Zetpro's buildlist
2.2 builds ( WIP )
2.2 Pizzablast elementalist
this build is lvl 100 viable i did push rank 1 on the ladder from hour 16 or so day 1 to mid day 6 ( Perandus SC league ) SkillTree http://www.poeplanner.com/AAAABAMDASzphrMA7mqs0_takah9gsco-sM6TePyRf4K_o864aZXNZLYvYPbVcY6WHyDLJzr7icvGjiQVWHiVUsmlQ5cRX5q-rUEGmzwHwSzogDKSm-e5CIpTwQHfVtRTBhWaHTaYh2-A-4zhzrYGo_22vsJPycqTew47Ip9GGvbCPTAVLzqGYpmVCSqNukWb-NqU1Ka4EWdD6vv69AfkBGKr3vDksGOvoMJVIKj74TFm7VfsKxHakO18m6qFr-Fe1-YzzJZbUyz-eh4DcAabzvfsBEtQYe3PoNfPC2DzLiTHNyPGjLRVdaApGTnFy8ki0VHbRn60sBmSsibir5PFSeMsUiO7IM= i dont have any gear left on this one but what i did use was 5L Cloak of flame until i had LC i was planning to use Redblade helmet ( for obvious synergy ) i was running Taste of hate Auras were Clarity + AA i was DW Consuming dark + Doon's ( consuming dark straight up to not 1shot myself to reflect ) i never had the time or currency to test shaper of desolation with x2 consuming dark links were Flameblast+Inc aoe+Faster casting+Controlled destruction+Innervate, 6th link option would be Iron will ( had around 450ish str or so and is no mana multiplier ) or Empower or Inc Burning damage or void manipulation incase of x2 consuming dark Bandits Normal Oak Cruel Alira/Kill Merciless Oak/Kraytin/Kill ( used bloodrage for frenzycharges ) 2.2 SRS Necromancer
Lvl 100 viable confirmed https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/piratkuk/characters search for ZetProTrashBuild Skilltree http://www.poeplanner.com/AAAABAMDASzphrMA7mqs0_takah9gsco-sM6TePyRf4K_o864aZXNZLYvYPbVcY6WHyDLJzr7icvGjiQVWHiVUsmlQ5cRX5q-rUEGmzwHwSzogDKSm-e5CIpTwQHfVtRTBhWaHTaYh2-A-4zhzrYGo_22vsJPycqTew47Ip9GGvbCPTAVLzqGYpmVCSqNukWb-NqU1Ka4EWdD6vv69AfkBGKr3vDksGOvoMJVIKj74TFm7VfsKxHakO18m6qFr-Fe1-YzzJZbUyz-eh4DcAabzvfsBEtQYe3PoNfPC2DzLiTHNyPGjLRVdaApGTnFy8ki0VHbRn60sBmSsibihUnjLFIjuyDvk8= GEAR JEWELS bandits Normal OAK Cruel KILL Merciless KILL/OAK You should keep in mind following gloves can have 10-15% minion damage crafted from lvl 4 catarina ( PREFIX ) gloves can be corrupted for 4-6% cast speed implicit or 2-4% chaos res ( for lategame min-maxing ) amulet can be corrupted 15-20% minion damage implicit ( for lategame min-maxing ) "WHY NOT USE KAOMS OVER LC???? IT'S MORE HP DUDURUDURUDRUDURU" i tried kaoms and it was the first time EVER i tried a kaoms build and holy fuck i hated it, getting stunned 24/7 because your "reliable mitigation" was just a TOH and not to mention i flipped my fucking table when i died not once but TWICE at lvl 97 THE SAME DAY DUE TO THE FACT I HAD KAOMS AND NOT LC, oh and capping resist is easy as shit even with coil because jewels life+minion dmg+res is like 20ish chaos each and you will have 100% uptime on your utility flasks as i mention a bit later and a nice note ever since i went from kaoms to coil i never felt like i was in danger EVER Warning i would not recommend doing this build solo to 100, it cost A LOT and clearspeed is not supergood however it is SUPERSAFE build, you could try to be creative and skip 1 aura and go into cursenodes and go for some curse action i didnt mess around too much i did however try 21 anger + hatred + generosity and grace vs hatred+generosity and grace+haste imo haste+grace+hatred was way better in term of clearspeed, you might ask "why not run bone offering? and be super safe" i never tried bone offering but i never felt it was necessary, IMO +30 ms/as/castspeed gives AT LEAST just as much surviveability as bone offering "but why is that it gives no defensive stats?" well you manover better ( EXTERMLY NOTICEABLE IN TEMPCHAIN MAPS ) and not to mention your clearspeed will be way better and since you dont have to focus on many things dodging things is easy as shit when you're a racecar, at lvl 100 i'm currently at 6797 hp + LC + TOH could potentially get 6% more hp from better jewels, get a leather belt with that insane hp + reduced flask charges, way better amulet and it's worth to mention with a 17% or higher reduced flask charges used belt + the node in the tree you get 3 uses of your Taste of hate instead of 2, not to mention 100% uptime on utility flask with this build is rather easy ( but the 3 uses of utility flask REALLY shines in bossfights ) can do ANY mapmod, probably the worst case scenario would be something like Bloodmagic, Temp chain, No regen, Fire resistence, Monster life, Turbo blood magic with 1 or 2 of those mods is fine but more than that i'd say you should consider skipping that map ( at least if you're playing HC ) 2.4 Assassin BV dual void battery life build
some Q and A Q: Why Assassin and not pathfinder? A: i always wanted to try a dual void battery build seeing as i have never used even 1 void battery ever prior to this and assassin looks way more suitable for that Q: why no unique flasks? are you a fucking trashcan? A: there are many reasons tbh, i dont have enough flask nodes to sustain in shitty density maps, i'm wearing a HH so i cannot get a sick flask belt, and it really sucks relying on unique flasks in those maps because i overuse flasks rather than not using them enough so being without your toh+rumi+vinktar+whatever in a time where you absolutely must have them sucks more balls than anything Q: can i do this as another class / go CI? A: sure you can i'm currently in the process of respeccing into CI Q: omg why mom when you have basically no mana? A: because i have no real mitigation so i need to get as much as hp i can from whatever source i can and having 450 unspent mana while having you leech with boots enchant + warlords mark is now having +450 life #ghettokaomsheart Q: why dont you get a lightning coil or a more