Noob Plays a Marauder

So I made my first character two weeks ago which ended up as an elemental caster Templar. Things went great on Normal, rapidly degenerated to mediocre on Cruel, and Merciless was, well... kind of merciless. I decided to bite the bullet and start over with a new char and recorded and edited up my first impressions of being a Marauder. I'm going to build tanky. There's a lot of theorycraft I assure you, and all of it is "be harder to kill."

You can watch it here. Do you see the underline? Click that! Pretty 2006, huh?
Last bumped on Mar 30, 2016, 12:56:57 AM
If you think you need any help for the game, just pm me or send me a ingame message i think teh IGN i will use will be lolTheFloorIsSpark. so i will be there to help :)

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