Basilisk's Grave
VIDEO W/ TIMELAPSE Here's a test using Zana's Birdcage as the primary lighting for the hideout and minimal use of warm lighting. The central theme is a basilisk skeleton that coils throughout the hideout. The overgrown cave has multiple openings in the ceiling to allow for plant growth. Waypoint room. The junction. Ladder room. Portal room. Last bumped on Jan 7, 2018, 11:38:52 PM
Wow. This is simply stunning. Each decoration seems to perfectly fit the rest.
How long did it take you to create this? |
Thanks. Around 8 hours, maybe more. I was keeping track with the timelapse but I forgot to record doing finishing touches.
Nice hideout!!! I especially like the timelapse of you putting it all together.
Quick question; what mtx/armor did you use to become "invisible"? 17/04/2021
"We tell people that Path of Exile league starts are a fair playing field for everyone, and we need to actually make sure that is the reality." A BLATANT LIE by the HMFIIC. Perhaps GGG should consider a leadership change. |
Quartz flask + phase run.
Very cool. I like the atmosphere.
That timelapse video reminded me how much work it takes to make a decent hideout. Is probably the reason I didn't make one in ages. IGN: VanessaXY, Hideouts: 1729744, Build: 1746064, Witch CI
This hideout is absolutelly beautiful. You have done a great job at making it look very un--Zana like!
Just... wow. I only have 3 things to say here:
1. What an amazing job! Seriously, I couldn't even identify what hideout type it used to be! 2. GGG, please, PLEASE make getting hideout decorations easier! Decorating them is already a task only a small minority of the player base actually does, but binding the decorations to masters just makes it so damn difficult to do... 3. I feel bad now for thinking that I do an acceptable job with my hideouts... heck compared to this mine look like a childs picture compared to the mona lisa. I still have lots to learn when it comes to decorating hideouts :/ I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
" GGG literally just made hideout decorations more accessible to people who play leagues. All hideout decorations, including master benches, are now global and can be used cross league. To hit level 8 on all your masters it takes like a month now, if you're grinding hard then maybe a week or so. Zana and Leo are the obvious exception, but Leo has less than 10 decorations and Zana only takes a short while longer. That means pretty much everyone who has played a league fully will have most if not all their masters at level 8, excluding Leo. With that you can buy and use almost everything you need, and it doesn't really take much effort to farm a bit more favor. All my masters besides Leo have several million favor, and I rarely even play leagues. Back on to the main thread, I'm always glad to see someone make Zana's base look good. Almost every hideout I see using her base looks like shit, so it's nice to see a change. Good stuff. |