Emberwake, Event 48: 40m Descent Champions

To see your points in the current season (and its prizes), go to this page.

You are also able to view your season and events history on your profile page, under the Seasons & Events section.

Standard rules for league events apply. Please click this link if this is your first race event.
A guide has been posted here which covers general aspects and strategies of racing.

You are able to read up information regarding Descent: Champions events here

Dead characters will still be able to receive reward points in Descent events.

Top Prizes:

The overall top player by experience will receive 3 Reward Points.

The top 20 players of each class by experience will receive:
  • #1 player of each class: Demigod's Beacon (Unique Golden Flame) and 10 Reward Points.
  • #2 player of each class: 6 Reward Points.
  • #3 player of each class: 5 Reward Points.
  • #4 player of each class: 4 Reward Points.
  • #5 player of each class: 3 Reward Points.
  • #6-10 player of each class: 2 Reward Points.
  • #11-20 player of each class: 1 Reward Point.

Prizes for reaching specific levels:
  • Level 25: 10 Reward Points.
  • Level 21-24: 7 Reward Points.
  • Level 17-20: 6 Reward Points.
  • Level 14-16: 5 Reward Points.
  • Level 11-13: 4 Reward Points.
  • Level 8-10: 3 Reward Points.
  • Level 5-7: 1 Reward Point.

Alternate Prizes:
The following are awarded to all players to complete them, not just the first.
  • Defeat Rukuku, the Pagan God: 1 Reward Point.
  • Defeat The Brute: 1 Reward Point.
  • Defeat Hatestorm: 1 Reward Point.
  • Defeat Avatar of the Tempest: 1 Reward Point.
  • Defeat General Gravicius: 1 Reward Point.

Random Prizes:
Reward points earned in this race grant tickets in a random draw for the following items:
  • Alternate Art Ungil's Harmony Unique Item (50 available to be won)
  • Alternate Art Two-Stone Ring Item (30 available to be won)
Gameplay & Level Design
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level 27 ranger

what is this sorcery
Nice gift from Rukuku, it would be much more useful to someone from the top ;)
Last edited by Thoian#5941 on Aug 3, 2015, 10:49:47 AM
Thoian wrote:
Nice gift from Rukuku, it would be much more useful to someone from the top ;)

Huh. Does that chest slow move speed, at all? =0[.]o=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
Fightgarr wrote:
level 27 ranger

what is this sorcery

life pot drops + 75% lit res = ez life

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