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Last edited by Jess_GGG#0000 on Jun 7, 2018, 8:24:35 PM
Last bumped on Jun 7, 2018, 8:25:22 PM
So far loving the new skill from the perspective of FW. Can't say a huge amount at this point (mid 20's), but a solid skill.

It may just be me at this point (low accuracy and such), but it seems like right in front of my toon there is a "dead" spot where I simply miss more often..when in reality this should be the easiest spot to hit mobs due to the arcing crossover of the strikes.

I will test further to know for sure.
i also like this skill. seem like a mixte of reave and cleave.

i feel like there a death spot too. when mobs are to close of you, the one in between seem to not get touch. i feel like this skill definitly need to be played like a ranged, you need to attack them in range to be effective and get hit.

edit: ok i just bought a quality lacerate (18%) that give 9% inc aoe and it does a HUDGE difference. cant wait to see what it with look like with inc aoe gem+inc aoe nods near templar. that going to be hudge :)

Last edited by zakariusqc#1505 on Jun 3, 2016, 9:50:58 PM
Just wondering: GGG is aware of it breaking sound, right?
zankioh wrote:
Just wondering: GGG is aware of it breaking sound, right?

yes they know it. they are working on it atm. i just hope it wont take to much time.....its so fking annoying to play with the sound that bug like that....

i also hope they will make a good MTX soon for that skill. it look a bit *not impressive* a gore MTX or something original

edit: hum actualy i think its already fixed. i dont get any sound bug with lacerate anymore :)

Last edited by zakariusqc#1505 on Jun 4, 2016, 1:08:39 PM
ok i just found something weird with lacerate......we talked about a blindspot in the middle that seem to miss most of the time.....i found how to get ride of it. resolute technique lol. the skill feel a LOT better with it. go take RT asap if you suffer from blindspot

I LOVE the feel of this skill. It's like Lightning Strike if LS could go through obstacles and allowed you to attack in place without holding shift!

My only complaint is damage. The low damage multiplier plus 30% less attack speed is overkill. It's almost there, but you've fallen short, much like with Cleave's radius. I'm psyched that we have another true dual wield skill, but I'm disappointed that it doesn't feel competitive. Poor melee :(
Dreamfeather Elemental Cleave Ranger:
Last edited by Tempada#2630 on Jun 4, 2016, 11:47:30 PM
Been using this skill till 60 as a dual wielder. Links = Fortify, multistrike & melee physical damage.

I really think you should remove the -30%less speed, it's killing the gem in my opinion. Swapped to Cleave and now i just can't understand why i decided to keep Lacerate so long.

I also disliked the interaction with multistrike(if i understand how it works). Instead of swapping to an other target after one hit, it will swap after two and with the less att speed clearing a packs feels even more slower. But maybe this is just a core aspect off the skill? Anyway i really didn't like it and will definitely not use it again.
Somehow, I love to play new skills on the day one, and 100% of the time, the skills I chose would be underwhelmed.

Reave with "always misses" bug, then buff to its current state.
Frost Blade, which GGG buffed it everyway possible.
Wild Strike, which was so bad, and they buff it to certain degree.

Now with Lacerate, I hope GGG would do something with it. Speed, Power, or Size.

I agree with others that the attack speed penalty is too harsh. I understand that the skill hit 2 times with AoE, so there must be downside.

But 30% less attack speed is too high. In my opinion, this killed the 2 handed sword / axe builds. Those already have low attack speed, with "LESS", they are not even a choice. Even with 1 handed weapon, I have to use variety of attack speed source to make the leveling not so bad. Actually, with 3 frenzy chart w/ Blood Rage & Lightning Golem & Onslaught Flask, Lacerate could surpass Reave for killing bosses and rares. Yet even with all of those, I could get only ~0.5 APS.

Apart from the attack speed, the damage effectiveness is a bit too low.... I'm not sure. Those mobs in the shotgun area are quickly obliterated. But others on the side...

Which come to my own conclusion that Increase AoE is a must for Lacerate.

I'm testing Lacerate w/ dual wielding to counter the penalty. Let see how far could I go with the idea...
This skill is awesome please fix the sound issue

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