RMT wins PvP tournaments and solutions

So gearing up a pvp character means you have to roll a league associated character, which you will have done in order to unlock the pvp dailies.

However the characters have no gear. So you have to take time out from playing the league/race to get your pvp char some gear. This can take up all your time meaning you miss out on league/race time.

So there are two optimal ways to gear your char.

1. Get rich in the league so you can afford to spend on your pvp char. Considering this time we have had a week to get used to the new PvP system and making builds it seems like those people who do not chat trade are at a loss. Especially those who play self-found. Some of us who do trade just don't make enough money because we don't level as quick as others. Rangers can be particularly slow and only a very very VERY limited number of rangers can even hit top tier. So unless you drop lucky or can flip items you are stuck. Either way you aren't really playing the nuts and bolts of the game. Rather chatting or MF running low levels for no XP.

2. RMT. Speaks for itself. He who hath the largest wallet wins. Which promotes botting because there is a prize and people who want to win and don't mind spending.

It seems like PvP hasn't picked up the interest it should have done because people are racing/levelling mains in leagues and the early stages of leagues/races are important for gaining currency.

So I have an idea or two about how to level the playing field back to skill rather than currency.

A) A PvP item shop. Usable at Leo in PvP-Town. Premade options of level specific items that can be bought with a PvP-Only currency like decoration currency. Cannot be traded which will require PvP-Only tabs. Each account with a PvP char gains a unique PvP tab. More can be bought as micro-transactions. Access to main stash is now denied. PvP chars cannot trade.

B) PvP Specific crafting. Usable at Leo. Each player is given a choice at creation of which type of armour/weapon set they are going for. They receive a full set of white gear appropriate for their choice. They can choose ring and amulet base type seperately for each slot. On each item you are given 2 "free" mods (equivalent of a blue). Every PvP game you play you earn points with Leo. Extra mods can be added (with suffix/affix rules applicable) at a cost of pvp points upto the maximum a rare can hold. Uniques can be bought with PvP points costing twice what a fully modded "rare" item would in pvp points. Level 28-ish gems can be chosen at build-time.

C) Allow free reign on items. All items available are listed and available for use. Cannot be traded. Cannot be stored. Rare items can be crafted from available mods with max values.

D) Standardised items. This one is the worst idea because of build diversity. A set of gear that comes with premade stats. The basics of health/mana with gear options that sacrifice health/mana/armor/ev for extras like crit/crit damage. No uniques. Told you it sucks.

Granted this is early days with PvP and GGG are pretty much the best indie developers in gaming history so we can all be assured it will only get better. I would really like to see something implemented to stop the RMT winners whilst improving the ability to really craft my character without so many limitations such as luck, chat trading ability etc.
Last edited by MissDerry#3540 on Dec 17, 2014, 2:29:58 PM
Don't worry. When they see the horrid PvP numbers, they will adjust their focus back to the main story (if you call it a story)

Basically if like PvP, PoE really isn't the game for you.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Last edited by DarthSki44#6905 on Dec 17, 2014, 2:33:52 PM
I think I remember posting something that could solve some of these issues:

nait2k4 wrote:
This should be quite an easy one to theory-craft:

- Have a separate league for PvP
- You create a character with basic equipment available to all players
- Each PvP win earns you reputation (similar to Masters rep)
- You use reputation to purchase equipment and skill points
- You can only competitively PvP others in the same bracket as you (brackets based on amount of reputation spent)
- Can challenge anyone you want (but will not recieve reputation)

It just becomes similar to ladders/matchmaking stuff that already exists in other PvP games.
== Officially Retired 27/02/2019 ==

Massive thanks to GGG for producing such a fun and engaging game, it has taken up faaaaaaar too much of my life over the last 5 years.

Best of luck in the future!
nait2k4 wrote:
I think I remember posting something that could solve some of these issues:

nait2k4 wrote:
This should be quite an easy one to theory-craft:

- Have a separate league for PvP
- You create a character with basic equipment available to all players
- Each PvP win earns you reputation (similar to Masters rep)
- You use reputation to purchase equipment and skill points
- You can only competitively PvP others in the same bracket as you (brackets based on amount of reputation spent)
- Can challenge anyone you want (but will not recieve reputation)

It just becomes similar to ladders/matchmaking stuff that already exists in other PvP games.

See I am not just the only one thinking here :)

I would say that keeping the options to fight anyone more open would be advantageous. I don't mind getting boned by a better geared person if it keeps the queue regular and there is still a reputation reward.

Having MMR (match-making rating) would be a good idea as some people are so elitist and need their e-peen stroking that it could bring more people into the game.

