Pvp feedback

Summary of playing as melee

Get: punctured, trapped, bear trapped, smoke mined (blind).
Managed to survive behind a pillar or something ?
Wait: for him to come to you, flicker or leap slam or something doesn't matter he blink arrow away, mirror arrow, teleports to a smoke mine(away).
Try again, die
Try again, die
Try again, die

Queue again, no1 is queueing because of broken shit like this, so queue up vs same bullshit opponent.
Try different skills, different gap closers, different curses, different positioning, different builds, different potions, different links, different everything.
Try again, die, die die die die die die die

Fuck this PvP patch, go back to whatever the fuck you were doing before.

EDIT: torment league
Last edited by Charja#2430 on Dec 22, 2014, 8:51:49 AM
well wining vs number one is supposed to be hard as he is number 1 for a reason :/

Bows are in need of a nerf though and even if the new blink/mirror are great for mid geared pvp they are a tad bit op imo for the high end geared pvp.
LLD BOTW spark/arc caster guide http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1133731
andkamen wrote:
well wining vs number one is supposed to be hard as he is number 1 for a reason :/

Bows are in need of a nerf though and even if the new blink/mirror are great for mid geared pvp they are a tad bit op imo for the high end geared pvp.

no more legacy stuff please, enough we got with Ungils Gauche.

seriously GGG i dont buy your philosophy about make new legacy items as incentive for remake the same LLD char in temp leagues, try better.

Summary of playing as ranged:

Tryhard like an idiot juggling 8 different skills, but get flickerd on and gibbed by heavystrikers using one handers that almost reach 200 top end phys damage and have more aps than my bow, that also have absurd block chance and high armor.
Last edited by boof#2056 on Dec 22, 2014, 5:20:42 AM
In terms of ranking, melee and archers are neck and neck in LLD. Melee is slightly stronger if anything. Iboardthesword, Zeppelin, and Fyndel_sVVag are all melee and ranked top 3 in US and/or EU.
Formerly Firebrand
Boof ur doing something terribly wrong if sword/board gives u issues. Dopamine, that argument is broken. The ranking shows who has most points. Melee is not slightly stronger, not in the least bit. Bowers achieve higher related damage at a distance, with near the same tank capacity and insane movement/kite dmg. There's nothing close to even about the 2 playing fields. Melee that can beat bowers are talented melee or shitty bowers, but overall there is huge disparity - that cannot be argued. Any no name bower can thoroughly destroy a good melee. Any no name melee can't thoroughly destroy a good bower. Any1 arguing that bowers are not need of nerf, that bowers are not far superior are grossly biased.
That just sounds like non-productive elitism. "My build takes skill, whereas everyone else's doesn't."

So if we nerf bows, then the top 5 will be mainly melee? And this is fair because melee players are just more skilled in general and have better gear?

That train of thought doesn't lead to more balance in pvp. Personally I think some specific melee AND bow skills should be equally nerfed again (at least for LLD), so we can have some more variety of builds at the top of the leaderboard.

I find it kinda silly seeing thread after thread in the pvp forums, from people ranked in the top 5 wanting other builds in the top 5 nerfed but not theirs. There's been quite a few thus far.
Formerly Firebrand
Traps are just one the most boring playstyle on the whole game. I'm so sick running after those guys who do nothing more than dropping traps on the ground and running around. I don't mind bow skill to be powerfull if used in the right way with maybe a few bear trap to lock your opponent but a full trap setup, no thx.
bigfoot312 wrote:
Boof ur doing something terribly wrong if sword/board gives u issues.

That part is true. I'm lacking the GG gear and master crafted elreon jewellery that separates the top from the rest.
Ah, boof, so there is a problem! And dopamine, it's not elitism. It's simple. When playing my bower I recognize that the only melee that can beat me are very talented ones.

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