defensive chest? A: because capping the resistance is a bitch and not to mention for mapping in general BV aoe IMO doesnt feel "good" until you have templar aoe+witch aoe+carcass+inc aoe thats when the "aoe" finally felt acceptable in my standard, all though a lightningcoil would be pretty damn good if you could cap your res with it ( not wearing a HH is an easy fix or using a shield over void battery #2 ) Q: why dont you go for 100? A: because the XP nerf since perandus is just disgusting, i did 2 characters to lvl 100 in perandus and that was a real bitch but now getting to 97 took me pretty much just as long as hit 1 lvl 100 even though my clearspeed was better i had better map pool Q: OMG HOW YOU GOT THOSE ITEMS UNDER 2 WEEKS IN A FRESH LEAGUE? A: streamer rng.... rofl just kidding, just insane amount of hours and play and toying around on poe.trade, the first 3 days i dont think i found anything worth more than 15 chaos, it was just selling an insane amount of crappy 2-10 chaos items, sold everything underpriced to get currency asap and before i went to bed every night i traded all my shitty currency into chaos and all my chaos into exalt > wake up after 4-8 hours of sleep exalts have gone up in price by 1-6 chaos everytime, i did like 2 flips but only gave me like 2.5 ex profit in total everything else was just the result of small value item being sold, oh and as soon as i had my +1 tabula+2void battery i put 99% of my currency into The doctor divination card and on day 8 i had my headhunter, and tbh i cant remember what good item i have found this league, nothing worth more than 1.5 ex
gear i used
6.4k HP 450 unreserved mana ( have MoM ) tooltip dps was something like 140-150k fully buffed ( the avg crit did around 28k damage phys/cold ) this was a pretty solid "starter" build i ran from day 1 of essence league this is at day 13 i believe and i just hit lvl and have decided not to play for xp anymore and going to try the guardians / shaper / uber / 36-40 challenges and so on, but i will have to say the "life" based version is not viable for red maps unless you make some adjustment because with just 1 damage mod you will get 1shot to volatile in red maps, so i am currently in the process of gearing up to go CI, however the life version did keep me in top 10 from day1 to day13 i did run a +1 tabula for a very long time ( only cost me like 1.75 ex ) so it was a great investment to make early to skyrocket my dps ( since the void batterys were rather expensive ) i did end up paying in total 13ex for both void batterys 40 ex for the headhunter 7.5ex for the carcass and got rly lucky with the 21 gem on my second one =) as far as links go i'd say BV+Inc aoe+LL+controlled destruction+crit dmg, then for 6th link you have an option of either Empower/Spell echo/added fire now keep in mind if you do not have a 6 link i would very much recommend using spell echo, i personally never used added fire i think it's poop because it gives straight up added fire damage while crit damage or empower for example gives me more physical damage and cold damage ( which helps you shatter more and apply more curse on hit aswell as keep you safer ), echo makes it feels smoother when you do not have enough DPS, but once you get over a certain treshold empower just feels so much better, oh and obviously swap out INC aoe with Conc effect on bosses, with my fully buffed life based setup ( not including any headhunter buffs ) my blade vortex on an avg crit ( with inc aoe ) did 3615-5414 total damage and a 603% crit multi which makes my avg crit deal 31736,935 dmg ( my math might be wrong since i'm writing this after a 20 hour session ) 3615 + 5414 / 2 = 4514,5 * 7.03 = 31736,935 * 2 ( the amount of times each blade vortex hit per second ) = 63473,87 * 20 = 1269477,4 ( maximum number of blade vortex stacks ) now i am aware this is not the "true dps" seeing as not every hit is a crit and monsters armour / cold resistance is not factored in but as you can probably figure out these numbers are high enough to wreck pretty much everything ( assuming you have the time to get up to 20 and be fully buffed ) i believe my crit rate was smt like 88-92% ( cant remember and have already respecced ) and i did not calc that into this little penis measure contest ( mostly because i'm tired and i suck at math other than basic shit ) oh and i should have mention this build i have managed to complete like 107/125 in the atlas pretty much solo, all bosses i fought head on without any research and honestly at the start none were "hard" and the more geared i got the more i just facerolled everything my gear ( CI ) notice my res is NOT capped and not for eleweakness ( abrely playing and when i do i rely on my flasks ) almost 11k es having no real issues
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thats what i play : vortexthyl character
just removed FB cause i lacked life i just dont have 7 life jewels :( can u detail your CI transition plans ? Im planning doing the same but i dont really know how.. shavs for LL or pure ES stacking etc Last edited by ouis#3631 on Sep 16, 2016, 3:20:02 PM
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" i went CI a while back have not checked the thread up until now, it went kinda smooth all though my gear is really not what i want it to be, lacking resistance so just relying on flasks also experimenting with poison since i'm doing less mapping, and going to try the toxic delivery route but i'm not playing a lot of poe right now. currently at 10k es with dual void battery and it's a decent amount of es to aim for, |
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