My 2-Week Perandus HC Highlight Reel
Hi guys,
since I always enjoy watching Hightlights from others, I decided to record my gaming in the 2w Perandus Flashback. I played until day 8 and lost 4 characters in total :-P. I made a short compilation of my RIPs. All are the consequent of poor gameplay and could have been easily avoided - but this is what I like about playing HC in Path of Exile; mistakes get punished without exception. I also made a longer clip (~13 min) of my personal highlights including the RIPs and stuff like drops, fails, etc.: I am no good video editor and only worked with Freeware (which was a pain). I am also no over-ambitious player; this is no build showcase neither material to learn from. Only entertainment. I wanted to give something back after leeching off and feasting on all the highlights and RIPs of others. Feel free to comment and don't be too hard on me :) Cheers Last bumped on May 21, 2016, 8:47:53 AM
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" Don't be so hard on yourself, that was quite enjoyable to watch. The editing was better than quite a bit of the stuff floating around youtube. I lol'd hard when the MK music kicked in. :P Just a lowly standard player. May RNGesus be with you.
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That was actually pretty funny - love the comedy you took the time to inject throughout. The bug sequences like Piety and the immortal Queen were hilarious.
✰CARD✰ The Survivalist
I can’t buy any more big supporter packs because the forum only supports showing 7 legacy tags. |
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