PoE Cosplay Project

Hi everyone, I was at Wizard World Philadelphia just a month ago and was thinking about my next cosplay project. For WW Philly, my friend and I went as Monster Hunters and we managed to win best in show! Anyway, I really want to do something PoE related and thought, what armor sets or pieces all together would be most representative of PoE?

In terms of stuff that looks cool, I am a big fan of the Demon King armor set, but I'm open to suggestions. I don't expect that people should recognize it necessarily. Even as big as Monster Hunter is, many people still had no idea what game our armors were from, even though they were some of the most iconic armor sets, so I would expect even less for PoE.

So my questions to the community are:

1. What armors/sets/weapons do you think are most iconic of PoE?

2. What would you think would be the coolest to see IRL?

3. Does anybody else cosplay? PoE or otherwise?

Just for the curious, you can find my stuff at MulhollandArt on Instagram and Mulholland Art Prop-making on Facebook pages.
Last bumped on Jul 14, 2016, 9:59:37 PM
Holy crap those Monster Hunter armors look fantastic, very well done! I wouldn't know what to suggest PoE-wise but I look forward to seeing whatever you decide on.

There is another cosplayer on the forums, she has shared a couple of her projects here and here. :)
Just a lowly standard player. May RNGesus be with you.
Thanks! Much appreciated. Those are pretty fun. The appeal of the heavy armors is that, even without knowing PoE, people might still enjoy them. I wear my Tabula Rasa shirt all the time, I've never once been noticed for it lol.

The Ice Armor would also be pretty cool. Maybe I could incorporate some dry ice or a small fog machine for the effect.
The most iconic armour is probably Kaom's Heart. A pre-corruption King Kaom cosplay in full armour and with his axe would look pretty amazing I'd imagine.

While pretty iconic, it's perhaps also a bit plain though.
My supporter items: Victario's Charity and The Forsaken

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