Trap Cooldown

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Last bumped on Oct 10, 2016, 6:11:08 PM
Don't know if this counts, since I haven't used it, but I am playing an Ice Trap Templar, and it dropped for me at level 50 (I'm now 55).

I took one look at it and noticed that it didn't add damage. Then compared it to things like conc effect, trap and mine damage, and elemental focus. I put it away in my stash with the intention of trying it out later in maps after all my gems were leveled to see if the QoL helped, but the first impression is pretty off-putting when it doesn't even start with 10% increased damage or something.

It's competing with a lot of 'more' multiplier skill gems.

Edit: that was my off-the-cuff leveling impression. I have a trap character planned for next league who will, I think, have trap cooldown as a core part of the build. I will update with more feedback then.
Last edited by innervation#4093 on Apr 19, 2016, 5:54:05 PM
I dont think Trap cooldown is currently worth the gem socket. Theres alot of issues still with trapping. I think that if the trap cooldown gem gave addition trap CD as quality instead it could be alot better, 1% per quality, let the gem have 69% total.

The problem with this gem is that you want to use it on the Trap supported skills which are also lacking because of the large cooldown.

Trap support needs to change, trap CD needs buffed soo its a viable pick in some cases over other supports.
Harvest sucks! But look at my decked out gear two weeks in!

Labyrinth salt farm miner.

"But my build diversity" , "Game is too hard!" - Meta drone playing the same 1-3 builds for years.
Its easier to just use Ice Trap with its 2 second recharge and the bonuses to saboteur for Trap Cooldown.

Those who aren't Saboteurs are most likely not using traps.

For those using the Trap support gem, the 4 second recharge time is far too high. Nobody likes to use supports to make other supports work. This is same situation with Melee Splash not working without being supported by Increased AOE gem.

Supports Gems should not be needed to support other support gems.

The tree's trap nodes should come with not only Trap Cooldown, but also have nodes that allow you to hold more charges.

At the very least, this gem should offer Less Base Recharge time by up to 50% at level 20. Bringing Trap Support's base recharge from 4 to 2 and Ice Trap's recharge from 2 to 1 would allow you to have twice as many traps over time. Add in the 30% increased recovery speed (or 70% with saboteur) would bring these times down to 1.53/1.17 sec for Trap Support and 0.769/0.588 sec for Ice Trap, allowing us to throw traps at bosses as fast as we can, making full use of our Trap Throwing Speed and getting our charges back fast enough that we can assault bosses more with our traps rather than run around waiting for charges.

This would give that damage increase that we expect out of our support gems. As a quality of life gem in its current state, its not strong enough.

To add, please make quality of gems worthwhile as a whole. We would use this support to give us faster recharge speed. The support should increase this effect, not offer Trap Damage. This goes for other gems like Increased AOE granting Radius over Area Damage, or Auras offering Increased Radius (which it already gets per level) when it could offer Increased Aura Effectiveness.
Last edited by darkwolf7786#1507 on Oct 3, 2016, 2:33:02 PM
First of all, my english is not the best! ( Regards from Brazil!)

I'm currently playing as Ocultist Soul Strike Vortex Trap, having a lot of trouble with the Trap Cooldown. I was playing as Saboteur with Ice Trap with almost 20k avg damage 5L but I just realized that Saboteur isn't a unique Ascendancy class cause almost all nodes we can take from passive. So the Sunblast is working great instead of Chain Reaction, but the CD of 4 seconds it's really hurts for me. The gem reduce CD helps a little but I lose a gem space cause as the other guys said, it gives no damage. So what I think as a solution is:

-Reduce Cooldown of Trap Support;

-Add Increase Damage to Trap Cooldown Support Gem;

-Saboteur needs unique nodes that changes the hole mechanic with playing as trapper;

-Allow to take a keystone that adds 1 more Trap to carry.

Overall Playing with traps is really strong but kinda annoying because of the cooldown. Nerf the damage of some traps like Ice Trap and Trap Support but Buff the Trap mechanic to make more fun without make Traps unusable.

Thanks! LucasBbs

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