Increased Critical Strikes
Post your 0.9.3 feedback for this support here.
Make sure you concisely state your character build, level, and other complimenting abilities you have when you talk about a support. Balance & Design Last bumped on Jan 8, 2019, 10:12:28 AM
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0.9.5 feedback below this post
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Would maybe be nice if this support added critical chance either absolutely (+x% just like critical weakness), or as a multiplicative critical chance bonus/multiplier instead of additive critical chance multiplier.
This way, the support doesn't become 90% useless if you're specced to using power charges. The way it is now gives diminishing returns which is maybe intentional— but I'd say it's an issue considering many other supports DON'T give diminishing returns (added lightning/cold/chaos/fire/melee_physical/weapon_elemental damage, multiple projectiles, concentrate area), granted some still so as well (critical multiplier, attack/cast speed(?), projectile speed, increased AoE) I would say the same for increased multiplier as well, but it doesn't have as much of an issue, since getting huge multipliers is not possible anymore. Anyway, I think it should at least be thought about or looked at— Which mechanics you want to give diminishing returns (sometimes substantial diminishing returns, such as with power charges), and others that you don't. Fresh cakes for all occasions.
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Adding directly wouldn't balance well, I think, but I will discuss with Carl about making it multiplicative, and how broken that might be.
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Huh. Actually, now that I did some numbers, I'm realizing the changes would be a bit different than I thought. What didn't change is my opinion that multiplicative wouldn't actually work — my doubt was re-inforced.
When multiplicative, it will either be too crappy for anyone who doesn't spec into crit chance to bother with, or be too strong (broken) when used by someone with high crit chance. For instance, a value of 20% would increase 40% to 48%, but 5% to only 6%. This is contrasted with the current system which would turn 5% to somewhere around 11% (I don't know what the max is — +120% chance or something?), and increase 40% to... oh, interestingly-enough, ≈49.3% assuming a base critical rate of 7.5% or 8%. Compare one of those with a flat modifier like 5% — it would buff 5 to 10, but 40% to only 45%. At a higher value, it would buff 5 to 14, but buff 40 to only 49, no improvement over the current system for high critical chance, but a significant buff to the system for low critical chance. I guess when I compare the alternatives, the current system might actually be the best :\. Both the other systems would work though, but it would twist the viable use of the support gem to be primarily only those who have low crit chance, or those who have high crit chance. So I guess overall I withdraw my suggestion. Fresh cakes for all occasions.
Delivery in 30 eons or less Call 1-800-DOMINUS Remember - 'Dominus Delivers' |
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" You could seek a compromise. If it's possible to add some sort of base crit change and overall crit strike chance it could work. something like +x base crit change, which scales with crit builds but make this bonus small, like .5% or .25% per level. and then +x% chance to crit which would boost the overall value, it allows characters without melee specs in the passive grid to work and gives them a significant boost, while also making it meaningful to the chars who spec for crit and not as useless, it just has to not be broken, around level 15 it would give 7.5% base crit in the first example or 3.75 in the second, the second is probably the best choice, or Ice spear will easily hit the crit cap. -Meteoric Destiny!
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I don't know what quality does for this gem yet, but perhaps have lets say +0.5% crit chance per quality level which is flat additive past crit chance calc? Or +0.25% flat added on top of weapon crit chance. In my opinion +crit chance mods are generally rather high on items ( the pretty much have to be since most attacks are in the 5% base range ), and this gem doesn't quite seem to measure up.
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Why is this gem blue? Critical strikes seems like it would be the domain of dexterity users, not magic.
Garrison - Closed beta Elemental Cleave DW Duelist
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power charges are in the magic tier of the tree, I think that's why increased crit chance is also int based.
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I get the feeling that the 6th class is going to be master of critical damage. Since he's pretty much right in the middle of every cluster of critical strike chance and critical multiplier (currently), I feel this is a pretty safe assumption. So it kinda makes sense that this support is int and faster/more accurate attacks are dex.
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