3D Printable Chaos Orb

Hey everyone, just finished creating a 3D Printable Chaos Orb.
The model is out for everyone to use, no cost to download on Thingiverse:

To Download your own Chaos Orb:
Version 1 (Smooth Original) Thingiverse – https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1597308

Version 2 (Better & More Like Pendant) Thingiverse – https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1597301

Shapeways 3D Printing Services (I have never personally used them. If you do use their services, please let me know how it prints!)

Version 1 (Smooth):
Version 2 (Closer to Ref Imagery):

There are two version, one which is smoother and another that is closer to the reference material.
If you want to watch how I created it every step of the way, the videos are at:

Hope you all enjoy, and if you can think of anything else from POE that you'd like me to translate over into a 3D printable object let me know!
Last bumped on Sep 23, 2017, 4:08:33 PM
Having trouble with ShapeWays site.
Here are the lower poly (but just as good quality) models in STL form. This polycount and size should be under most website restrictions. So you can take them wherever you want to print.


Let me know how they turn out.

Hey GeoLec! These are amazing! Really well done and very cool to see :D

Would love to see more 3D printed PoE stuff in the future! It would be awesome to see a Ventor's Gamble ring, Exalted Orb, or Vaal Orb ;)
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Queen of Padlocks
Had to come and bump this.
Followed it through reddit, one of the best community showcases ever.
Hope this makes into that GGG post they make showcasing the showcases :)
Thank you for your great work. Here is my chaos orb based on your 3D model.


Left side

Right side

fookin radical my dude

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