When and where do I find pvp tournaments/matches?

Maybe this is a stupid question, but I can't find anything about a PvP season on here. When does it start and how do I join a tournament? Again, sorry if this should say itself, but I honestly cannot find the information.
Last edited by g0aky#4925 on Jul 17, 2015, 11:08:06 AM
There's no such information yet.
So how do you play PvP? I can't find matches on EU HC using the ingame queue system since no one is queueing
ggg never cared about pvp. there is a lot of pvp that want to pvp but it's like fighting against windmill cause ggg just fucks it up patch after patch
PvP Team Omniscient

IGN: aBearTrap / AnExplosiveArrow

[quote="MullaXul"]ICU + alpha, bad idea[/quote]
I've been PvP'ing some for the awesome looking Leo hideout, and found that I quite liked PvP'ing the few times I've come up against someone else who were using a PvP character (read: lvl 28 and good gear/build).

Unfortunately there are very few of those (2 players in the last 2 days, out of... about 40 matches maybe), and for the most part I'm just 1shotting players who would spend 2 minutes killing me if I just stood AFK.

It seems to be a very big difference in queue time depending on time of day. As a EU player I find most players queueing between 20:00 and 02:00. Last night I had 3-10 second queues for 6-8 matches in a row, but today when I queue earlier in the afternoon it's 2-5 minutes per queue.

I really hope GGG puts a little effort into fixing PvP, because it could be great. I also feel like Leo is completely wasted, when he has a crafting station and a really cool hideout that is almost never used. I also encountered a bug that broke my LLD character (couldn't queue because apparently I had left a tournament). I tried contacting support about it, but only got a copy/paste response that the devs were already reviewing the problem (and judging by various forum posts, they have been "reviewing" it for over a year).
Somebody has been sneaking into the allotment and putting top-soil on the ground... the plot thickens!

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