In Between Season Event 6: Descent Champions

To see the available prizes of the current events, go to this page.

The top of each class in each race will be awarded a Demigod's Dominance Body Armour.
10 out of the top 50 players of each race will receive a specific armour set. 30 out of the top 300 players of each race will receive a set of footprints. These winners will be selected through a random draw. This excludes cutthroat races where no microtransactions will be awarded.

The prizes will be awarded after the weekend of races has concluded. We'll be issuing these manually during the work-day.

Standard rules for league events apply. Please click this link if this is your first race event.
A guide has been posted here which covers general aspects and strategies of racing.

You are able to read up information regarding Descent: Champions events here

Descent events are voided

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Last bumped on Nov 4, 2016, 8:48:06 PM
Volatile Iceblood golem :|
my fault though, had enough time to react and I flame dashed into him rather than away from him
ProjectPT was right.
Well I messed this one up good.. I thought it was just the kill as fast as possible so I killed him in 24 minutes instead of getting exp, oops! Remember to read the whole thing!
entered halls at level 18.5 Full cleared all 3 halls, no mobs :(
GGG please put mobs in my instances next time, k thx
40 minute hour long race lol
I used to be apathetic, now I just don't care.
Why did i think it was a kill race.. reep xD

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