Saqawal armour set - Tornado mechanic
I had the chance to play a bit around with this full body armour and I made the version with very low duration so it would proc tornados quickly and often.
Apart from the fact that proc rate is super random, helmet should shoot atleast 3 tornados as a base and they move very VERY slowly the main thing is the art and most importantly the SOUND. After around 2-3 hours of playing with it due to the annoying sound it makes whenever it shoots and the art not representing the hitbox correctly (Also they somehow make me feel sick on their own) I almost thought that I will puke from the sound of the tornados after few hours of playing. It might be personal issue but the sound should really get a change if nothing because it is really really bad to listen to. Sadly I have to now figure out what else to use with my build since the build as it is makes me feel sick from playing thanks to amazing sound design. :) Last bumped on Mar 19, 2018, 12:44:27 PM
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