Dragon Keep by BananowyPrzemko

Hello there! :)

I'am playing PoE since 2012. In every league I played I made some crazy hideouts. I wonna share with You my newest creation - Dragon Keep. I hope you enjoy. Too see in full resolution - right click and see image in new window ;)

Waypoint spot

Map device room entrance

Map device room

Dragon Throne room entrance

Dragon Throne room

Last bumped on Sep 13, 2017, 3:58:33 PM
Nicely done ^_^
Luscas 'Lusquera' Bx

I've been wondering though, where do all these decorations come from? There's clearly not that many in the MTX shop. Is all this MTX or what?
Windfuriouss wrote:

I've been wondering though, where do all these decorations come from? There's clearly not that many in the MTX shop. Is all this MTX or what?

There is nothing from shop, all decoration from masters. Now when you can have decorations from previous leagues, I stored quite quantity of them (like throne). ;)

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