As it stands it is nice to see this raw effort and we all know it will change but when there are prizes to be won and there is no limitation.... they have effectively given shortest straws to 99% of the community who can't afford to RMT or don't want to/can't effectively chat trade or get lucky.
nait2k4 wrote:
I think I remember posting something that could solve some of these issues:

nait2k4 wrote:
This should be quite an easy one to theory-craft:

- Have a separate league for PvP
- You create a character with basic equipment available to all players
- Each PvP win earns you reputation (similar to Masters rep)
- You use reputation to purchase equipment and skill points
- You can only competitively PvP others in the same bracket as you (brackets based on amount of reputation spent)
- Can challenge anyone you want (but will not recieve reputation)

It just becomes similar to ladders/matchmaking stuff that already exists in other PvP games.

I really like these ideas.

More gear dependent game -> less fun in pvp for ordinary players (only 10% players who can afford gear can enjoy this. Coz they will kill everyone else).

I see it this way. You want fair pvp? You create new char in pvp league, go to matchmaking. You don't need to care about gear etc. (there are set ups to choose, you can ofc create your own and save them). And you just play don't care about this entire gear or skill system. You can focus on pure pvp.

I don't know about the others, but I'm not willing to play pvp coz:
- To pvp I need to create or prepare my char to pvp
- I don't want to create dedicated pvp char
- I also don't want to spend time on adjusting my current char for pvp (just as it is)
- I hate gearing up part, usually takes me many hours before I hit optimal set up (with 70 stash tabs it's hard)
- To sum up, I'm too lazy and don't want to waste time on preparations.
- But if I had system like, enter, matchup, choose build go & play. Why not.

Personally I dont think PvP belongs in the challenge leagues. The permanent leagues are a better place for PvP and I think some of the examples in the OP help to illustrate my point.

If you were to treat standard league as your PvP league where the entire collection of all characters youve ever played in any league and all of there items come together I think youd have a much better time playing PvP. Doing this allows you to play the challenge leagues and be competitive and then when a PvP tournament comes around you simply log into your permanent league character play in the tournament and then go back to your league/race whatever. Youll have a lot of characters with respecs sitting around for you to test builds with as well.

RMT isnt as much of a problem if you play this way as well. Sure at first if your a new character going against someone with all perfect mirrored gear your going to have a bad time but same can be said about being new and trying Uber Atziri. Over time you get better gear...learn better tactics and make improvements to your tree. Eventually the gear will come just keep playing the leagues collecting orbs and then putting everything towards 1 character in the permanent league.

When I first started PvP the best Item I had was an Aegis but over time I kept playing, leveling and improving my gear... now I have rares that you could "Almost" consider mirror worthy. For me PvP is the real End game.... Mapping is "Mid Game" its something that isnt attainable right away but when you see some of the best PvP characters going at it makes you want to theory craft, farm and build a character like that yourself so that you can have a true challenge. Playing vs a computer AI that isnt that smart gets old but playing vs someone whos actively trying to take you down and find holes in your build is really fun for some of us.
lllllDanziGGlllll - 100 Ranger ~ HOGM
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there is no such thing as RMT in LLD tho, so keep ur facts right, if you want a non-gear pvp based go play MOBAS there are plenty of them with fancy skins, otherwise request more unique build enabler items.

PoE is an arpg.
2i0 wrote:
there is no such thing as RMT in LLD tho, so keep ur facts right, if you want a non-gear pvp based go play MOBAS there are plenty of them with fancy skins, otherwise request more unique build enabler items.

PoE is an arpg.

Sorry but you are wrong. I could, but won't, give you RMT site names. I could give you a site for a PoE bot to farm with. But I wont.

Just because you do not know about it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Not gonna deny there's RMT in any aspect of the game, but honestly it isn't as prevalent in LLD.

Everyone keeps whining about how others are better geared than them, they just don't wanna put in investment and settle for tier 2 items without perfect rolls. Yes those items exist and yes they can be used to make yourself viable.

I even just helped a fellow guildie gear up in under 4 exalts. 4 friggin exalts that allows him to have a fun time in LLD without being horridly underpowered.

Also if you think you should be able to get top 1 with minimal investment, sorry to say but that's just a fantasy. Same as to how I will be able to get 500ex build worth of damage in under 20ex.
Well, at one point, you could gear a LLD'er with 10 ex of gear and be the #1 player. Now with crafting benches and corrupts we're starting to get single pieces of gear worth over 100 ex, which is starting to get ridiculous.

LLD will never be as expensive as HLD, but it's approaching. The barrier to entry for what used to be casual pvp is getting higher and higher.
Formerly Firebrand

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