Winterheart, Event 2: Winterheart

This is a Signature Event. The top three experience value records across all signature races for each class wins an alternate art Demigod's Dominance at season end. You can view the current top three participants by class here.

Signature Races are Fixed Seed events, meaning that each participant plays through the same area layouts. In addition, all Signature races in a Season will use the same layout.

To see your points in the current season (and its prizes), go to this page.

You are also able to view your season and events history on your profile page, under the Seasons & Events section.

Standard rules for league events apply. Please click this link if this is your first race event.
A guide has been posted here which covers general aspects and strategies of racing.

Dead characters will still receive reward points.

Active Mods
The following league mods are active during this event:
  • Winterheart: All areas contain patches of chilled ground. Players are accelerated, rather than being slowed by being chilled.

Top Prizes:

The overall top player by experience will receive 3 Reward Points.

The top 20 players of each class by experience will receive:
  • #1 player of each class: Demigod's Dominance (Unique Golden Mantle) and 10 Reward Points.
  • #2 player of each class: 6 Reward Points.
  • #3 player of each class: 5 Reward Points.
  • #4 player of each class: 4 Reward Points.
  • #5 player of each class: 3 Reward Points.
  • #6-10 player of each class: 2 Reward Points.
  • #11-20 player of each class: 1 Reward Point.

Prizes for reaching specific levels:
  • Level 22: 10 Reward Points.
  • Level 19-21: 8 Reward Points.
  • Level 16-18: 7 Reward Points.
  • Level 12-15: 6 Reward Points.
  • Level 9-11: 4 Reward Points.
  • Level 6-8: 2 Reward Points.
  • Level 4-5: 1 Reward Point.

Random Prizes:
Reward points earned in this race grant tickets in a random draw for the following items:
  • Alternate Art Asphyxia's Wrath Unique Item (50 available to be won)
Gameplay & Level Design
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Question about Winterheart: So chilled ground now accelerates us, is this the case for attack/cast speed?
Since regular chill slows you down completely I'd say yes.
Also in the post about racing they said being on chilled ground makes your character 45% faster, so that would mean 45% faster in all aspects, movement, cast and attack speed.
1318 rank in last run :C
Dreamytje wrote:
Since regular chill slows you down completely I'd say yes.
Also in the post about racing they said being on chilled ground makes your character 45% faster, so that would mean 45% faster in all aspects, movement, cast and attack speed.

Dun forget, totem placement speed / trap / mine laying speed :P
Back to The Melee (Reaving Insight): view-thread/1240462
Fusion Skill Engineering: view-thread/1095291
1318 rank in last run :C

Oh, i'm 1318 too.. is that casual rank? :D
Ah well, 2 points, just want the quiver for starters, let's see what else ^^
Kryshlom wrote:
1318 rank in last run :C

yep i didnt like that last one either :/
hell if i know trapper and that is exactly what they forced shadow to do. i registered and joined with like no time to spare and i always play shadow. so it was like "wtf is this crap?!?" because i always use a frost blade build. GGG was like "NOPE! SCREW YOU!" flame surge and traps all the way.
Kryshlom wrote:
1318 rank in last run :C

Haha, same.
Went for CA as Ranger. Didn't work :P

Hope I'll do better this race as Ranger, tho. Still not sure whether going Bows or Melee.
shirobonq wrote:
Kryshlom wrote:
1318 rank in last run :C

Haha, same.
Went for CA as Ranger. Didn't work :P

Hope I'll do better this race as Ranger, tho. Still not sure whether going Bows or Melee.

I usually wait until I see what Hillock drops before I decide. 99% of the time I go Frost Blade/Molten Strike Duelist in my practice runs, but sometimes Hillock will drop a Rare bow (or even a Magic bow) and I'll wind up running shrapnel shot
Last edited by ShivaFang#4893 on Jan 28, 2016, 3:27:18 PM
ShivaFang wrote:
shirobonq wrote:
Kryshlom wrote:
1318 rank in last run :C

Haha, same.
Went for CA as Ranger. Didn't work :P

Hope I'll do better this race as Ranger, tho. Still not sure whether going Bows or Melee.

I usually wait until I see what Hillock drops before I decide. 99% of the time I go Frost Blade/Molten Strike Duelist in my practice runs, but sometimes Hillock will drop a Rare bow (or even a Magic bow) and I'll wind up running shrapnel shot

Instead of Shrapnel Shot or whatever, I think I'm going to give Melee Ranger a shot. Getting good bows seem quite hard early on :P

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