EU01-05-STD FFA Arena

The queue for this tournament can be found in the "Events" tab of the "Events and PvP" panel. This can be accessed in-game through the menu button, or by pressing B (by default). You must queue for this tournament in order to participate in it. You can enter this type of tournament late if needed.

You must be on the following league/gateway to participate in this tournament:

League: Standard
Gateway: Europe

PvP-only characters can be used for this tournament.
Instructions on how to create preconstructed PvP-only characters can be found here.

This is a low-level event. It is restricted to level 28 characters who have not yet completed Normal difficulty.

This is a Free-For-All event
FFA Arena tournaments are free-for-all events where you want to kill as many players as possible within the time limit. More information on how this format works can be found in the PvP rules.

Each kill is worth 1 point.

The top 20 players by points will receive:
  • #1 Overall: Talisman of the Victor (Unique Jet Amulet) and 10 Reward Points.
  • #2 Overall: 6 Reward Points.
  • #3 Overall: 5 Reward Points.
  • #4 Overall: 4 Reward Points.
  • #5 Overall: 3 Reward Points.
  • #6-10 Overall: 2 Reward Points.
  • #11-20 Overall: 1 Reward Point.

Prizes for reaching specific point tiers:
  • 125 Points: 15 Reward Points.
  • 75-124 Points: 12 Reward Points.
  • 40-74 Points: 10 Reward Points.
  • 25-39 Points: 7 Reward Points.
  • 15-24 Points: 5 Reward Points.
  • 5-14 Points: 3 Reward Points.
  • 3-4 Points: 2 Reward Points.
  • 1-2 Point: 1 Reward Point.
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Last edited by Dan_GGG#0000 on Dec 19, 2014, 9:28:31 PM
Why so late?
agree, that's too late. event only for west europe
No one cares about the lame PVP.
„I don't give a fuck if it was his tenth anniversary with his goddamn neckbeard...“
„If they think I'm going to let them sweep this pizza guy thing under the rug...“
No mod action. Business as usual.
The CoD spam is absurd. This really makes this event mind numbing and eventually 4/5 people will be using that half ass crap build.
As the highest ranked Non-CoD player (#11). I'm going to have to call bullshit on this. My 30 games played over the 150+ of all the top 10 has to say something.
cast on death makes this event completely unfun/stupid for me. at this point, i'm only Qing for the points, not because its fun
8/8 Overachiever
I hope GGG will exclue from ranking every1 who died more the 100 times, otherwise next arena ever1 will use that cast on crit. I wonder why it wasnt considered earlier. They just ruin fun for other players who wish to play normally

Immo_scion - Lv 100 solo - Playing in partys is too easy - solo for life :)
terrex wrote:
The CoD spam is absurd. This really makes this event mind numbing and eventually 4/5 people will be using that half ass crap build.

this needs a fix asap

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