane one was a spark dude. I do not know how he achieved it but a single touch of his sparks did kill me instantly, followed by instakill firetraps etc
Most fun i had were CTF matches, but those take aeons to find PN: Haegar_der_Schreckliche Last edited by DerPizzadieb#4870 on Dec 14, 2014, 5:02:06 PM
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75ex? O_o
" That makes me feel a lot better about myself <3 |
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i got to rank 24 eu, for a while. but do not nearly have your gear investment.
i can only concur with your post. the thing that would do a lot for the current pvp scene would be a damage reducing function that heavily limits high dps. pvp is really fun when you don't kill your enemy or vice versa in 0-1.5 seconds of contact. damage should follow roughly a root function i.e. better gear will give you more deeps, but the difference between players is not that high and matches should last longer. | |
" as prediceted and expected... hint on repetetive duels that are 'unfair' on one's side especially in LLD: make some different chars that each avoid the weakness of the others, if you permanently repeat losing to one opponent: switch to another build that suits him best and hope to get back in the same queue ^^ invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
-- deutsche Community: & |
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King of Scrubcore Hah |
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Can agree with pretty much all points of the OP. PvP is still ass.
Matchmaking: Exactly as described, Impossible to find an enemy in the new leagues and if you try to play in the old leagues you face the same opponent agin and again and again. No matter if you lose to him or if you kill him. Builds: LOL either you get wrecked by EA or Heavy Strike or Puncture traps or some dual dagger shit. Mass block mass evasion mass dodge. Armor is almost useless. Each fight ends pretty much in under 5 seconds (well kinda in 1 seconds , really) Some people , who are stacked out with mass legacy gear or some insane crazy dps gear or 6L items just beat the shit out of you each match. I fail to see, how ANY new player will have ANY chance in those fights...even less how he will find ANY enjoyment in getting destroyed again and again. (played up to EU HC rank 9 yesterday, after getting there it was just silly) If you ask me 6L items and master crafted legacy daggers/bows are some special kind of cancer for LLD. The items shouldnt even be supposed to get 6 sockets. I wonder how GGG hoped to balance this mess at all. Create a selection of PvP only items, create a selection of pvP only characters and let people build their own from a selection of those pieces (if you want to get at least SOME kind of skill depending thing going) And in the end, the player numbers of pvp matches reflect just the situation the pvp is in - pure shit. Hardcore Theorycrafter
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basically this thing not changed in POE since closed beta: "LLD Melee bracket = 1h Swords / Daggers" >>>> 1h/2h Axes/Maces/Staves by a lot. if swords/daggers are the APS king for duels(sadly also in general), it's fine but the rest shouldnt depend on APS too but dunno how GGG would address this without nerfing things or changing all the CORE melee mechanics. with 34 points the amount of %Phys damage you can stack as Duelist with 1h swords its insane and you get the useful block as bonus. | |
" Although your post is a bit... crude, I agree with most of your points. I managed to get to rank 18 on the first day before getting shitstomped down to around 40. (It seems the PvP Queue has gotten a lot more competitive as time has gone on). Matches are either stomp or get stomp, mostly depending on how good your weapon/jewlery is. Traps are ridiculously hard to counter, though I respect them for requiring a little bit more thought and tactics than most builds (including mine). The whole thing just isn't fun. Stomp someone with worse gear then you. Run into someone with better gear, get stomped 5 times in a row due to match-making. Run into a stun character, hard counter with Chayula, stomp and snooze. I've had only a handful of matches that I would consider "tactical", or "competative". The worst part of this is the way the update was handled. 1.3 was supposed to be aimed at PvP, and that focus was totally overwhelmed by the new challenge leagues... The PvP tournaments are taking place using Hardcore and Standard characters, but all the attention has been drawn away by the challenge leagues. Hardcore is a ghost town, and the only people who are sticky around for the Standard Queue seem to be either long time PvP players who've created perfect characters, or (no offence) people who can afford to drop 75ex on LLD gear. With ~10 ex of gear, I either stomp budget/premade characters(which is boring) or get stomped, (which is frustrating) and because there aren't enough people in the Queue, it'll happen over and over again. I think I'll just get 250 points for my weapon skin and call it quits. Last edited by MisterSmyth#7652 on Dec 15, 2014, 1:55:13 PM
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wasnt a good idea that i qued against him fuck now i am sry , LOOOOL
Every Class 100
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