Race Event 75: 3 Hour Malachai

This event is part of the Beta Events Schedule. You can read more about this schedule here.

Standard rules for league events apply. Please click this link if this is your first race event.
A guide has been posted here which covers general aspects and strategies of racing.

Dead characters will still be eligible for prizes.

Active Mods
The following league mods are active during this event:
  • Fixed Seed: All instances of a given area have the same area layout, for all players. Multiple Race Events will regularly have the same seed. That is, the instance area layouts will be same in all the races of a fixed seed set. This includes all Signature events.

A summary of Time based events:

Time based events are designed to create a competitive environment where players compete not by character experience, but by their ability to progress through the game and complete specific objectives, such as killing bosses.

The boss required to be defeated for this race is: Malachai, The Nightmare, located in The Harvest.

  • The time recorded is based from the beginning of the race, not when your character is created.
  • Characters will not appear on the ladder until they have completed the objective.


The top player of each of the seven classes by time will receive a Demigod's Dominance (Unique Golden Mantle).

Prizes for this event:
The following prizes are available to players who achieve specific time ranks.:
  • Top 100: 25x Antlers.
  • Top 50: 15x Beta Keys and 10x Radiant Weapon Effect.
Gameplay & Level Design
Need help? Contact support@grindinggear.com
Last bumped on Jun 20, 2017, 4:18:29 PM
I got this many times in this event.
Last edited by klisman#5198 on Jun 20, 2017, 12:27:03 PM
Pretty shit rng, but i played pretty well i feel so the time ended up being decent, no sub 1:20 tho so ima kms
4 Seconds
My first long race ever, died to Dominus's tittybitch in 1:59:32 @level 26 as a SRS/Flametotem Witch xD

So too low level, to little DPS ( and probably the levelreq 28 3L chest would have saved me(moar armour))
Malachai dead after 2h 17min 02sec.

Place: 33
Templar: 5

:). GG everybody
3 crashed, and the last one is BSOD, I gave up.
I Believe I Can Fly ~~~~
Swarox wrote:
4 Seconds

gg ^^
give me key pls
Alright, so who else saw the reddit thread...
"Ranger Demigod from 3 hour Malachai kill went to someone who killed him in 2h59m27s... only 30 seconds left to spare"

Lol I had a go but had no idea how to level. Got lucky with a Shiversting but had already committed into dual-wield talents so I just frostbladed my way up to act 4 yuck.

10mins til race ends, my ISP decides to fuck me and my internet just stops halfway during Maligaro fight. Somehow didn't die, relogged and got the kill, 5th Ranger, 76th overall.

I need new hobbies.

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